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Year Six Summer Term (2) 2014 Final half term at St Peters…. A busy final half term with many exciting experiences. Last half term was so busy with Key Stage Two SATs and a wonderful School Journey. Everyone worked so hard and achieved so much.
A busy final half term with many exciting experiences Last half term was so busy with Key Stage Two SATs and a wonderful School Journey. Everyone worked so hard and achieved so much. This term will be even busier as we have many exciting events to prepare for and enjoy. I hope the next few slides will provide you with an insight into the special times ahead…..
Important Dates Week One: Tuesday 3rd June Lego Workshops History of Burnham Talk for Yr6 Wednesday 4th June Year 6 Games at BGS Week Two: Tuesday 10th June Parents in School Day Thursday 12th June British Legion Talk for Yr6 Friday 13th June Writing moderation of Yr6 work Week Three : Tuesday 17th June Artist in Residence for Yr6 Wednesday 18th June Charlie and the chocolate Factory Friday 20th June World War One Display in Burnham Hall Week Four: Friday 27th June Languages Day Saturday 28th June Summer Fair Week Five: Monday 30th June Treasure Island Workshop for Year 6 Wednesday 2nd July Key Stage Two Sports Afternoon Friday 4th July Special Year 6 Service Day at St James Church, Gerrards Cross
Important Dates Week Six: Year Six Bike ability week Week Seven: Tuesday 15th July Year 6 trip to Tesco Thursday 17th July Year 6 End of Year Play – Cinderella Rockerfella Week Eight: Monday 21st July Yr6 Leavers Service Yr6 BBQ Tuesday 22nd July Arts Award Moderation Wednesday 23rd Break Up Key Events for this half term: Year Six Games at Burnham Grammar School World War One Topic for The Royal British Legion WW1 Commemorative Exhibition Year 6 End of Year Performance – Cinderella Rockerfella Arts Award
Reading Reading for this half term will be based around World War One. We will complete Michael Morpurgo’s Private Peaceful novel. We will also look at two further short reads which will support our World War 1 topic. • War Game By Michael Foreman • One Boy’s War By Lynn Huggins Cooper Non – Fiction Reading In preparation for Secondary School the children will be completing research projects which will link to an Arts Hero or Heroine. We will look at time management, independence and self motivation. The children can draw upon all art areas – musicians, artists, sculptors, designers, dancers, creative writers and actors. Their hero or heroine will be someone from the arts who inspires them….. The children will be reading a wide range of non-fiction texts to support their projects and access them from a range of sources. We will be looking at skimming and scanning texts and reviewing resource materials.
Writing World War One To celebrate and value the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, we will be focusing closely on the unique poem by John McCrae ‘In Flanders Fields’ We will be writing our own poetry reflecting on how the war affected so many families and how we can take up their mission by being Peacemakers. We are planning to visit Burnham’s War Memorial and research some of the named families and create emotive pieces of writing and art. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days agoWe lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe:To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who dieWe shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
Further writing opportunities We will also be completing non-fiction writing in the form of leaflets. Writing skills will focus upon information facts detailing specific areas the reader needs and when the purpose of a leaflet is an attraction/event we will also be looking at persuasive and emotive language to encourage visitors/participators. A large portion of time this half term will be preparing for our End of Year Performance – Cinderella Rockerfella and to link with this we will be looking at play scripts. The children will be creating their own; drawing upon the personalities of their characters to tell a tale or two. Another link to our End of Year Performance will be ‘Keeping a Diary’. From the initial hearing about Cinderella Rockerfella, through the auditions and rehearsals to the actual performance we will be questioning…. • How did we feel? • What happened? • What would we like the play to be like? • How can we improve our performances? • Are we worried or anxious? • What have we gained from this experience? We will keep a diary to be able to reflect and evaluate our own special parts and roles.
Mathematics Our Maths teaching and learning for this term will be focusing upon problem solving and investigations which will link with the World Cup and Business Enterprise. We will be closely following the events of the World Cup in Brazil and solving problems linked to the game of football and the countries playing. The children will develop their thinking skills and work as a team to solve the investigations. I wish the children to also carry out Business Enterprise projects which are great fun as the children become creative companies organising the making and selling of products. They have to think outside of the box and become expert at all things financial!
Science Our science topics for this half term will be to continue with our project on Forces and Magnetism. The children will explore the topics together and use magnetism to explain many of Forces learning skills and concepts. There will be many questions to solve and practical investigations will be our main discovery route. We will think carefully about our fair testing approaches and the accuracy of our results. And we will look closely at our written conclusions to ensure they fully show our understanding. We will also look at the Human Body and discover what roles the organs play in our body. We will carry out investigations linked to exercise as we prepare for the half terms sporting events
ICT The year 6 ICT summer 2 curriculum is based entirely on KODU. The main goal of Kodu is to learn to program a 3D computer programming platform in a fun environment (unlike Scratch which was 2D programming). Kodu allows the children to become producers of their own media rather than just consumers of it. Through using Kodu, year 6 will: • Better understand the steps involved in creating a computer program • Improve problem solving skills, and foster problem solving practices • Follow online and offline directions more fluidly • Learn to compose stories in an alternative format and through varying mediums • Develop more positive attitudes towards computer programming • Create increasingly complex games thus showing a deeper understanding for complex coding sequences • Show evidence of perspective taking and empathy in game play
ArtsMusic, Dance, Drama and Art Our Arts Award topic will really take off during this half term. It draws upon literacy and all aspects of the Arts and to have a nationally recognised qualification at the end of it will be a wonderful opportunity and achievement. We will begin our Year 6, End of Year performance – Cinderella Rockerfella.. It is a fantastic play, full of laughter and great songs to sing along to. It is a modern, panto-style reworking of the classic tale.
PE PE Please remember that Year Six have sport on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon. There maybe extra PE lessons during the week so it is vital they have their correct PE kit in school from Monday to Friday. Summer Term PE focuses on Athletics. Year Six Games at Burnham Grammar School.