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Nuclear reactions as probes of exotic nuclei International Conference on Nuclear Physics, INPC 2007, Tokyo, 3 rd – 8 th June 2007. Jeffrey Tostevin, Department of Physics Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences University of Surrey, United Kingdom. 38 Si.
Nuclear reactions as probes of exotic nuclei International Conference on Nuclear Physics, INPC 2007, Tokyo, 3rd – 8th June 2007 Jeffrey Tostevin, Department of Physics Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences University of Surrey, United Kingdom
38Si Exotic nuclei – presence of two Fermi surfaces n p Spherical Hartree Fock density (SkX)
38Si Otsuka: the np tensor correlation n p Spherical Hartree Fock density (SkX)
Outline • Advances in theoretical approaches to reaction dynamics (heard also Fonseca) • Transfer reactions • Single nucleon removal from fast beams – single particle strengths in asymmetric matter • Two nucleon removal - lessons to date, correlations and momentum distributions
Dynamics studies: halos in the light nuclei N=8 Borromean halo nuclei Few-body (three- and now four-body methods) are restricted to the light loosely bound sector of the chart – 9C, 8B, 11Be, 11Li, 14Be …
Reaction dynamics: four-body methods Four-body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) Kyushu University – to date, elastic scattering only GEM and resulting pseudostates basis Ogata (Invited), G5-1 Egami (Poster), QW Matsumoto (Poster), QW T. Matsumoto et al. Phys. Rev. C 70, 061601(R) (2004), C 73, 051602(R) (2006) Figures: T. Matsumoto
Reaction dynamics: four-body methods Lisboa-Sevilla-Surrey (Rodrıguez-Gallardo) Pseudo-state Energy bins Expansion of the three body (projectile) system in Hyperspherical Harmonics (HH) M. Rodrıguez-Gallardo et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, 024007 (2005), RNB7 proceedings, DREB 2007
Reaction dynamics: other methods/developments Time dependent: Lagrange mesh (for two-body projectile) Dynamical Eikonal method (Baye, Brussels) PRL 95, 082502 Capel G5-3 Time-dependent Schrodinger equation solutions (Tsukuba) Yabana G2-3 Ab-initio developments (David Dean’s talk) Navratil (LLNL), Phys. Rev. C 73, 065801 (2006) Nollett (Argonne) (VMC), Phys. Rev. C 63, 054002 (2001) Continuum shell model Tennessee/GANIL (Michel, Nazarewicz, and Płoszajczak) – GamowSM Florida/Michigan (Volya, Zelevinsky) To cover the chart of nuclides – and do spectroscopy - we must adopt less microscopic (more pragmatic and approximate but robust) direct reactions methods – using effective interactions, shell model, Hartree Fock, etc.
Spectroscopy: Transfer reactions Transfer reactions are now being carried out with significant precision using novel detection systems – DWBA, CRC, Johnson-Soper adiabatic (breakup) and CDCC are being used and appear fit for purpose. • Spectroscopic factors (with intrinsic uncertainties from assumed optical potentials and formfactors) • By energy of kinematic conditions for peripherality, the ANC, with greater precision Relatationships of ANCs for mirror systems, e.g. N.K. Timofeyuk, R.C. Johnson and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, PRL 91, 0232501 (2003)
Single nucleon removal from fast beams – single particle strengths in asymmetric matter
One and two nucleon knockout, ~ 100 MeV/u 9Be light nuclear target 1 2 [fast] spectator c Experiments are inclusive (with respect to the target final states). Core final state measured – using gamma rays – whenever possible – and the momenta of the residues.Cross sections are large and they include both:Break-up (elastic) and stripping (inelastic/absorptive) interactions of the removed nucleon(s) with the target More exclusive -1N measurements: Bazin G1-2
9Be 1 A Sudden removal – eikonal model cross sections At any given facility, and a programme of measurements (with an essentially fixed energy per nucleon) and given target then only two things change for different exotic beams (1) the core target interaction (2) the nuclear structure *** J.A. Tostevin, G. Podolyák et al., PRC 70 (2004) 064602.
