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Wilderness Characteristics Guidance for the BLM. I. Introduction II. Inventory Procedures A. Background B. Route Analysis & Boundary Identification C. Size D. Naturalness E. Outstanding Opportunities & Supplemental Values F. Boundary Adjustments & LWC Documentation
Wilderness CharacteristicsGuidance for the BLM I. Introduction II. Inventory Procedures A. Background B. Route Analysis & Boundary Identification C. Size D. Naturalness E. Outstanding Opportunities & Supplemental Values F. Boundary Adjustments & LWC Documentation III. Planning Inventory - Background
Wilderness CharacteristicsGuidance for the BLM What does this mean in Alaska? Inventory Procedures: Background Inventory - Background
Background • ANILCA, Section 1320 “…section 603 of [FLPMA] shall not apply to any lands in Alaska. However, in carrying out his duties under section 201 and section 202 of such Act and other applicable laws, the Secretary may identify areas in Alaska which he determines are suitable as wilderness and may, from time to time, make recommendations to the Congress for inclusion of any such areas in the National Wilderness Preservation System….” Inventory - Background
Background • FLPMA, Section 201(a) “…prepare and maintain on a continuing basis an inventory of all public lands and their resource and other values….This inventory shall be kept current so as to reflect changes in conditions and to identify new and emerging…values.” Inventory - Background
Background • FLPMA, Section 201(a) “The…identification of such areas shall not, of itself, change or prevent change of the management…of public lands.” Such changes are regulated through land use plans, as outlined in FLPMA, Section 202 Inventory - Background
Inventory what is not what should be not what might be Inventory - Background
Wilderness Characteristics • Wilderness Act, Section 2(c) • Size • Apparent Naturalness • Outstanding Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive Recreation • Other supplemental values ? • If 1-3 present = land with wilderness characteristics (LWC) Inventory - Background
Wilderness Characteristics In ANILCA, “the terms ‘wilderness’ and ‘National Wilderness Preservation System’ have the same meaning as when used in the Wilderness Act” of 1964.” ANILCA, Section 102(13) Inventory - Background
When to Inventory • Wilderness Characteristics identified as an issue in NEPA scoping • During RMP, RMP Amendment • Project proposal where inventory is not current • Newly acquired lands Inventory - Background
When to Inventory • New information from the public outside specific NEPA analysis • Public needs to supply: • map • narrative explaining how new info substantially differs from BLM’s info • photos Inventory - Background
When to Inventory Frequently enough to maintain inventories as “current” “Maintain” does NOT mean to discard previous inventories and start over Inventory - Background
Citizen-supplied Information • Name of identified area Name of Submitter Date of Submission • Supporting material meets standards? • Check Validity Inventory - Background
Citizen-supplied Information • Check Validity • appropriate boundaries • wilderness characteristics? • Information sources • prior inventories • knowledge of current personnel • aerial photography; other remote sensing • NEW INVENTORY Inventory - Background
LWC Documentation • Appendix B, Form 1 Inventory - Background
FORM 1 Documentation of BLM Wilderness Characteristics Inventory Findings from Previous Inventory on Record 1. Is there existing BLM wilderness characteristics inventory information on all or part of this area? No (Go to Form 2)Yes _______ (If yes, and if more than one area is within the area, list the unique identifiers for those areas.): a) Inventory Source: ____________________ b) Inventory Area Unique Identifier(s):____________________ c) Map Name(s)/Number(s):____________________ d) BLM District(s)/Field Office(s):____________________ X Inventory - Background
FORM 1 Documentation of BLM Wilderness Characteristics Inventory Findings from Previous Inventory on Record 1. Is there existing BLM wilderness characteristics inventory information on all or part of this area? No (Go to Form 2)Yes _______ (If yes, and if more than one area is within the area, list the unique identifiers for those areas.): a) Inventory Source: ____________________ b) Inventory Area Unique Identifier(s):____________________ c) Map Name(s)/Number(s):____________________ d) BLM District(s)/Field Office(s):____________________ X BLM original inventory 1979 NV-030-113 Split Rock NE - 1980 Split Rock FO Inventory - Background
2. BLM Inventory Findings on Record: Existing inventory information regarding wilderness characteristics (if more than one BLM inventory area is associated with the area, list each area and answer each question individually for each inventory area): Inventory Source: ____________________ BLM original inventory 1979 Inventory - Background
2. BLM Inventory Findings on Record: Existing inventory information regarding wilderness characteristics (if more than one BLM inventory area is associated with the area, list each area and answer each question individually for each inventory area): Inventory Source: ____________________ ? BLM original inventory 1979 Inventory - Background
Inventory Maintenance Compare existing data with new data Does previous conclusion remain valid? Document your reasoning Make findings available to the public Add to Permanent Files Inventory - Background
Permanent Files • Unique identifier • state code, office code, inventory number NV-030-051 • related to inventories from 1970s • Map • Inventory forms Always keep a copy in local office Inventory - Background
Permanent Files One file for each inventory unit Unique identifier APPENDIX A – PERMANENT DOCUMENTATION FILE The permanent documentation file should include the following: 1. Inventory Area Evaluation: Appendix B. 2. Route Analysis: Appendix C. 3. Inventory Maps: Inventorymaps used in conducting and documenting findings of wilderness characteristics inventories must be retained. Maps should depict the area’s unique identifier, boundary, and any photo points. 4. Photo Documentation: Documentation could include a descriptive log and photographs (Appendix D). 5. Supporting Documentation: Include additional notes, forms, and documents. Inventory - Background
Wilderness CharacteristicsGuidance for the BLM Inventory Procedures: Background End of Module IIA Inventory - Background