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CHAPTER : 7 PRINT CULTURE & THE MODERN WORLD. Major Aspects. Different forms of Printing. Print in China & Japan & Europe. Gutenberg & his Press. Print Revolution- Impacts & Problems. Reading mania Print & its impacts- France/ Russia/ India. Printing- Women/ Children/ Workers.
Major Aspects • Different forms of Printing. • Print in China & Japan & Europe. • Gutenberg & his Press. • Print Revolution- Impacts & Problems. • Reading mania • Print & its impacts- France/ Russia/ India. • Printing- Women/ Children/ Workers. • India and the Age of Print. • New Forms of Publication. • Print & Censorship.
Instances or Examples of print Forms. • News papers. • Magazines & Journals. • Official Circulars & Orders. • Digital Printing. • News Letters & Pamphlets. • Text Books. • Notice & Advertisements. • Photos/ Pictures/ Cartoons etc….
Earliest Form of Printing Technology Developed • East Asian Nations like > China. > Japan. > Korea.
Discuss- Earliest Printing Technology in China • This was a system of hand printing. • AD.594 onwards books were printed in China on the base of this system. • Wood blocks were curved by a learned carpenter. • Then wood blocks were inked and then paper was rubbed against the inked wood block.
CALLIGRAPHY • It was a writing system prevailed in China. • It was an art of Beautiful and Stylised writing.
Purpose of the Earliest Text books in China. • For to recruit the candidates in the bureaucratic system of China through the Civil Service Examination.
IMPORTNACE OF SHANGHAI • It is Place in China. • Western printing techniques & mechanical presses imported in China in later 19th centaury. • They established their outposts in China. • Shanghai became hub of modern print culture, catering the western school. • It was a shift from hand printing to mechanical printing.
Examin- In 17thcentuary a diversification happened in the field of print in China • Up to 16th century, print used only by the Scholars for official purpose. • From 17th century onwards merchants used print for to collect their trade information. • Reading habit increased very much and it became a leisure activity. • A new readership formed in China. • Different forms of literature began to publish- Narratives, Poetry, Anthopologies, Autobiographies & Literary masterpiece. • Women began to publish their poems & plays.
BUDDHIST DIAMOND SUTRA • Oldest Japanese Book. • Printed in AD.868. • It containing six sheets of paper. • It was a woodcut illustration.
When & Whom was introduced Print in Japan. • The Buddhist missionaries introduced hand printing technology in Japan from China. • They introduced around AD.768- 770.
Discuss- The Print in Japan. • Buddhist missionaries were introduced printing technology in Japan from China around AD.768-770. • The oldest book in Japan was Buddhist Diamond Sutra.(Six sheet, woodcut illustr). • Pictures were printed in- Texts, Play cards, money. • Medieval period- poets & prose writers regularly published their works. • Books were cheap in price. • Later 18th century urban circles depicted lot of urban pictures about their urban culture. • Libraries & Bookstores filled with various type books- woman, musical instrument, calculation, tea ceremony, cooking, flower arrangement, proper etiquette, places.
Type & Example of Printing Wood Blocks Example of printing
Kitagawa Utamaro & Ukiyo • Kitagawa Utamaro born in Edo(Tokyo) in 1753 • One of his major contribution was Ukiyo. • It is an art form its meaning was Pictures of the floating World or depiction of ordinary human experience especially urban one. • These prints travelled contemporary US and Europe. • It influenced the writers like Manet, Monet & Van Gogh.
Different Form of Print Technology Wood Block (AD.200) Moveable Type (AD 1040)
Print & EuropeGutenberg & his Press.Earliest Print Technology-world Lijin Golden 10- History
HOW PRINT TECHNOLOGYREACHED IN EUROPE • From 11th centaury onwards paper from China reached in Europe through trade routs. • It made the manuscripts carefully written by scribes(copy writers). • In 1295 Marcopolo, the great explorer reached in Italy after many years of exploration in China. • From China he learned the technology of Wood Block Printing. • He introduced this in Italy. • From Italy the Wood Block Technology reached in all parts of Europe.
Two Defects of Copying manuscripts • It is Expensive, Laborious and Time Consuming Business. • Manuscripts themselves fragile, awkward to handle and could not be easy to carry and read easily.
Earliest Form of Print Technology in the World level • Earliest kind dvpd……China, Japan and Korea. • Since 594 AD onwards China used W.B.P for print the text books. • Up to 16 century – used only by the Scholars. • In 17 century- merchants & common people began to use in their every day life. • Around 768-770 Buddhist missionaries introduced W.B.P in Japan. • In 1295 Marcopolo, great explorer introduced W.B.P in Italy, he gained this knowledge from China.
