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Learn about the important personal qualities and appearance standards for health care workers, including promoting good health, professional appearance, and essential character traits.
Personal Appearance • Important to present an appearance that inspires confidence and a positive self-image • 20 seconds to 4 minutes people form an impression about another person
Good Health • Promoting health and preventing disease; worker should present a healthy appearance • Five factors contribute to good health: Diet, Rest, Exercise, Good Posture, Avoid Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs • BELLWORK: Give one example of how to include each factor into your daily life.
Good Health Diet • Eating well-balanced meals and nutritious foods provides the body with the materials needed for optimum health • Five major food groups – milk, meat, vegetables, fruits, bread (cereals, rice, and pasta)
Good Health Rest • Adequate rest and sleep help provide energy and the ability to deal with stress
Good Health Exercise • Maintains circulation and improves muscle tone; helps mental attitude and contributes to more restful sleep • Best suited to their own needs; but should exercise dailly
Good Health Good Posture • Help prevent fatigue and puts less stress on muscles • Standing straight with stomach muscles pulled in shoulders relaxed, and weight balanced equally on each foot • BRAIN BREAK: Everyone stand up and lets practice good posture.
Good Health Avoid Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs • Can seriously affect good health • Tobacco affects the function of the heart, circulatory system, lungs, and digestive system • Alcohol & Drugs – impairs mental function, decreases ability to make decisions, and adversely affects many body systems; Use of these can result in job loss
Professional Appearance • Learn the rules or standards of dress and personal appearance that have been established by your place of employment • Maintain a neat, clean, and professional appearance
Professional Appearance Uniform • Many health occupations require uniforms • Should always be neat, well fitting, clean, and free from wrinkles • Some agencies require white uniforms. While other will allow pastel colors; In some places color identify a group of workers
Professional Appearance Clothing • If regular clothing is worn in place of a uniform, the clothing must be clean, neat, and in good repair. • Style should allow for freedom of body movement and be appropriate for the job
Professional Appearance Name Badge • Require personnel to wear name badges or photo identification tags at all times • Badge states- Name, Title, and department of the Health Care worker; In long-term care facilities, worker are required by law to wear ID badges
Professional Appearance Shoes • White shoes are frequently required, many occupations allow other types of shoes • Shoes should fit well and provide good support to prevent fatigue. • Low heels are usually the best
Professional Appearance Personal Hygiene • Daily bath or shower, use of deodorant or antiperspirant, good oral hygiene, and undergarments all help prevent body odor. • Strong odors like perfumes, scented hairspray, and aftershave lotions can be offensive and cause allergic reactions in some individuals
Professional Appearance Nails • Should be kept short and clean. • Long nail can injure patients and transmit germs • Always wear gloves when doing any procedures • Wash hands often and put lotion on
Professional Appearance Jewelry • Not permitted with a uniform because it can injury patient • Exceptions – watch, wedding ring, and small, pierced earrings • Not professional appearance is Body jewelry
Professional Appearance Makeup • Makeup should be kept to a minimal; it only purpose is to create a natural appearance and add to the attractivenes
Personal Characteristics • A health care worker should make every effort to develop the following characteristics and attitudes and incorporate them into your personality • What do you think are some personal characteristics of a health care workers personality?
Personal Characteristics • Empathy: being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situation, and motives. • Honesty: Truthfulness and integrity are important in any career field • Dependability: Employers and patients rely on you, so you must accept the responsibility required in your position
Personal Characteristics • Willingness to learn: To learn and to adapt to changes; at times additional education may be required to remain competent • Patience: Must be tolerant and understanding; learning to deal with frustration and overcome obstacles is important
Personal Characteristics • Acceptance of criticism: Be constructive and allow you to improve your work; remember everyone has some areas where performance can be improved • Enthusiasm: Enjoy your work and display a positive attitude; is contagious • Self-motivation: The ability to begin or to follow through with a task
Personal Characteristics • Tact: Having the ability to say or do the kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation • Competence: Qualified and capable of performing a task • Responsibility: Willing to be held accountable for your actions
Personal Characteristics • Discretion: Use good judgment what you say and do; must be discreet and ensure that the patient’s rights are not violated • Team Player: Work with others; each member of the health care team has an important part
Teamwork • Many professionals, with different levels of education, ideas backgrounds, and interests, working together for the benefit of the paitent
Teamwork • Improves communication and continuity of care • This allows a patient to become more educated about health care options and to make informed decisions regarding treatment and care
Teamwork • Every person on the team must understand the role of each team member • It is important of any team is the leader; responsible for organizing and coordinating the team’s activities, encouraging everyone to share ideas and give opinions,
Teamwork • Maintain a positive attitude and learn to laugh at yourself • Be friendly and cooperate with others • Assist others when you see that they need help • Listen carefully when another person is sharing ideas or beliefs
Teamwork • Respect the opinions of others even though you may not agree with them • Be open-minded and willing to compromise • Avoid criticizing other team members • Learn good communication skills so you can share ideas, concepts, and knowledge • Support and encourage other team members • Perform your duties to the best of your ability • BRAIN BREAK: Teamwork Game: Cannot touch the ground, but you have to move from one side of the room to the other.
