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Symbolic edifices

Symbolic edifices. Hector. Egypt. The Obelisks. The Sphinx. The Pyramids. Italy. Romania. Romanian sphinxes. The End. Turkey. France. Germany. G reat B ritain. USA. Egypt. The O belisks. The P yramids. T he S phinx. Back. The P yramids.

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Symbolic edifices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Symbolic edifices Hector

  2. Egypt TheObelisks The Sphinx ThePyramids Italy Romania Romanian sphinxes The End Turkey France Germany Great Britain USA

  3. Egypt The Obelisks The Pyramids The Sphinx Back

  4. The Pyramids symbolizes eternity and immortality because they are so giant, massive and old.

  5. Through their shape they symbolizes two important things: ascension and the birth of Ra, the god of the Sun and the light, who was born from a mound of ground that hade the shape of a pyramid.

  6. Maybe you think the pyramids were just the tombs of the pharaoh, but it is not so, that was just one of their functions. The other things that happens inside them are: In fact, the name that the antic egyptiansgave them was Light, because they are symbols of light and goodness. -micro waves amplify themselves and can produce electricity - organic matter does not decompose -time flows different -food remains fresh for more time -water changes its molecular structure and information -plants and animals grows faster and more harmonic

  7. The position of the pyramids is very symbolic too. They are close to the Nile river , this position symbolizes the past life. Also they are the perfect imagine of Orion constellation, Osiris’s kingdom .

  8. I know that it sounds a little strange but they can symbolizes the connection with other worlds, planets and aliens. But it is just a theory. Back

  9. The Sphinx-Desert’s Guard The Sphinx is an giant stone statue made in the time when Atlantis was in power. It symbolizes the supreme protector of this world.

  10. It is watching to the sunrise, symbolizingthe rebirth of life.

  11. Putting together the sphinx and the great pyramid of Giza we gain a symbol that means: “As the Sun rises to the middle of the sky, the same, the man, after his resurrection climbs to the world of the spirit” The sphinx also symbolizes the eternal enigma. In fact it is the symbol of symbolism itself. Back

  12. The Sphinx above Bucegi mountains Is a giant natural statue. It received this name because it looks almost like the one in Egypt. In fact they are situated at the same height.

  13. Every year on 28 November the Sun surrounds it with a pyramid made of light. We already said that pyramids symbolize light, ascension and eternity . It is the representation of an ancient god and symbolizessovereignty an power. Back

  14. The obelisks were symbols of Ra’s stone rays and the connection between the our world and the world of the gods. The ancient Egyptians believed that somehow Ra is living in the heart of every obelisk giving life to it. The Obelisks

  15. Turkey Now, obelisks are all over the world, so we can say they are connecting people. Romania Rome Braunschweig Germany München Germany Paris London Washington

  16. Braunschweig Germany

  17. Paris

  18. London

  19. Washington

  20. München Germany

  21. Turkey

  22. Rome

  23. Romania Back

  24. The End Made by: Ra Chincea ul Helped by: Ana Militaru and AlexandraManea

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