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Stay informed about SCISA Softball rules, coach certifications, sportsmanship, and game procedures. Designated Representatives must enforce the Code of Conduct. Respect opponents and officials, follow game rules, and maintain good sporting behavior.
2015 SCISA Softball State Rules Presentation Coaches shall: 1. Review this rules presentation by February 2nd. 2. Complete and return softball rules questionnaire by February 2nd.
Requirements for SCISA Softball Coaches • The HEADCOACHmust be CPR certified. • All softball coaches must have successfully completed an on-line Concussion Course. Your AD will keep documentation verifying that all coaches are in compliance. (NFHS website or CDC) • 3. NFHS Online Course: Sportsmanship - Required of all • coaches • 4. NFHS Online Course: Creating a Safe and Respectful • Environment - Required of all coaches
Sportsmanship • Pre-Season Parents Meeting • Code of Conduct review with players / coaches • Designated Representatives • Sportsmanship message before game • Coach – Umpire Conference What you permit, you promote!
SCISA Requirement: Designated Representatives It is responsibility of each school’s administration to be an active agent at every athletic event enforcing the SCISA Code of Conduct. In the absence of the Head of School or Athletic Director, each school is Required to provide a Designated Representative at all athletic events, both home and away. The Designated Representative will represent the school’s administration and will assist with the enforcement of the Code of Conduct.
Good Sporting Behavior • Coaches and team members should respect their opponents and officials. • Pursuit of an official to the locker room, car or parking lot is unacceptable. • School administration is responsible for security of the officials. • Post-game ejections do exist. Coaches or parents who pursue officials after a game should be reported to the state association office.
Courtesy Runner. May be used, not required. For pitcher and/or catcher May use same runner but not in same half inning Intentional walks will be issued upon request. The 15 run rule after 3 innings and the Ten (10) Run Rule in 5 innings are in effect in all SCISA Games. 8th Inning & Beyond – Use International Tie-Breaker. SCISA adoptedSpeed-up Rules:
Non-Appeal Play On failing to proper tag-up or a runner missing a base, SCISA umpires will declare the runners out once the ball is declared dead.
SCISA Policies Assistant Coaches Rule prohibits any member of the coaching staff who is not the head coach from leaving the vicinity of the dugout or coaching box to dispute a judgment call by an umpire. Penalty: both the head coach & the offending coach is restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game.
JV / Varsity Participation • A Team and a Player has a 26 game limit for the season. • A player cannot participate in a JV and varsity game in the same day. • All eligibility rules must be followed.
Coaches in Dugouts While on Defense The rules & SCISA Policies prohibit the practice of coaches sitting in front of his/her dugout or creating a dead ball area in front of his/her dugout for purpose of calling pitches.
Schedules Basic Information: School Date – Home/Away Time Opponent Field Location Level of Competition One Game/DH/JV – Var. DH School Phone # and Coach’s cell number Schedules Mailed To: • Opponents • Media • District Director • SCISA Factor in class trips, school functions and prom NOW!
SCISA Academy “Blazers”2014 Varsity Girls’ Softball Schedule Home Field Address: 134 SCISA Drive, Orangeburg, SC 29115 * Indicates Region Game SCISA Academy Blazers State Champions - 1989, 94, 2005 State Runners-up – 1984, 93, 99, 2009, 2011 Region Championships – 1975, 82, 89, 93, 94, 2005, 2010 Head Coach: Larry Watt (cell) 803-000-0001 Assistant Coach: Lyndi Bonnette (cell) 803-000-0002 School Number: 803-000-0000 Sample Schedule
Umpires SCISA umpires must be used for all home games. District Directors: - Teddy Weeks – Midlands - Upstate - Phillip Poston – Pee Dee - Poncho Myers - Low Country - Booking Fee of $80 Mark-offs: • Must be filed in writing with SCISA • Up to 3 Umpires State-wide • No more than 2 from one district
Fields – Now is the time to be inspecting/repairing fields and facilities • Safe? Playing field – rocks, holes, ant mounds • Fencing - Bleachers - Signage Examples of appropriate types of warning signage are presented bin the next slide.
Fields Properly Marked: Batter’s boxes, coach’s boxes, 16 ft. circle, • 3 ft. runner’s lane, Pitching mound distance (43 feet) – dead-ball areas • On Deck Circle - Double First Base is legal SCISA Requires An On-Site Lightning Detection Device Or Service.
Note: Requirement for 2014-15 Beginning with the fall of 2014, all schools will have in place, an on-site lightning detection system or subscribe to lightning detection service.