Professional Leadership • Leadership – skill or ability to encourage people to work together and do their best to achieve common goals • Leader – individual who leads or guides others, or who is in charge or in command of others
Professional Leadership Leadership Skills (are learned not inherited) • Respect the rights, dignity, opinions, and abilities of others • Understands the principles of democracy • Works with a group and guides the group towards a goal • Understands own strengths and weaknesses
Professional Leadership • Displays self-confidence and willingness to take a stand • Communicates effectively and verbalizes ideas clearly • Shows self-initiative, a willingness to work, and completes tasks • Show optimism, is open-minded, and can compromise
Professional Leadership • Praises other and gives credit to others • Dedicated to meeting high standards
Professional Leadership Types of Leadership • Democratic Leader – encourages the participation of all individuals in decisions that have to be made or problems that have to be solved
Professional Leadership • Laissez-faire leader – informal type of leader; believes in noninterference in the affairs of others; allow independent in a group to function in an independent manner with little or no direction
Professional Leadership • Autocratic Leader – maintains total rule, makes all of the decisions, and has difficulty delegating or sharing duties; “Dictator”
Stress • Stress can be defined as the body’s reaction to any stimulus that requires a person to adjust to a changing environment.
Stress • Stressors – be situations, events, or concepts, external or internal forces. • Some stress can be harmful, while other types of stress is OK. • Individuals reaction to and perception of the situation causing stress
Stress • 1st step – learning how to control stress is ID stressors; Recognizing the “fight or flight”; • Then find ways to relieve the stress or Problem-solving method (must be solved or eliminated)
Stress Problem-Solving Method • Gather information or data • Identify the problem • List possible solutions • Make a plan • Act on your solution • Evaluate the results • Change the solution
Stress Manage Stress Reaction • Stop – what you are doing to break out of the stress response • Breathe – take slow deep breath to relieve the physical tension you are feeling • Reflect – think about the problem at hand and the cause of the stress • Choose – determine how you want to deal with the stress
Stress Other Stress Reducing Techniques • Live a healthy life: eat balanced meals, get sufficient amounts of rest & sleep, and exercise • Take a break from stressors: sit in a comfortable chair with your feet up • Relax: take a warm bath • Escape: listen to quiet soothing music • Relieve tension: shut your eyes, take slow deep breaths
Stress • Rely on others: talk with a friend & reach out to your support system • Meditate: think about your values or beliefs in a higher power • Use imagery: close your eyes & use all your senses to place yourself in a scene where you are at peace • Enjoy yourself: find an enjoyable leisure activity or hobby
Stress • Renew yourself: learn new skills, take part in a professional organization, participate in community activities • Think positively: reflect on your accomplishments & be proud of yourself • Develop outside interest: provide time for yourself • Seek assistance or delegate tasks: ask other for help or delegate some task to others • Avoid too many commitments: learn to say “no”
Time Management • Time Management – system of practical skills that allows an individual to use time in the most effective and productive • Keep a record of daily activities to see what you do for a week then adjust your schedule to allow some down time • Goal – desired result or purpose toward which one is working
Time Management Set Goals • State goals in a positive manner • Define goals clearly and precisely • Prioritize multiple goals • Write goals down • Make sure each goal is at right level
Time Management Effective Time Management • Analyze & prioritize – review & list established goals • Identify habits & preferences – know when you have the energy to complete work • Schedule tasks – use a daily planner or calendar • Make a daily “to do” list – list all task on a daily basis
Time Management • Plan your work – work at a comfortable pace • Avoid distractions – make every effort to avoid interruption • Take Credit for a job well done – when a job is complete, recognize your achievement