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Ankle Positioning Device

Ankle Positioning Device. Marc DeAngelis Paul Hauris Katherine Leshkow Jennifer Moore. Spring 2013. Background. Complex Joint Full Range of Motion Inversion/Eversion Plantar Flexion/Dorsiflexion Internal/External Rotaton. Introduction. Our Goals Working Model User-friendly

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Ankle Positioning Device

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ankle Positioning Device Marc DeAngelis Paul Hauris Katherine Leshkow Jennifer Moore Spring 2013

  2. Background • Complex Joint • Full Range of Motion • Inversion/Eversion • Plantar Flexion/Dorsiflexion • Internal/External Rotaton

  3. Introduction • Our Goals • Working Model • User-friendly • Cost Effective • Minimal Machining • Basic Goals • x-, y-, z-axes • Load applied • Horizontal, vertical • 5DOF

  4. Pin Designs • Pin • Layered • Framed Plates • Gimbal • 4DOF

  5. Layered • 3DOF Framed Plate • 3 DOF

  6. Gimbal • 4 DOF • Built upon earlier ideas

  7. Basic Conceptual Design • Selected Design • 4 DOF

  8. Clamp Design (Tibia)

  9. Design Modifications • Joint Design • Motors • Load Cell

  10. Joint Design

  11. 100 lbs Design Modifications - Motor Selection • Calculations • Torque Consideration • Weight Requirement • Final Selection

  12. Design Modifications - Load Cell • Function • Importance of Location

  13. Design Flaws - Structural Support • Necessary Change • Earlier Design’s Flaws

  14. Design Flaws – Translational Flaw

  15. Control Algorithm

  16. Control Algorithm

  17. Servo without Filter Servo with 2nd Order Butterworth Pass Filter

  18. Cost Analysis • Base Plates • 24” x 24” 1” thick Al plate - $544.97 • 18” x 18” 1” thick Al plate - $306.55 • Stabilizer Base • 3/16” thick Al - $63.19 • Three Motors - $719.94 • Vertical Bearings - $92.88 • 6DOF Analog IMU - $72.50 • Arduino Uno - $29.95 • TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $2,768

  19. Gantt

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