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Welcome to 8 th National Conference of KVKs. Innovative Extension Methodologies – A successful model for Transfer of Technologies to Tribal Farmers. Dr. Lakshmana Kella Programme Coordinator KVK:: Rastakuntubai Vizianagaram dt. Visit us at : www.kvkrastakuntubai-angrau.org. KVK.
Welcome to 8th National Conference of KVKs Innovative Extension Methodologies – A successful model for Transfer of Technologies to Tribal Farmers Dr. Lakshmana Kella Programme Coordinator KVK::Rastakuntubai Vizianagaram dt Visit us at : www.kvkrastakuntubai-angrau.org
District falls under Two Agro climatic Zones • Plain coastal Areas zone • High Altitude and tribal Zone Variation in Socio economic, educational, cultural, climatic, situational, soils and topography etc.,
High altitude and tribal area zone • Dominated by the tribal population • With low socio economic status • Most of the tribal hamlets are very small • Dispersed, remote and do not have adequate transport facilities • Many other cultural, social, communication barriers for TOT • Tribal are conservative • They are traditional and • Social restrictions and problems restrict them to not interact freely • Very meagre communication and infrastructure facilities • Their major entertainment restricted to weekly shandy
Major tribes in the district SavaraJatapuGadaba KammaraKhondsMali
Opportunities for Different / Innovative Extension methodologies • Potential literate group among the tribal is the youth • Adoption of improved technologies is less compared to plains • Besides there is lot of variation in their customs, habits, culture Hence after a preliminary data collection and experience in working with tribal farmers the KVK thought of implementing different innovative extension methodologies exclusively for the tribal farmers for dissemination of the technologies
INNOVATIVE EXTENSION METHODOLOGIES • Farm Science clubs for Transfer of Technology • Tribal youth Network programme • Convergence Village Approach • Publication of literature in local dialects • School Nutrition garden
FARM SCIENCE CLUBS Concept of farm science clubs : Learning - Sharing – Dissemination Student members selection criteria : 1. Secondary and junior collegiate level 2. Voluntary participation 3. Interest in helping the farmers Total of three clubs were formed to fasten the process of TOT and to know impact of these clubs Year of initiation - 2011
FARM SCIENCE CLUBS The main objective of initiating Science club is for transfer of technology using the students as mediato disseminate information to the farmers/parents who are living far away from the cosmopolite society. The Objectives are 1. To disseminate the technical information to more people with less time and infrastructure in remote areas. 2. To interact with the students and motivate towards scientific learning & create interest in research activities among tribal students. 3. To motivate / attract the tribal youth towards agriculture
The process involves - 4 Is Model Initiation -Information-Interaction-Intervention Initiation Initiation Tribal students Interaction KVK Information Interventions For TOT Field Visit Training OFT FLD Interaction Interaction Tribal farmers Awareness Knowledge Skills Technology Capacity building Adoption • Adoption
FARM SCIENCE CLUBS • Brief list of activities of science clubs • Fortnightly interaction sessions on agricultural technologies • Field visit by the Science club members to KVK • Information centre at Science club • Distribution of information material • Organization of guest lectures • Organization of other activities like quiz competitions, essay writing competitions etc • Participation in NSS activities of the College – Training programme
Farm Science club activities • Dr. N Sudhakar, ZPD and Dr. P G Reddy, Director of Extension interacting with Science club members • DDE, Convening the science club Meeting in KVK • 3. ADR, RARS, Chintapalle interacting with science club members • 4. Science Club Meeting at G.J.College, Kurupam
Science club activities 1,2,3 Science club members on their visit to KVK AmbedkarJayanthiorganised at school
Evaluation of Farm Science clubs Pre and Post Evaluation Topics covered : Cashew orchard management, Soil testing and its importance, IPM in redgram, Cultivation aspects of millets, drum seeder technology paddy etc., Awareness : On improved crop technologies Knowledge Test On an average 12% marks scored by the respondents on the subjects before training and 34 % after exposure by lecture supplemented by information material 47 % after exposure by lecture supplemented by information material and field visit
Role of Farm science clubs in TOT • The members of science clubs interacting with their parents, youth and other farmers in the villages • pasted the information material to the walls of their houses • giving the contact numbers of the KVK scientists to the farmers with a advice to contact for information on improved technologies etc • Students distributing information material to the parents
Feed back and Follow up of Farm Science clubs 23 farmers called back during pre kharif 2013 Youth clubs from villages Raimanuguda and G Kothaguda villages approached the KVK Farmers of Raimanugudaorganised an awareness programme and invited the KVK scientists as resource persons
Feed back and Follow up of Farm Science clubs Farmers of G K Gudaorganised an awareness programme and invited the KVK scientists as resource persons List of topics of their Training needs as per the farmers Cashew orchard management and tea mosquito management Pest and disease management in paddy Package of practices of Maize Practices for higher yields in millets and redgram
TRIBAL YOUTH NETWORK PROGRAMME • Objectives: • To empower the tribal youth knowledge on various farm activities • To promote change agents for transfer of technology between scientists and farmers in remote areas where there is no communication and transport facilities • To share the information among the tribal youth on various agriculture and allied enterprises to form a network of youth – scientists - farmer • Methodology: • Fortnightly training and interaction sessions • sharing of information among participants • Exposure Visits.
Tribal Youth Network Programme Inaugurated by Dr. P. Giddareddy, Director of Extension, ANGRAU, Dr. N. Sudhakar, Zonal Project Director, Zone-V, ICAR and Dr. M. Venkunaidu, Associate Dean & Member of Board of Management, ANGRAU on 06.02.2013 with 60 tribal youth
TRIBAL YOUTH NETWORK PROGRAMME • Activities: • Organised 13 fortnightly interaction sessions so for on • Zero tillage maize and pest management • Drum seeder technology in paddy • Tea mosquito management in cashew • Soil sampling and soil test based fertiliser management • Pest and disease Management in paddy • Information sharing on marketting
Convergence village Approach for wholistic development Village selected – Durbilli of Kurupammandal Departments involved & : KVK Organisations involved Department of Agriculture ATMA, Vizianagaram ITDA, Parvathipuram FTC, Vizianagaram Department of Animal husbandry Department of Horticulture NGOs – JATTU, Parvathipuram and GPK, Kurupam Brief list of activities : FLDs on IFS under RKVY & Drum seeder technology in paddy Organic certification for Redgram and millets (FTC) Convergence with ITDA, ATMA Organisation of capacity building programme in collaboration with NGOs
Convergence of all allied departments in the village Durbilli (V) Kurupam (M) Vizianagaram dt
Publication of literature in Savara local dialect Information material released by Hon’ble Vice - Chancellor ANGRAU Organised reading group of savara publication
SCHOOL NUTRITION GARDEN TO EDUCATE ILLITERATE MOTHERS Objectives : 1)To promote knowledge about nutrition problems & its consequences in school going children 2) To change the attitude towards healthy foods 3) To impart the practice of raising nutrition gardens to acquire Protective foods there by to educate their illiterate mothers.