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Get ready for the upcoming coaching season with essential guidelines for coaches, assistant coaches, parents, and players. Learn about responsibilities, sportsmanship, game schedules, uniform policies, and more to ensure a successful and enjoyable soccer experience.
SeasonDates Pg. 13
Assistant Coaches ALL ASSISTANT COACHES MUST HAVE BACKGROUND CHECKS • Bench Parent (5-8) • Leave/TAD • Parent temporarily filling in All coaches must wear a coach’s badge
Badges New Policy Cleared Not Cleared Black Red
Emails Please answer all emails • If your Assistant Coach is in charge, please have them respond on your behalf. • Game day cancelations: We will be the “Unknown number” Please answer.
Players • Insure minimum playing time: (Half of the Game) • Find a balance between support and pressure to encourage kids to do their best. • Avoid becoming over zealous Focus on: Skill development, fair play, teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship Build players for next year!
Parents Pg. 22 • Communication • Team Parent • Spectator side • Responsible for your parents and your players conduct. • No Pets/alcohol/tobacco • Child supervision • Flag Conditions • Colors In cases where you need assistance or advice.
Sportsmanship Lead by example "Teaching sportsmanship is a major part of a coach's job." Warning Suspended next game Suspended remainder of season Will not return in the future
Comments NO negative comments towards players
Uniforms • SFYS will supply shorts, numbered jerseys, shin guards and socks. • Parents exchange • Must be new and a set. • Youth Sports Office *No “Nicknames” on jerseys*
Awards and Gear • All teams will receive participation awards. • Team names submitted by email only. (NLT) 10 February • Balls • Drawing Boards • Goalie Gloves • Ice packs • First Aid Kits • Cones • Pennies on request only
Age Divisions Pg. 15
Balanced Teams • Prevent blow-outs • Stacked teams • Valuable learning experiences for everyone • Based on the information provided by parents • Courtney/Kinser
Practices and Games • Practice: • Be on time and organized. • Practices: One hour a day, twice a week. • Practice Cancelations: At your discretion, unless contacted by YS. • Extra Practices • Practice Conflicts • Games: • Arrive 30 minutes prior to start time. • Minor & up line up cards • Check for proper equipment • Pregame meeting
Using DODDS Facilities • Not an MCCS facility • When Using: • Clean-up after each practice • Turn-off field lights • Lock light boxes
Game Schedule Canceled Rescheduled No request
Practice/Game Cancelations Reasons: • Lightning in the immediate area • Heavy/prolonged rain • Hazardous conditions near game site • Conflicting events • Forfeit • Poor Sportsmanship When: (may occur at anytime) Cancelations will be posted on
Playoffs • Ages 9 & up • Single – Elimination • Games will be on Foster • First and second place trophies will be awarded • Playoff are organized in the “equitable” seeding format
Q & A FIFA The Fédération Internationale de Football Association Soccer’s international governing body RISA Ryukyu International Soccer Association How many laws of soccer are there? 17 Is there heading in 10u? NO This rule was implemented in 2016 Can 5-8 yr. olds slide tackle? NO (YS Bylaw)
Cont. Does the entire ball or just part of the ball have to cross the boundary line in order for it to be considered out of play? The Entire Ball
Know your Laws & Bylaws Please read an understand the FIFA Laws and our Bylaws. Challenging calls: you may challenge a law or bylaw All judgement calls are final.
Soccer Cleats Front Cleat No Cleat = Soccer No metal cleats What’s the difference: This type of stud often is found on baseball, football and lacrosse cleats because it helps players gain more traction on the field. Why is it not allowed? As players attempt to take the ball from one another, a front cleat is in a prime position to cause injury to the feet, shins and knees of other players.
Uniforms (Bylaws) (13) Shin guards under socks (15) The following items and shoes are not authorized: • (c) Any shoe that has been modified from its original design. • (d) Hard accessories on the body such as beaded hair, hard cast, and jewelry. • (e) Prescription glasses or goggles must have a strapthat wraps around the head. (16) Undershirts, socks & beanies(5-8) • (a) All undershirts do not have to match.No hoods and all jerseys must be tucked in. (It is not mandatory for all players to wear any of the items above). • (b) Same color socks. • (c)Beanies of any color, snug fitting and flat on top.
Uniforms(Bylaws)Minor/Major/Junior (9-15) • (16) Undershirts and socks • (a)Undershirts: If worn, shall be solid color and the same color shall be worn by teammates; the player not matching will be asked to remove the item worn. (It is not mandatory for all players to wear any of the items above). • They can be black, white or a color that matches the jersey. They may not wear anything with a hood and all jerseys must be tucked in. Beanies may be worn, but they must be a solid color and flat on top. • (b)Socks: All socks must match. If your team chooses to wear multi colored socks, they must be the same color and pattern.
Technical Box There may be up to four (4) coaches per team. Law 1 #9:Only one may actively engage with their respective team players in the "Technical Area". All other coaches must remain seated on the bench or stand behind the bench. All players will remain on the respective team bench. No coach or parent may stand behind their goal to assist the goal keeper. (Exception PW) • They must behave in a responsible manner • Must remain within the confines except in special circumstances, e.g. to assess an injured player • Only one person at a time is authorized to convey tactical instructions from the technical area.
Be Responsible SFYS SOP: • (b) All Coaches must behave in a responsible manner. • Questioning the integrity of an official • Physically charging, using vulgar, profane or unsportsmanlike remarks or gestures • Excessive actions and continuous verbal remarks that indicates displeasure with officiating • Coaches will neither yell at officials nor permit their players to do so. As a result: • Coaches will be given a warning or told to immediately leave the sight and sound of the game. These may also result in being ejected for the remainder of the season.
Bylaws MCCS Youth Sports Soccer will follow the laws of: The FédérationInternationale de Football Association (FIFA), as modified by our by-laws and the Youth Sports Director. Pg. 16
More Information on Training and Laws Online training: Grade 9 and 8 Referee Course https://www.ussoccer.com/referees/resource-center/online-training Laws of the game: http://www.theifab.com/laws To become a Certified Soccer Referee RISA: http://www.RISAsoccer.com or email RISAsoccer@gmail.com
Officials Referees start at age 12
LOA/HC Refund 72 volunteer hours per team Please call ahead or email us at the end of the season. Head Coach refund
Contact us • Semper Fit Youth Sports • Office and Warehouse Hours: Monday – Friday 730-1630 • Office Location: MCCS Headquarters Camp Foster (Bldg. 5966) • Warehouse Location: Camp Foster (Bldg. 5952) • **Warehouse: Please call ahead of time to make an appointment. • DSN Office: 645-3533/34 • Local Phone: 098-970-3533/34 • Email: youthsport@okinawa.usmc-mccs.org • Website: www.mccsokinawa.com/youthsports • Facebook Page: MCCS Okinawa – Sports & Wellness