From Italy W.B.P reached in all parts of Europe. • The first printing press invented by Gutenberg in AD 1448. • It helped the printing of books in large number. • His novel printing machine occupied the position print World around next 300 years. • The invention of printing press paved the way for to spread the knowledge .
Gutenberg & his Press. • Before the invention of P.P, it was very difficult to spread knowledge. • The books were written by hand also they were very costly. • Knowledge was the privilege of the wealthy people only. • But this things changed after the invention of printing press. • The first P.P was set up Germany by Gutenberg in 1448.
He dvlpd metal types each of the 26 characters of the Roman alphabet and devised a way of moving them around so as to compose different words of the text. • His novel press came to be known as the moveable type printing machine and it remained the basic print technology for the next 300 years. • His press could print 250 sheets on one side per hour. • The first book he printed was Bible.
Merits of Printing Presses • It enabled the people to produce the book greater speed. • The production of book in large number created a new culture of reading and enlarged the number of readers.
Vellum Platen • A Parchment made from the skin of animals. • In letterpress printing, platen is a board which is pressed on the back of the paper to get the impression from the type. At one time it used to be a wooden board; later it was made of steel.
Ballad Taverns • A historical account or folk tale in verse, usually sung or recited. • Place where people gathered to drink alcohol, to be served food, and to meet the friends and exchange news
Questions….. • To find out different instances or examples of print forms. • In where was the earliest print technology developed in the World? • What is meant by Calligraphy? • For what purpose, the earliest text books were printed in China? • Write a short note on Buddhist Diamond Sutra? • Who was Gutenberg? • In which period printing presses were set up in most countries of Europe?
How book in China printed from 594 AD onwards? (or) Briefly explain the method of Wood Block printing in China? • What led to the diversification in the use of print in China? • When and whom was hand printing technology introduced in Japan? • Prepare a brief notes on KitagwaUtmaro and Ukiyo. • Briefly explain the earliest print technology in Japan.
How the Wood Block printing reached in Europe? (or) To find out the role of Marcopolo in the print technology in Europe? • What were the two defects of copying manuscripts.? • How the printing presses helped the printing technology? • Briefly explain the earliest form and development of print technology in the world? • To write a short notes on Gutenberg press. • To write a short notes on- Vellum & Platen.
Print- Impacts/ ContributionPrint- Religion/ Thinkers/FrenchPrint- Woman/ Workers/ Children Lijin Golden 10- History
Print Culture- Brought Enlightenment and End Despotism in 17 th Century in Europe (or)Print Tech: Contribution to Spread Knowledge (or)“Printing is the Ultimate gift of God and the greatest one”- Justify
Introduction • There is no denying the fact that the invention of print greatly contributed the spread of knowledge. • Without this invention , all the progress that we see today was not possible. • Printing is the ultimate gift of God and greatest one it is the word of German reformer Martin Luther- what better words can be said in favour of print.
Print Revolution & its Impacts • The P.R was not just a dvpt, a new way of producing book; it transformed the lives of the people, changing their relationship to information and knowledge and with institution and authorities. • It influenced the popular perceptions and opened a new way. • A new reading public emerged. • It reduced the cost of the Books. • The time and labour required to produce each book came down. • The multiple copies could be produced very easily. • Earlier reading was restricted to the common people, they lived in the World of oral culture. • It created a new culture of reading.
But printing helped the books to reach in the wider section of the society. • From a hearing public a new reading public emerged. • It improved the literacy rate of the Europe. • Especially in the religious field it created the wide circulation of ideas and introduced a new world of debate and discussion. • Print materials persuaded the people to think differently and move them to action. • The ideas of Scientists, Philosophers became more accessible to the common people. • The writings of thinkers like Thomas Paine, Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesqien influenced the people very much and these factors brought Enlightenment and led to the end of despotism.
Conclusion • Most of the revolutions of the world, which ended despotism and brought about Democratic govts in the World were much because of the advancement of the print culture. • Without the spread of Education and knowledge, how could such a transformation be possible.
Print- French Revolution • Print culture created the condition which brought about the French Revolution 1789. • Print Culture laid the emphasis on the rule of reason rather than custom. • First- Popularised the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. • Thinkers like Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquecriticised the authority of church and despotic power of the state through their writings.. • They put forward the idea of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. • This influenced the people very much • Second-Print culture created the atmosphere of dialogue and debate.
The norms, values & institutions were re- evaluated and discussed by the public. • Such thing created the ground for social revolution. • The literature helped the people to criticise the monarchy and their morality. • The cartoons and caicatures typically criticised the monarchy. • This process led to the growth of hostile of sentiments against the ruler. • The print did not directly shapes the mood of the people, it open up the possibility of thinking which could not possible without the spread of print culture.