Reaction description is very robust and quantitative Core/residue-target interaction is highly absorptive at 100 MeV/u. The range of this absorption is determined by the core and target sizes which is encoded within the double folding model and can be cross referenced to These interactions and the rquired S-matrices can be calculated reliably using Glauber methods – using, e.g. Hartree-Fock densities. B.A. Brown et al., Phys. Rev. C65 (2001) 014612
Geometry considerations: Hartree Fock for ‘sizes’ The rms radii of single particle formfactors are the sole requirement for determining the cross section calculations – to high precision. We constrain these to Hartree-Fock or other theoretetical values Reaction description between different exotic systems is very ‘robust’
z Sampling the single-nucleon wave function Interaction with the target probes wave functions at surface A target Overlap function determines SF for residue in state JM
Residue parallel momentum distribution 1p3/2 2s1/2
Strengths from e-induced knockout – stable nuclei W. Dickhoff and C. Barbieri, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 52 377 (2004)
40Ca proton occupation 48Ca 60Ca Increased correlations from pn pairs? Asymmetric nuclear matter: We observe a depletion of the proton occupancies for momenta below the Fermi momentum, which increases significantly with neutron fraction. This can be explained by the strong correlations induced from proton neutron interactions. T. Frick, et al., PRC 71, 014313 (2005) Dispersive optical potential: Thus a preponderance of one type of particle reduces the occupancies of valence hole states for the other type. This indicates that correlations are stronger for these valence nucleons. R. J. Charity, et al., PRL 97, 162503 (2006)
Two nucleon removal, lessons to date, correlations and momentum distributions
Two nucleon knockout – direct reaction set Z 34Ar 32Ar 54Ti 44S 30S 28S 52Ca 26P 28P 42Si 34Si 24Si 26Si 32Al 34Al 2n from neutron deficient 28Mg 30Mg 32Mg 28Na 30Na 32Na 2p from neutron rich 26Ne 30Ne 28Ne N
1 2 A Sudden removal – eikonal model cross sections J.A. Tostevin et al., PRC 70 (2004) 064602 and PRC 74 (2006) 064604.
z Sampling the two-nucleon wave function Interaction with the target probes wave functions at surface and beyond A target Shell model overlaps – for 0+ heavy residue in state JM
34Ar 32Ar Two-neutron removal – g.s. branching ratios uncorrelated correlated Sigma (0+) / Sigma(inclusive) 34Ar 26Si 30S Yoneda et al., POSTER QW298
28Mg 26Si 30S -2p -2n (Yoneda et al.) Two-nucleon removal – suppression - Rs(2N) Rs (2N) 34Ar 54Ti(gs) -2p J.A. Tostevin and B.A. Brown, PRC 74 064604 (2006), PRC 70 064602 (2004)
2+ 0+ 4+ 2+ Knockout cross sections – correlated case 28Mg 26Ne(0+, 2+, 4+ , 22+) 82.3 MeV/u Sigma (mb) 1 2 J.A. Tostevin et al., PRC 70 (2004) 064602, PRC 74 064604 (2006
38Si + p n p n p n Example: Island of Inversion extends to 36Mg? 1) Insufficient yield for, e.g. secondary beam inelastic scattering 2) Parent for beta decay, 37Na, is particle unbound 3) can use 2p removal from n-rich (sd-shell) parent, 38Si
38Si Asymmetry dependence yet to be established J.A. Tostevin and B.A. Brown, PRC 74 064604 (2006), PRC 70 064602 (2004) Figure: A. Gade, and submitted
The Island of Inversion extends to 36Mg? Monte-Carlo shell model calculations: SDPF-M interaction of Utsono, Otsuka et al. 38Si + p n p n p n Measured cross sections and those calculated assuming population of the 0hw components of the final states by the direct 2p knockout reaction mechanism
z 2 1 Look at momentum content of sampled volume Probability of a residue with parallel momentum K J. A. Tostevin, EPJ A, in press, and Acta Physica Polonica B 38 (2007) 1195
0+ 2+ residue parallel momentum (MeV/c) Two proton knockout from 38Si 36Mg(0+,2+) 38Si (2p) 83 A MeV uncorrelated 38Si 36Mg Residue momentum probability 2+ 0+
Two proton knockout from 38Si 36Mg(0+,2+) 38Si (2p) 83 A MeV Theory Expt. 0+ 56% 58(7)% 2+ 44% 42(7)% 0+ Residue momentum distribution 2+ dp/p=1.66% A. Gade et al., to be published
Summary 1. With fast fragmentation beams (> 50 MeV/u) reaction theory is rather accurate and is capable of providing quantitative tests of structure model predictions far from stability. 2. Single nucleon knockout analyses indicate a systematic dependence of suppression of shell model single-particle strength on the asymmetry of the Fermi surfaces. 3. The 2N knockout reaction mechanism can be very clean - the combination of N and 2N removal reactions can help to elucidate structures, shell gaps, and level ordering. 4. Six data sets are now consistent with shell model spectroscopy and a suppression [~0.50(5)] of 2N shell model strength – analog of 1N removal suppression. Direct cases studied all have similar Fermi surface asymmetries so any asymmetry dependence is not yet evident. 5. Spectroscopic information (J assignment) will be available from final-state-exclusive residue momentum distribution measurements.