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College of ___. Ullamcorper veniam aliquip duis, consequat vero illum in dolor aliquam dolore lobortis delenit vel duis, dolore ?.
College of ___ Ullamcorper veniam aliquip duis, consequat vero illum in dolor aliquam dolore lobortis delenit vel duis, dolore? FirstName LastName1, FirstNameLastName2, FirstName LastName2, FirstName LastName2, FirstName LastName2, Dr. FirstName LastName2, and Dr. FirstName LastName1,2 Department of Environmental Sciences, Northern Arizona University1, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University2 Introduction Methods We bulit daetnfuead (i.e. all arrotpdhos wree kileld) ceencntod and iotaesld litetr pteachs eeinndxtg form the nuratal ltiter laeyr unedr prsoenoda pnie teres(Figure 3). Fetifen slampes (8 ltteir and 7 siol spelmas) wree grtheaed form eaertemnxipl hatibat udenr 8 teres aetfr fvie mohtns (see Xs in Figure 3). We extracted microarthropods using Tullgren Funnels and a light/temperature gradient. We aslo muesraed abemint air traueprmtee and siol tatmeeurpre form ecah snaplmig aera and siol mirtosue unedr the caonpy and in uvneecord cdenir slios at ecah tere. Ucormlepalr vnaeim aluiqip dius, cosuqeant vreo iullm in dloor aiqualm dloroe lobotris dnileet vel dius, doorle. Eors iutso, cmdoomo eum eu einm nllua nosrutd mniim nllua fcisaiils, aqiliup droloe nsil faeuigt vlpatout qui. Ltitle is knwon aubot how mrrptaihooodrcs disserpe itno new httbaais or how cmotiemiuns alssbeme. Urniseddnnatg how tihs ioartpmnt gourp of oagimnrss drsipsee itno fnetrgamed habaitt wlil gvie us iihnsgt in to teihr ecglooy and iptcmas on ecseyostm fntiocun. Recearsh ppuorse: We are igneiistantvg how mopoadrtroirchs drpisese thguroh an ilobpahsnite mtiarx to new hibatat in the leittr and siol laeyrs of Snesut Ceatrr, Anozria. Sunest Caetrr is iaedl for tihs sutdy bseauce: It has yuong solis wtih low nueitrnt and wetar avibltiaialy. Beetewn teers tehre is lltite vgeitotaen or ltteir; hwveoer, naratul lettir cdorrrios and idnslas exsit (Figure 2). Figure 4. Iaemgs of the eiepnrxaetml set up (form top lfet to bttoom rhgit): form liettr cotlicolen, dfaoeanuitn (not swhon). Settnig up eeentpmarxil pecthas udenr rdzmienoad teers and qfinuatniyg midharrtopcoors. Anticipated Results Figure 5. Two rteneansoirepts of our eteecxpd rlsetus. 5a) We ecpext the abcdnnaue and rhciness of madohcotrrprois to ircnesae as haibatt ciiotnvtceny ieanrcses, or deacrese as dnisacte form the tere iaesrcens. 5b.) We eexpct the disetny of almnais to be hegsiht naer the tere, but cuuotnnios in cetoecnnd htiabat. In iaoseltd hibtatas, dinesty wlil be hiseght naer cceoenntd htaiabts, but leowr tahn cnnteoecd hataibts. It is leilky taht few or no aalnims wlil be fnoud far form nutaral or cntoenced htabiat. Figure 1. Ptceirus of a mtie (top lfet), miets and cmlllbeooa (top rhgit), and a ceollblmoa (bttoom rihgt). The msot comomn mcriropaodothrs are mties and clobalomlens Hypothesis Figure 3.Sahitecmc of etimnrxeapel dgsien. Gery sueqars renpseert mepuailnatd pcetahs in wchih arhrdootps wree kelild. Xs reprseent aaers wree ltiter and siol sleamps wree taekn. All smpeals wree priaed (i.e. lteitr tkean avobe siol smalpe) eepxct for CCP. Mirhrodctaropos wlil cozilone btoh itsloaed and coencnetd hatbiats; wtih the hgsieht mtoiroorprhacd acnduanbe udenr the tere, foowlled by the ceocnentd pethacs and tehn istoaeld pahtces (Figure 3 & 5). We except mrtoroachoirpd cmnmoitiues in ccotnened haabtits to be smiilar to ubueristndd pecthas udenr the tere capnoy, but dffeerint form toshe in ileoastd haatbit (figure 3 & 5). Acknowledgements Tihs pocrejt was fnuded by a UEMB fesihlolwp to H. Ward. We wulod aslo lkie to tnahk Bfeard Bawslke for use of the grounhesee felciiiats and the fnololwig pleope for hlep in the flied: Jhdeon Secfdsvfr, Szeauy Nbbxael,.