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All About Lions. History. Organization. Service. Historical Highlights. Lions Clubs International. 1917. Melvin Jones establishes the Association of Lions Clubs. “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for someone else.”

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  1. All About Lions History Organization Service

  2. Historical Highlights Lions Clubs International

  3. 1917 Melvin Jones establishes the Association of Lions Clubs

  4. “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for someone else.” - Melvin Jones

  5. 1920 First club chartered in Canada

  6. 1925 Lions become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness”

  7. 1930 White canes introduced as a symbol of the blind

  8. 1954 “We Serve” established as official motto of LCI

  9. 1957 First Leo club chartered in Pennsylvania, USA

  10. 1968 Lions Clubs International Foundation established

  11. 1973 Melvin Jones Fellowship created

  12. 1987 Women become LIONS

  13. 1989 First International Peace Poster Contest 1989 winner

  14. 2005 Campaign SightFirst II is launched

  15. 2008 Lions in China provide earthquake relief

  16. 2010 Lions provide earthquake relief in Haiti

  17. Organization • Member • Club • Zone • Region • District • Multiple District • International Board of Directors • International Headquarters

  18. Organization Member

  19. Organization Clubs

  20. Club Structure • Club President • Immediate Past President • Vice Presidents • Secretary/Treasurer • Membership Director • Other elected chairpersons • Lion Tamer • Tail Twister

  21. Club President Responsibilities • Chief executive officer of club • Calls club and board meetings • Conducts club meetings • Appoints standing/special committees • Active member of district governor’s advisory committee

  22. Club President Challenges • Conduct efficient and enjoyable meetings • Keep members involved • Inspire members to achieve level of excellence

  23. Organization Zone

  24. Organization Region

  25. Organization District

  26. District Structure • District Governor • Immediate Past District Governor • First Vice District Governor • Second Vice District Governor • Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer • Region & Zone Chairpersons • District Committee Chairpersons

  27. District Governor Responsibilities • Administer membership growth/new club development • Promote club/district leadership development • Protect association’s registered trademarks • Promote LCIF and service activities of LCI • Preside over cabinet, convention, other district meetings

  28. District Governor Responsibilities (cont.) • Ensure clubs function according to Constitution & By-Laws • Monitor club payments and district finances • Promote harmony among clubs • Supervise cabinet officers/district appointees • Perform functions required by the International Board of Directors, District Governor Team Manual, etc.

  29. First Vice District Governor • Perform duties assigned by district governor, International Board of Directors • Conduct meetings in absence of district governor • Visit clubs as representative of district governor • Ensure clubs are active and strong • Assist district committees with strategic plans, goal-setting

  30. Second Vice District Governor • Perform duties assigned by district governor, International Board of Directors • Conduct meetings in absence of district governor, first vice district governor • Assist district governor, first vice district governor in budget planning • Visit clubs as representative of district governor • Assist district committees with strategic plans and goal-setting • Review health and status of clubs

  31. Organization Multiple District

  32. Organization International Board of Directors

  33. International Board of Directors • President • Immediate Past President • First Vice President • Second Vice President • International Directors • Board Appointees • Administrative Officers: Executive Director, Treasurer, Secretary

  34. Constitutional Areas United States of America, its affiliates, Bermuda & the Bahamas Canada South America, Central America, Mexico & Islands of the Caribbean Sea

  35. South Asia, Africa and the Middle East Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia & Islands of the South Pacific Ocean Europe The Orient and Southeast Asia

  36. Organization International Headquarters

  37. Lions Clubs International Headquarters Club Supplies and Distribution Convention Extension and Membership District and Club Administration Information Technology Finance Service Activities LCIF Leadership Public Relations and Communications Legal

  38. We Serve

  39. Adopted Service Programs

  40. Health and Wellness Environmental Services Community Services Disaster Preparedness/Relief Lions Opportunities for Youth International Relations Lions Services for Children

  41. All About Lions History Organization Service

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