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This article discusses the rationale and technical aspects of the two cover tender system, as well as the precautions to be taken to safeguard the process. It also highlights the issues in procurement of essential materials and suggests recommended procedures for efficient procurement.
Two cover tender system – Safe Guards to be adopted • Rationale of the two cover systems: • Technical Aspects • Price Quotations • Delay in opening the second cover. • Risk of properly safe guarding the second cover. • Safe guards to be adopted. • All the second covers containing price quotations be placed in a larger cover and securely sealed in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives. • Opening of the large cover on a predetermined time and date. • Evaluation of the technical aspects contained in the first cover within a reasonable period but not later than 45 days. Extension of time up to 60 days with the approval of the concerned secretary to government / MD of the Corporation. • If no evaluation is done within 60 days tenders shall be reinvited. • The qualification criteria and technical requirement should not be restrictive / discriminatory. Specification of equipments should be broad based and functional.
Procurement of Essential Materials for day today operations andmaintenance Issues: Direct Procurement against rate contracts by SPD KSIMC and from Janata Bazar not available. Limited item on DGS&D rate contracts. DGS&D suppliers not interested in small procurements. Quotations and tenders for each and every requirement and avoidable paper work by each procurement entity. Different specifications and varying rates for items procured by different procurement entities at the same place - Audit Objections. To avoid piece meal purchases the Procurement entities resort to procure large quantities. Heavy inventories and blocking of funds. No reference rates for preparation of estimates.
Important Irregularities Noticed CAG report for 2002. • Para 4.1 – Working of PWD • Splitting up of Purchases. Between April 1999 to 2002 – SE/CE accorded 466 sanction for materials valued at Rs.1.13 crores. • Bijapur and Gadag divisions – Rs.20.42 Lakhs materials purchased without requirement. • Bangalore, Kolar, Tumkur divisions – Shortage of Rs.53 lakhs worth of stores from 1994 - 1995 to 2000 – 2001. • Para 5.2. Loss of Rs.65.43 lakhs due to purchase of MS gates, Sponge, rubber and transformer oil at arbitrary rates. MS Gates MI Division SPD Rate 350 x 350 mm Rs.2450 at Rs.910 Rs.98 per Kg at Rs.36.40 450 x 600 mm Rs.16900 at Rs.1824 Rs.352 per Kg at Rs.38 Sponge Rubber KPTCL Rate 800 Rmtr Rs.535 Rs.475 Transformer oil Rs.90 Per Liter Rs.65.50 Per Liter
Para 5.3 Materials worth Rs.99.83 lakhs kept outside Stock Account. Rs.73.9 lakhs declared surplus and Rs.21.58 lakhs became unsalable. CAG Report March 2003. Para 4.1.1 • Irregular expenditure in MI division, Belgaum on purchases worth Rs.2.43 crores. (Road delineators, office furnishings, fire extinguishers charged to MI Construction works. Excess payment of Rs.66.24 Lakhs) • PWD Bidar: Injudicious and irregular purchases: Unaccounted stocks of Rs.61.57 lakhs and surplus stock of Rs.26.69 lakhs.
Audit Report (Civil) for the year ended 31 March 2003 Appendix 4.1 Statement showing the purchases made at exorbitant rates (Reference Para 4.1.1, Page 111) (Amount in Rupees)
Recommended Procedure: • Annual Supply rate contact system: • Deputy Commissioner in the District:- Office furniture, materials and equipments required for normal office functioning, hospital supplies (other than drugs) and other allied supplies. • Chief Engineers in PWD/ID:- District wise annual supply rate contracts for Cement, Steel, RCC spun pipes, Sanitary and Plumbing materials and Paints. • Electricity supply undertakings:- Area wise annual supply rate contract for all minor electrical materials, other supplies needed for day to day maintenance. • The annual supply rate contracts shall be for the financial year. Provision for revision in the rate contract when warranted. • The Annual supply rate contracts for non-plan works, emergency repairs works and small requirements of capital works. Limited purchase annually up to Rs.1.00 Lakh by a procurement entity. Separate tenders in all other cases
The rates in the annual supply rate contracts – Uniform base rates for preparation of estimates. • For specialised items required by a department or agency separate annual rate contacts. • Standardisation of Specifications.