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欧洲海关联盟 保护人员、促进贸易 European Customs Union Protecting people and facilitating trade. 海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders. 海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders.
欧洲海关联盟 保护人员、促进贸易 European Customs Union Protecting people and facilitating trade
海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关监督国际海陆空跨境货物贸易 Customs supervise the international trade in goods at land, sea and air borders
海关协助打击假冒伪劣商品,保护公民和贸易 Customs help fight trade in counterfeit goods to protect citizens and businesses Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关协助打击假冒伪劣商品,保护公民和贸易 Customs help fight trade in counterfeit goods to protect citizens and businesses Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关保护消费者免受危险药品的侵害 Customs help protect consumers against dangerous medicines 10. Mai 2010 Presentation TAXUD/A2 9
海关保护濒危物种 Customs protect endangered species Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关保护濒危物种 Customs protect endangered species 10. Mai 2010 Presentation TAXUD/A2 11
海关保护濒危物种 Customs protect endangered species Presentation TAXUD/A2
海关确保化学物品不得转为生产违法毒品,如可卡因、海洛因或摇头丸。海关确保化学物品不得转为生产违法毒品,如可卡因、海洛因或摇头丸。 Customs make sure chemicals are not diverted for the production of illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin or ecstasy Presentation TAXUD/A2