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Carbon Dioxide Initiative ( CO2 i )

Carbon Dioxide Initiative ( CO2 i ). Stuart Davies – Powys County Council. Will you be feeling CO2i this Winter?. Population: 126, 400 Households: 55, 909 No of Persons / KM2: 25 Lack of Mains Gas Social Isolation Ageing Population. Will you be feeling CO2i this Winter?.

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Carbon Dioxide Initiative ( CO2 i )

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  1. Carbon DioxideInitiative(CO2i) Stuart Davies – Powys County Council

  2. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Population: 126, 400 Households: 55, 909 No of Persons / KM2: 25 Lack of Mains Gas Social Isolation Ageing Population

  3. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Excess Winter Deaths

  4. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? CO2i(Carbon Dioxide Initiative) - What is it? • A Domestic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Scheme • Launched on the 15th of Aug 2005, Ending on 28th Feb 2006 • Made Available to all Private Sector Households Across the County • In Partnership Between Powys County Council, an Energy Supplier and Selected Specialist Contractors • Helps to Meet Policy Agreement WAG 7(b) Target – A Mandatory CO2 Reduction of 12% by March 2007 • Also Meets Objectives of Council’s County Corporate Strategies for Health, Social Care and Well-being and Environment

  5. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Who Qualifies? • Any householder who is an owner occupier • Any Private Sector Renting Tenant (with Landlord’s written consent) • Householder must be 18 or over years of age

  6. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? How Does it Work? • Initial Marketing Campaign (local press, letters to interested parties e.g. Councillors, Community Councils, Care & Repair, Voluntary Organisations etc.) • Targeting Areas as Identified by the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2005 for Housing, Health, Employment and Income by Contractor Canvassing • Free Phone Telephone Number (EEAC - 0800 512 012) • Simple one-sided Application Form • Energy Efficiency Commitment Grant PLUS £500 Local Authority Contribution for Energy Efficiency measures • Clear-Skies Grant (£400) PLUS £1000 Local Authority Contribution for professional installed Solar Hot Water Heating

  7. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? What Measures Are Available? • Loft insulation (fibre or recycled paper), including loft-top (up to 275mmm) • Cavity wall insulation (beads or fibre) • Draft proofing for windows and external doors • Hot water tank jackets • Radiator reflector panels for solid walled properties • ‘A’ rated condensing boiler (replacing SEDBUK rated ‘D’ or less boiler or a defective / defunct boiler) • Heating controls • Thermostatic radiator valves • Programmable Room Thermostats (Horstmann Thermoplus) • Programmers • Solar Hot Water Heating – Clear-Skies approved installer only

  8. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Example 1: 3 Bedroom, Semi-Detached, Mains Gas Central Heating Measures Cost EEC PCC Applicant Loft Insulation (270mm) £315 £270 £45 £0 Cavity Wall Insulation £377 £245 £132 £0 Hot Water Tank Jacket £15 £8 £7 £0 TRV’s (x7) £315 £0 £315 £0 Programmable Room Stat £125 £0 £1 £124 Total £1,147 £523 £500 £124

  9. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Example 2: 4 Bedroom, Detached House, Electric Central Heating Measures Cost EEC PCC App Loft Insulation (250mm) £353 £220 £133 £0 Cavity Wall Insulation £560 £560 £0 £0 ‘A’ Rated Boiler £1,950 £30 £367 £1,553 Total £2,863 £810 £500 £1,553 Measure Cost CS PCC App Solar Hot Water (2.8 M2) £3,188 £400 £1000 £1,488

  10. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Results: • Cavity Wall Insulation: 909 • Loft Insulation: 1140 • Door / Window Draft Proofing: 217 • ‘A’ rated Condensing Boilers: 70 • Heating Controls: 584 • Hot Water Tank Jackets: 196 • Solar Panels: 81 • Low Energy Light bulbs: 7072 • Household Energy Advice: 1575 Total Number of Households: 1863

  11. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Other scheme outcomes include: • Householders over 60 years of age 47% • Disabled Persons: 6% • Households in receipt of benefits: 19%

  12. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Funding: • UtilityEEC: £398,275.00 (29%) • DTI Clear-Skies: £32,400.00 (2%) • Local Authority: £582,706.00 (43%) • Private investment: £356,479.00 (26%) Total: £1,369,859.00

  13. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Savings Per Year: • CO2 (T/yr): 3,989 • SOx (KG/yr): 22,814 • NOX (KG/yr): 9,319 • Energy (kWh): 14,561,420 • Energy (gj): 52,417 • Fuel Bill Savings (£/yr): 480,170 WAG Policy Agreement 7b (%): 0.85 (as a contribution towards HECA target)

  14. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? First Mobile Home in Wales to have a Solar Hot Water Panel Installed!

  15. Will you be feelingCO2ithis Winter? Thank You! Stuart Davies Home Energy Conservation Officer / Swyddog Arbed Ynni yn y Cartref Powys County Council The Gwalia Ithon Road Llandrindod Wells Powys LD1 6AA Tel: 01597 827139 e-mail: stuartda@powys.gov.uk

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