Rule Review: Lineup Cards • Lineup cards should be verified by the head coach as correct – with name and uniform number and all substitutes listed – at the pregame conference • Rule provides a penalty for a coach who fails to submit an accurate lineup card • Umpires can assist with managing this situation by reminding coaches of the rule and giving them ample opportunity to verify the lineup card before final submission
Lineup Card Inaccuracies (3-1-3 Penalty) • First offense = Team warning • Second offense = Head coach restricted to dugout/bench for remainder of game • Applies to changes made to name and number – not defensive position Penalty was established for a head coach who submits a lineup card that must subsequently be corrected with the proper name/number of a player or if substitutes are added after the lineup card is submitted and verified.
Rule Review: DP/FLEX Option(3-3-6) • A team that intends to utilize the DP/FLEX option advises the Plate Umpire and their opponent during the exchange of line-up cards at the pregame conference.
Questions about the DP / Flex? • On original line-up presented before the game. • DP list as one of the 9 batters. • Flex is listed in 10th position. • Any combination may play defense. • If flex or another eligible sub hits for the DP, the team goes from 10 players to 9. The DP may return.
Flex/Designated Player Education • The DP/Flex Rule was instituted to encourage further participation and flexibility of the game. The overall impact of this rule has been positive, however there still remains some confusion/challenges with the understanding of the rule. • Support Information can be found at • Officials – NFHS Central Hub www.arbitersports.com under Softball Resources and Video tab • Coaches – www.nfhs.org
DP/Flex Many umpires and coaches need to better understand the DP/Flex rule, which enables more participant opportunities for student-athletes and more flexibility to coaches.
NFHS Softball2015 Rules Changes Major Editorial ChangesPoints of Emphasis
PARTICIPATION • Softball is the fifth-most popular sport for girls at the high school level. • 362,488 Participants in 15,067 schools during the 2012-13 season.
High School Participation Numbers Year Girls__ 2012-13 15,067 2011-12 14,142 2010-11 15,214 2009-10 15,298 2008-09 15,172 2007-08 14,846
Softball ParticipationNumbers Year Girls 2012-13 362,488 2011-12 367,023 2010-11 371,153 2009-10 378,211 2008-09 368,921 2007-08 371,293
Free Courses on NFHSLearn.com Heat Illness Prevention Concussion in Sports Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment Coaching Pole Vault NCAA Eligibility Engaging Effectively with Parents Positive Sport Parenting Sports Nutrition Coaching Unified Sports Sportsmanship
Accommodating a Competitor with a DisabilityRule 3-2-13 NOTE
Batting Helmet (1-6-1) The batting helmet shall have a non-glare (not mirror-like) surface.
Batting HelmetRule 1-6-1 LEGAL ILLEGAL A glare or mirror-like surface on the batting helmet is illegal due to its distracting nature which may be dangerous to other players.
Catcher’s Helmet(1-7-1) The catcher’s helmet shall have a non-glare (not mirror-like) surface.
Catcher’s HelmetRule 1-7-1 LEGAL ILLEGAL Like the batting helmets, a glare or mirror-like surface is illegal and can be dangerous to other players.
Exterior Warning Label (1-6-1) The exterior warning label may be affixed…or embossed (at the time of manufacture).
NOCSAE Standard(1-6-6) The phrase, “Meets NOCSAE Standard at the time of manufacture”…
NOCSAE Standard Con’t.(1-7-1) The catcher shall wear a catcher’s helmet…that meets the NOCSAE standard at the time of manufacture.
EquipmentRule 1-6-1, 1-6-6, 1-7-1 Phrase revised “Meets NOCSAE standard at time of manufacture.”
Dead-ball Situation(5-1-4) After a dead-ball situation, the ball becomes live when the umpire calls and/or signals "Play Ball."
Dead Ball/Live BallRule 5-1-4 “Gives a beckoning hand signal” removed from rule to reflect current practice of pointing to pitcher and calling, “Play Ball.” Also clarifies Rule 8-6-18 as to whether ball is live or dead should runner(s) leave their bases when pitcher is inside the pitching circle with possession of the ball.
BATTING ORDER (7-1-1&2 Pen 2) When an improper batter becomes a runner or is put out and the defensive team appeals to the umpire before the next pitch (legal or illegal), or prior to an intentional base on balls (S.P.), or before all infielders have left fair territory and the catcher vacates her normal fielding position if a half-inning is ending.
BATTING ORDER(7-1-1&2 Pen 2) The umpire shall declare the batter who should have batted out (not the improper batter). The improper batter's time at bat is negated and she is returned to the dugout/bench area. All outs stand and runners who were not declared out must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
BATTING ORDER(7-1-1&2 Pen 2) If a runner advances because of a stolen base, wild pitch, passed ball (F.P.) or an illegal pitch (F.P.) while the improper batter is at bat, such advance is legal.
AppealRule 7-1-1, 7-1-2, Pen. 2 Wording has been revised for an appeal after the last play of the game. Umpires should not leave the field until all infielders have vacated fair territory and the catcher has vacated her normal fielding position. No appeal can be made once the umpires have left the field.