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Getting Ready for School Dec 2009

Getting Ready for School Dec 2009. From the USAF to This…2011. 1 Year prior to retirement 2008 (actual retirement was one large party). Underground somewhere 2007. Homesick 2006-2007. 2007. In 2007….

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Getting Ready for School Dec 2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting Ready for School Dec 2009

  2. From the USAF to This…2011

  3. 1 Year prior to retirement 2008(actual retirement was one large party)

  4. Underground somewhere 2007

  5. Homesick 2006-2007

  6. 2007

  7. In 2007… • Scientists: Humans 'very likely' cause global warming (reported Feb 2, 2007 to the world). • Spoken out by an international group of scientists meeting in Paris, France.

  8. Meeting I briefed (IG) 2005

  9. My Job – I kill people (not really simulated)

  10. My transportation and hobby 2004-2009 (20 miles daily rain or shine)

  11. In 2004… • The CIA admits that there was no imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. • CBS uncovers systematic torture of Iraq Prisoners at the Abu GhraibPrison. • Japan is hit with multiple earthquakes and multiple typhoons causing major loss of life and major damage to the economy. • Average Cost of new house $274,500.00 Average Median Income $45,817.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas $2.10 

  12. 2003 North Korea DMZ 4 years spent remote in South Korea

  13. England/Yokota Japan 2004-1987

  14. Okinawa Japan 1984-1987

  15. In 1988... Yearly Inflation Rate USA4.08% Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 10.50%  Average Cost of new house $91,600.00 Average Income per year $24,450.00 Average Monthly Rent $420.00 Average Price for new car $10,400.00 1 gallon of gas 91 cents (WOW)!!!! Movie Ticket $3.50 US Postage Stamp 24 cents Dozen Eggs 65 cents 

  16. My Father’s (parents) My GrandparentsGeorge 1903-1982 and Lucille 1907-1999 – Migrated to the United States in 1922 (Grandpa from England and Grandma from Germany)

  17. My Grandmother (Mom’s side) She is 101 years old and lives in Sumner Washington • Grandpa Died while cutting Tree tops after I joined the military in 1984 (no pics) • Grandpa’s and Grandma’s families Migrated from England

  18. Sisters and Brothers I have 1 Sister (Angie – 1 year older) and 1 Brother (Jim 3 years older) AND five step brothers and sisters. • Randy • Rob • Rick • Ron (Chuck) • Renee • Side note: All are older than I am and all names RCW (no pics) and my Step Dad (Ron Winans)

  19. My Mom and Dad • Mom married Jim Hastings and divorced when I was 9 years old • Mom married Ron Winans when I was 11 years old and divorced soon after I joined the military (1983) • Mom Married Rick Curd when I was a couple of years in the military. • My real father Jim Hastings married Diane after he divorced Mom and has been happily married since. • No pics at request.

  20. In 1983… • Average Cost of new house $82,600.00  • Average Income per year $21,070.00  • Average Monthly Rent $335.00  • Dodge RAM 50 Truck $5665.00  • Unemployment Rises in the US to 12 million the highest figure since 1941

  21. The past before the USAF

  22. Vietnam War • When I was born in 1964, the Vietnam war was raging – My Dad went to fight the war but got out of the Army before he was sent to battle. • My Uncle Mark did go to Vietnam and wrote a book on his experiences (cannot locate the book)

  23. No baby Pic (cannot find it) • I was born August 8th 1964 and was to be named Mark. My name was changed to Timothy right before I was born for no apparition reason. • I was an accidental birth (not planned) • I was born in Kent Washington (but believed to be born in Sumner my whole life) • We lived in a one bedroom house with a small yard in the city • We moved out into the country area when I was 2 years old

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