1. West Nile VirusJuly 12, 2005 Theresa Smith, MD
Emily Zielinski-Gutierrez, DrPH
Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID)
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Fort Collins, Colorado
2. WNV is an Arthropod-Borne virus
First discovered in 1937 in the West Nile district of Uganda
Until 1999 only found in Asia, Southern Europe, Africa
Flavivirus, in the Japanese Encephalitis Antigenic Complex –similar family to Yellow Fever, St. Louis encephalitis virus
Transmitted by mosquitoes
3. Starting with some of the background:
WN virus is a zoonotic flavivirus transmitted by mosquitoes, and uses birds as amplifier hosts.
Because of this, we can expect many similarities between West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus, our domestic zoonotic flavivirus.
?The core of the cycle is enzootic transmission – or maintenance and amplification – in which mosquitoes and birds cycle the virus. Under permissive conditions, this amplification cycle can dramatically increase the number of infected birds and mosquitoes in an area through the course of the summer.
? Very intense transmission may produce avian epizootics, mammalian epizootics, or epidemics.
Epizootic and epidemic transmission may involve the same vector species as enzootic transmission, or may involve other species that are susceptible to the virus and feed on a wider variety of hosts.
These species are usually referred to as Accessory vectors or Bridge vectors because they bridge transmission from the maintenance cycles to incidental hosts like horses or humans.Starting with some of the background:
WN virus is a zoonotic flavivirus transmitted by mosquitoes, and uses birds as amplifier hosts.
Because of this, we can expect many similarities between West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus, our domestic zoonotic flavivirus.
?The core of the cycle is enzootic transmission – or maintenance and amplification – in which mosquitoes and birds cycle the virus. Under permissive conditions, this amplification cycle can dramatically increase the number of infected birds and mosquitoes in an area through the course of the summer.
? Very intense transmission may produce avian epizootics, mammalian epizootics, or epidemics.
Epizootic and epidemic transmission may involve the same vector species as enzootic transmission, or may involve other species that are susceptible to the virus and feed on a wider variety of hosts.
These species are usually referred to as Accessory vectors or Bridge vectors because they bridge transmission from the maintenance cycles to incidental hosts like horses or humans.
4. WNV Prevention Based on Transmission Personal-emphasize at times of high mosquito activity (dawn/dusk) or stay indoors
Use mosquito repellent
Wear long sleeves, pants
Use/ fix screens
Empty standing water
Community / environmental
Empty standing water
5. Repellent Guidance Skin
DEET still “gold standard”
Both new additions good for shorter term protection
Roughly equivalent to DEET at same concentration
Only a 7% product currently sold in US
Oil of lemon eucalyptus
Plant based
30% product similar to low concentration DEET
Not for kids <3 years old
6. Transmission The most common route of infection is bite of infectious mosquito
2002 revealed other modes
Blood Transfusion
Organ Transplantation
Percutaneous exposure (occ. exposure)
Breastmilk (probable)
7. Screening of Blood Supply As of July 2003, all blood donated in US is screened for WNV using nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT)
Platform under IND
Use of NAT continues to be refined
Transfusion-associated risk very, very low
In 2004, 224 PVDs identified
One transfusion-associated transmission associated with a change in use of NAT
8. Presumptively Viremic Blood Donors, 2004
9. Presumptively Viremic Blood Donors, 2005
10. WNV and Pregnancy One confirmed intrauterine WNV infection (2002)
Zero cases of WNV intrauterine transmission detected in 79 pregnancies (2003-4)
Three cases of early post-natal WNV infection
Transplacentally transmitted?
11. WNV and Pregnancy Nine major birth defects were detected (12 percent of live births)
Chance occurrences
Phenotypic inconsistency (except microcephaly)
Maternal WNV infection often followed expected timing of defect development
Registry for pregnant women with WNV
Most infants seemingly health (point 1)
Most infants seemingly health (point 1)
12. The crows remain an important part of the avian mortality surveillanceThe crows remain an important part of the avian mortality surveillance
13. WNV Fever Most who get sick from WNV infection have WNV fever
Time from mosquito bite to illness averages 3-5 days
Fever, chills, headache, fatigue can be severe
Nausea, vomiting
Rash, usually not itchy, lasting a few days, mainly on chest, back, abdomen, and/or arms
Usually better within a week, though persistent headache, fatigue common -- reports of weeks, even longer among otherwise healthy persons
14. WNV Meningitis Fever, headache, meningismus, photosensitivity
White blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid
Headache may be quite severe
Most people improve, though persistent headache, fatigue common
15. WNV Encephalitis
Severity ranges from mild confusion to coma and death
Other symptoms
16. WNV-Associated Flaccid Paralysis Recognized more frequently in the last 2 years
Affects relatively healthy young people
May not have fever or headache before paralysis
Clinical hallmarks:
Onset early in infection
Weakness can often be in only one limb
Absence of numbness; pain sometimes present
17. Risk for Severe Disease Persons over 50 at higher risk
Solid organ transplant recipients
18. Diagnosis of WNV Infection Suspect in meningitis, encephalitis, or flaccid paralysis from summer through fall, or December in the South
Consider other arboviral diseases such as St. Louis encephalitis
Local WNV enzootic activity or other human cases should raise suspicion
Recent travel history also important
State labs can help with diagnostic testing of serum or CSF for WNV IgM and/or IgG
19. Reporting Reporting procedures vary by state – Check with state coordinators/state websites
All human WNV illness is reportable as of 2004
20. WNV Treatment No specific treatment for WNV disease
3 IRB-approved, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trials available
21. WNV Outcomes Neuroinvasive disease
10-20% with severe disease die
Fatalities primarily among elderly, immunosuppressed
WNV flaccid paralysis
Some people with almost complete recovery; others with continued weakness
Those with less severe initial weakness tend to have a better prognosis
22. WNND County Level Incidence per Million, United States, 2004
23. 2004, WNV Activity
24. 2005 WNV Activity, as of 5 July 2005
25. Info Online West Nile Virus: Information and Guidance for Clinicians
Diagnosis section http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/resources/fact_sheet_clinician.htm
26. Registry for Women Infected with WNV while Pregnant Interim Guidelines for the evaluation of infants born to women infected with WNV during pregnancy. See: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/DuringPregnancy/WNV_duringPregnancy.htm