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Creating knowledge VII 16 August 2013

Education based on scholarship. Creating knowledge VII 16 August 2013. Jenny Magnusson Claes Malmberg Hanna Wilhelmsson. A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT. Ann-Britt Pramgård , Library & IT services Ewa Stenberg, Library & IT services Hanna Wilhelmsson, Library & IT services

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Creating knowledge VII 16 August 2013

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  1. Education based on scholarship Creating knowledge VII 16 August 2013 Jenny Magnusson Claes Malmberg Hanna Wilhelmsson

  2. A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT Ann-Britt Pramgård, Library & IT services Ewa Stenberg, Library & IT services Hanna Wilhelmsson, Library & IT services Jenny Magnusson, Library & IT services Pablo Tapia, Library & IT services Claes Malmberg, Centre for scholarship of teaching and learning/Faculty of Education & Society Creating knowledge vii 2013 08 16


  4. METHOD • Interviews with students, teachers (programme responsibles) and librarians. • Five different programmes: • 2 modern (new) professional • 2 semi-professional • 1 traditional social sciences programme. CREATING KNOWLEDGE VII

  5. Scholarly base of education firmly established with teachers, but more unclear to students (Säljö & Södling, 2006) BACKGROUND Several ways of defining research-based education (Säljö & Södling, 2006) Recognizing scholarly texts is third most common problem among students (Library & IT, Malmö university, 2011) Professional information practices differ (a lot) from student information practice (Hedman, Lundh & Sundin, 2009) Students should participate in research practices, not just be consumers (Lambert, 2009) Creating knowledge vii 2013 08 16

  6. Emerging themes • Integrating research and education • Research and professional life • Progression • Interdisciplinarity • The role of the library Creating knowledge VII

  7. Well, I think it is important to be updated, to know what to find within the research field /... / to show that there is always something going on in the subject we study. That scientific articles are published (sigh) to strengthen the subject/ ... / that things happen, that one is doing research and finds new ways to work, so... (S6). WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO INTEGRATE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION? Literature /…/ many students had difficulties finding scientific articles, because they didn’t really know what it was. (S1). Almost all student have the same difficulties. They find too much information. They find too little information. They don’t know why they should search for information. They don’t know if they can trust the source. (L2) Students do not always use scientific articles in their thesis work. They would rather quote textbooks. It is not enough. (T1) Creating knowledge VII

  8. Students assimilate theories that they can connect to their practical work. I’m doubtful if they can handle other kinds of research. (T2) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO INTEGRATE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION? Use of research We have not discussed how to use the research in future. It is rather…it is up to each student. (S5) Creating knowledge VII

  9. The teachers have not talked about their own research. (S1) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO INTEGRATE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION? There are not many teachers at our department who are involved in research. (T5) Research within the department/university Many PhDs prioritize research but not teaching. (T3) Creating knowledge VII

  10. I wish that students’ thesis work could be part of bigger research going on. I have not seen that at all. (T2) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO INTEGRATE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION? We need to involve the students in our research. That presupposes that the teachers are actively involved in research. (T1) Participating in research We need a register of potential interesting research topics and we need to find students who think it is exciting to engage in research. (T1) For me it would be fun to be engaged in a research project. (L1) Creating knowledge VII

  11. ”Well... I think we started the first year by doing an “a-paper” [first term paper] - I don’t really know what to call it - I don’t think it’s called that anymore, but a little bit more advanced work where you get to… you try out working more with statistics and coping with higher demands. So last year we had a little bigger paper - a little higher demands. Yes, you were introduced to a way of thinking so that you each time get the practical feeling of what it means, what is ok and what is not ok. Yes... like that” (S5) progression “We struggle a lot with progession. The students might feel that “oh how nagging, you have already told us this”. They don’t see that there is an increasing level of difficulty. I myself think it’s a little bit complicated to plan this. How do you make it more difficult and challenging? We always want to bring something new when we meet the students” (L3) “But we have also talked a lot about needing to create clearer structures and that we already from the start can use concepts. So that when they reach the sixth semester and say : “I don’t know the difference between theory and method”, then there is something that went wrong during the two earlier years” (T1) Creating knowledge VII

  12. And just as we say: ”go to the library if you can’t find it, ask a librarian”, we trust that the students do that, but we don’t know what happens next (T1) The role of the library It’s such a nuisance /…/ They think we’re so competent (L3) Some teachers seem to be so bent on that it should be a dissertation or that it should be… and students don’t learn to evaluate texts in that way. It feels very mechanical. To me information searching isn’t that mechanical. But it’s difficult sometimes to decide which journals students can and cannot use (L3) Creating knowledge VII

  13. conclusion Library community Research community Education based on scholarship Teaching community Creating knowledge VII

  14. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Does any of this ring a bell? What relates to your workplace? How could we (teachers, students and librarians) participate more genuinely in the research practice? Creating knowledge vii 2013 08 16

  15. REFERENCES Hedman, J., Lundh, A. & Sundin, O. (2009). Att lära informationssökning för yrkeslivet: Om bibliotekarier, lärare och sjuksköterskor. In J. Hedman & A. Lundh (Eds.), Informationskompetenser: Lärande I informationspraktiker och informationssökning i lärandepraktiker. Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. Lambert, C. (2009). "Pedagogies of participation in higher education: a case for research-based learning", Pedagogy, Culture & Society, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 295-309. Lundgren, Ib (2011). The student and the information search process: library development using student voices. [PowerPoint-presentation]. Retrieved 14 August, 2013 from Malmö university: http://www.mah.se/Om-Malmo-hogskola/Bibliotek-och-IT/Projekt/Hogskolebibliotekets-roll-i-en-inkluderande-larandemiljo/ -> Presentation EBLIP 6. Säljö, Roger & Södling, Maria (2006). Utbildning på vetenskaplig grund: röster från fältet. Stockholm: Högskoleverket CREATING KNOWLEDGE VII 2013 08 16

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