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Explore the eerie and captivating world of Anton Semenov, a renowned digital painter and graphic designer known for his surreal and imaginative artwork. Discover his unique techniques and attention to detail as he brings nightmares to life through his powerful creations.
Anton Semenov Nickname: (Gloom82)
Education • Education • RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF CINEMATOGRAPHY (ВГИК) • Movie set decorator --- Художник - постановщикMovie set decorator --- Художник - постановщик • 1988 – 1992 • Activities and Societies: Member of the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ARTISTS AND CREATIVE UNION OF RUSSIA since 2001. • https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonsemenovehrb
Semenov is a 28-year-old digital painter and graphic designer born and raised in Bratsk, Russia. He is not only known for his incredible technique and attention to details, but also for his imagination and surrealism within his works. “Weiss Secret” “jump” “zimmer”
Anton Semenov usually begins his masterpieces by drawing a sketch then moves to using PhotoshopCS, Wacom Intuos5L or CorelDraw and 3Dmax. • He says that its different for each situation when explaining his workflow. • “Everything is always different. There are some works that I drew sitting at the paint tablet, and other ones are machined pencil sketches. The ideas usually comes suddenly, for example, when I am at work doing a small sketch on the sticker, and then it serves as a basic platform for my future work.”
Inspiration • Semenov says that his inspiration comes from the world around him. He says that lot of his work is somewhat drawn to back home in Russia actually, not the grimness more like the actual he idea he’s trying to play with. • “ I used many ideas and colours for my works from the atmosphere of my own city. Don’t think that Bratsk is something grey and weird. But I have just seen differently and have my own opinion, as well as everything that is surrounding me.” Semenov also made clear that because a lot of his artwork is drawn from our recognizable world, that he is more of a surreal artist rather than fantasy.
Devil’s fingers Salvation of the soul Army of Mushrooms Hit! Hit! Hit! Evening No Lullaby
I chose to research Anton Semenov because of absurd view on, he looks at things we all look at in such a different deeper way. He states that everything is in front of us, its just that not everyone can see it. Semenov invites us into his creepy grim world through his artwork. I always love to see different perspectives when it comes to art because it helps me with mine, it helps me look at things differently, makes me think outside of the box. Semenov shows that no idea is too crazy as long as you can achieve your concept through your artwork. Semenov’s work is so powerful it can send chills down your spine, he creates scenes derived from everyone's nightmares, but the scariest thing is that they’re actually derived from real life.
http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/11/the-35-best-surreal-art-pictures-by-anton-semenov-exclusive-interview/http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/11/the-35-best-surreal-art-pictures-by-anton-semenov-exclusive-interview/ http://www.designsphere.info/2015/12/19/interview-anton-semenov-gloom82/