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THE LOFT YOUTH ARTS AND CULTURAL CENTRE. TUMBLRS BLOGS and SOCIAL MEDIA. what we do. The Loft Youth Arts and Cultural Centre runs arts and cultural activities for young people aged 12-25. The Loft is an initiative of Newcastle City Council. what we do.

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  2. what we do The Loft Youth Arts and Cultural Centre runs arts and cultural activities for young people aged 12-25. The Loft is an initiative of Newcastle City Council.

  3. what we do The Loft is a safe place for young people to express themselves, hang out with friends, meet new people and gain skills as organisers of their own events and activities.

  4. what we do We offer after-school activities, holiday workshop programs, an Aboriginal arts program, project mentoring, all ages gigs, and venue hire.We also run outreach programs outside the venue.

  5. what we do We provide referrals for at risk young people. We encourage an increased level of youth participation in community and civic activities.

  6. what we do The Loft is committed to providing a drug and alcohol free environment for young people at all of our events.

  7. HOW WE USE SOCIAL MEDIA www.theloft.org.au The Loft’s website went on-line in 2010

  8. www.theloft.org.au The Loft website is designed to: • deliver information such as contact details, hiring price guide, school holiday and after school activities etc. • showcase Loft members and their projects, and • be an initial point of reference for parents, carers, guardians and other arts/welfare organisations as much as young people.

  9. HOW WE USE SOCIAL MEDIA http://facebook.com/theloftnewcastle The Loft’s Facebook page was initiated in 2010

  10. www.facebook.com/theloftnewcastle The Loft has over 4500 friends on Facebook. Facebook gives us the opportunity to: • respond immediately to inquiries, • develop communities around after school activities and interests. • engage with young people on their terms, in their preferred forum • promote gigs and activities • pass on competitions, forums and other external opportunities to our members

  11. why SOCIAL MEDIA works for us • Equity of access allows us to respond to changing youth cultural trends and continue to engage and involve young people from diverse backgrounds • Community formation for isolated young people

  12. why SOCIAL MEDIA works for us 3. Community formation for isolated young people 4. Fostering support within the community

  13. how we keep our young people safe The Loft has public access computers. The Loft staff: • Physically monitor internet use by young people • Discuss on-line responsibilities with computer users • Display information in the computer area reminding young people of appropriate on-line behaviour

  14. opportunities digital media can provide • Access to arts/creative opportunities and competitions • Membership within cyber-communities of similar interests • Opportunities to explore identity • Connectedness to peer groups • Civic engagement and activism • Increases awareness of social activities within ‘real life’ community

  15. Current examples KONY 2012 http://kony2012.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Tumblr - http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/kony-2012 • What has social media has done? • Social media and critical thinking http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/post/18890947431/we-got-trouble http://projectkony.tumblr.com/

  16. Digital media the internet and the fairshare experience • Getup! www.getup.org.au/great-barrier-reef • Gumtree www.gumtree.com.au • Miniature Earth www.miniature-earth.com • EcoEtsy www.ecoetsy.com

  17. social media used by the loft’s young people • Facebook • Twitter • MySpace • Windows Live Messenger • tumblr • Habbo Hotel • deviantART • Google+

  18. social media used by the loft’s young people Twitter

  19. Twitter and Social movements • Political and Environmental movements • Sharing and updating followers with new information about current events • examples?

  20. social media used by the loft’s young people • Art based blogging community • Erotic content • Users offer each other criticsim and praise • Manga and fan based art very popular • Users can sell their works or advertise for commissions • Journals, polls, groups and portfolios.

  21. social media used by the loft’s young people tumblr

  22. social media used by the loft’s young people • Blog - writing and photos • Culture of reblogging • Fan driven – Dr Who, Harry Potter and cats • Two way blocking feature • Anonymous questions can be disabled

  23. Tumblr and the fairshare experience • http://sustainableart.tumblr.com/ • http://passage-sustainable-art-design.tumblr.com/ • http://counter-craft.tumblr.com/ • http://projectcraftivism.tumblr.com/

  24. Our Job • Create a FairShare Newcastle Tumblr • Creative Writing and reflective passages • Photography • Online resources and links with brief overviews • Local examples and recounts of local projects • Digital illustrations • YouTube • Links to other tumblrs

  25. STeps Create Upload Publicise Keep creating to keep current

  26. How • Online research and reading • Find and discover online resources that will value add • Create digital works using photography and the digital illustration tablets • Write creative or factual pieces using the knowledge and information that you have gained form Fairshare. • Review you Fairshare Experience. One person will need to put their hand up to set up the fairshare tumblr and personalise it in line with the fairshare experience

  27. Other Tumblrs and blogs to check out • http://thebiggerproject.tumblr.com/ • http://livingefficiently.tumblr.com/ • http://loqalinfo.tumblr.com/ • http://notquitehippie.tumblr.com/ • http://fairsharepub.tumblr.com/ • http://edibleethics.tumblr.com/ • http://www.recyclegirl-ren.blogspot.com.au/ • http://dressupevent.tumblr.com/ • http://greenismyfavcolor.tumblr.com/ • http://www.fairshareinternational.org/organisationhttp://www.iftf.org/ • http://www.ecocentricblog.org/ • http://www.h2oconserve.org/home.php?pd=index • http://www.yourdailyvegan.com/

  28. Other Online links • storyofstuff.orgfoodroutes.comewg.orgsafecosmetics.orgepa.govdosomething.orgecoetsy.comnationalgeographic.comglobalstewards.orgtheenvironmentalblog.orgchartreuseproducts.comgreenoptions.comsustainablog.org

  29. research http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/397/1/UKCGOonlineLiteracy.pdfhttp://eprints.qut.edu.au/17278/1/01_Notley_JCMC2009.pdfhttp://www.ebscohost.com/uploads/corpLearn/pdf/bbs_socialnomics.pdfhttp://www.jstor.org/pss/10.1525/sp.2009.56.1.2http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED142463&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED142463http://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?hl=en&q=online+social+equity&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dir.20082/abstracthttp://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ481918&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ481918http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13611260500107481https://wiki.cc.gatech.edu/scqualifier/images/9/9b/Nardi-Blogging_as_social_activity.pdfhttp://richardkahn.org/writings/tep/newmediaactivism.pdfhttp://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=a6zPnOn9i9oC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=blogging&ots=Jxgl6lMiE4&sig=r9r2RZToCUe3ITFjRGcvHYwXUx0#v=onepage&q=blogging&f=falsehttp://etd.ohiolink.edu/view.cgi?acc_num=muhonors1271901842\http://library.iated.org/view/COLLINS2011BLOhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(199407)45:6%3C401::AID-ASI6%3E3.0.CO;2-N/abstracthttp://lilt.ilstu.edu/mjreese/psy453/Valkenburg%20%20Peter%202007.pdfhttp://eprints.lse.ac.uk/27072/1/Taking_risky_opportunities_in_youthful_content_creation_(LSERO).pdfhttps://www.msu.edu/~nellison/Steinfield_Ellison_Lampe(2008).pdfhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0193397304000772http://www.almtbd.state.al.us/pdfs/Newsletters/InTouch_Winter-07.pdf http://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?start=20&q=online+communication+young+people&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

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