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Learn about the spreadsheet environment in MS Excel, including basic operations, sheet management, cell manipulation, and custom lists. Improve your Excel proficiency with practical exercises and expert guidance.
Anglicky v odborných předmětech"Support ofteachingtechnicalsubjects in English“ Tutorial: Obchodní akademie Topic: SpreadsheetEnvironment, Basic Operations Prepared by: Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Spreadsheetenvironment Afterlaunching MS Excel, a windowwiththisapplicationopens. An MS Excel fileiscalled a workbook. Excel extensions: .xls – excelworkbook, the standard format up to the 2003 version .xlsx – excelworkbook, the standard formatofthe 2007, 2010 versions By default, Office 2003 cannot open filesoflaterversions. Office 2003 usershave to downloadtheCompatibilityPack (link), whichallows to open filesofnewerversionsof MS Office.
Sheets Eachworkbookconsistsofsheets. The standard numberofsheetscanbe set in theoptionsofthe Excel application by selectingtheoption in „Includethis many sheets“.
Workingwithsheets Sizeof a sheet: numberofcolumns: 16 384 numberofrows: 1 048 576 Inserting a sheet: There are severalwayshow to do it: Clickthebuttonnext to the last sheet Use the Shift+F11 keyboardshortcut Hometab – Insert menu – Insert Sheet Removing a sheet: Rightclickthegivensheet - Delete
Workingwithsheets Renaming a sheet: Rightclickthegivensheet - Rename Moving a sheet: Leftclick and dragthegivensheet to theright place Changingthetabcolour: Rightclickthegivensheet and chooseTabcolor
Workingwithcells Eachsheetconsistsofcells. Each cell has itsaddress – itis made by combiningtherow and column. Rows are labelledwithnumbers, columnswithletters. Theaddressof a cell isalwaysdisplayed in theaddress bar.
Copying data in cells Very often, itisneeded to copy data in a columnorrow – e.g. thedaysof a week, months, dates, numbersetc. Example:wewant to insert intoonecolumnthemonthsfromJanuary to December Insert thefirstmonthinto thefirst cell and then copy itintotheremainingcells by draggingthebottomrightcornerofthe cell Thesameprocedureisusedforthedaysof a weekordates. Whenitisneeded to copy numbers, itisnecessary to type in thefirsttwonumbers (so that Excel knowswhatchangeshouldtake place) and thenselectbothnumberswhich are thencopiedintotheothercells just like in thepreviousexample.
Workingwithlists Sometimesitisneeded to copy a list of data whichcannotbefound in the standard installationof Excel. In such a case itispossible to add a custom list. Procedure: 1. Type the list youwant to create in a columnorrow 2. Excel applicationoptions – Edit customlists. 3. Selecttheentered list – Import. Afterthat, thecustom list isinserted and itispossible to copy it.
Task • Create a newworkbook and deleteallsheetsexceptforone and renameit to „task“. Changethetabcolour to blue. • In the „task“ sheet, insert intocolumns A and B thedaysof a week (into A) and dates (into B) oftheparticulardaysofthecurrentmonth.
Sources • BARILLA, Jiří, Pavel SIMR a Květuše SÝKOROVÁ. Microsoft Excel 2010: Podrobná uživatelská příručka. Brno: ComputerPress, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-3077-3. • Microsoft Office. MS Excel 2010 - úvodní obrazovka [online]. 2010-11-15 [2011-12-29]. <http://office.lasakovi.com/excel/zaklady/ms-excel-2010-uvodni-obrazovka/>