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Effective resource assessment, prioritization and monitoring for riparian management objectives, addressing issues and selecting appropriate practices for adaptive management. Considers water quality, temperature, physical habitat structure, and more.
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization Activity (Design/Implementation) Monitoring Modification
What is the Resource Condition? • What is the Resource Condition? • Why? ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization Activity Monitoring
RIPARIAN MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES Width 10 20 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 Pools/Mile 96 56 47 26 23 18 14 12 9 Pool Frequency Width/Depth Ratio <10, mean wetted width/mean depth 640 F - Migration & Rearing 600 F - Spawning Water Temperature >80 pieces/mile; >24” dia.; >35’ len. - Coast >20 pieces/mile; >12” dia.; >35’ len. - Eastside Large Woody Debris Bank Stability > 80% Stable Lower bank Angle >75% of banks with <90% angle
Provide linkage between reach/watershed • processes and habitat/water quality conditions • Define issues that need to be addressed • Selecting appropriate management practices • Determine appropriate monitoring PFC Helps • Determine potential and capability
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Why Why Why Assessment Why Why Prioritization Activity Why Why Resource Condition Why Monitoring
PFC Moyer 2002 PFC does not necessarily equal Desired Condition
PFC Helps • Determine potential and capability • Provide linkage between reach/watershed • processes and habitat/water quality conditions • Define issues that need to be addressed • Selecting appropriate management practices • Determine appropriate monitoring
Width:Depth Ratio Riparian Bank Storage Water Quality (water temperature) Width:Depth Ratio Shading Topographic Riparian Inflow Bank Storage Springs Sub Surface Flow In channel Adjacent slopes
Difference in Air & Water Temperatures Bear Creek - Central Oregon 1977 100 80 Air 60 Water Difference 40 Temperature (Degrees F) 20 0 -20 -40 12-Aug 16-Aug 20-Aug 24-Aug 28-Aug 8-Aug Date
Difference in Air & Water Temperatures Bear Creek - Central Oregon 1998 120 100 Air Water 80 Difference Temperature Degrees F 60 40 20 0 7-Aug 11-Aug 23-Aug 27-Aug 19-Aug 15-Aug 31-Aug Date
Depth • Velocity • Position In Channel • Turbulence • Shape • Cover Physical Habitat Structure • Depth • Velocity • Position In Channel • Turbulence • Shape • Cover
PFC Non-functioning Functioning at Risk
Based on need • Reach, watershed, basin scale ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization Activity Monitoring
Designed to address the “why” • Reach, watershed, basin scale ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization Activity Monitoring
Define issues that need to be addressed • Selecting appropriate management practices PFC Helps • Determine potential and capability • Provide linkage between reach/watershed • processes and habitat/water quality conditions • Determine appropriate monitoring
Natural Riparian Resources Water Vegetation Soil, Landscape
Is the activity ‘fixing” the “why”? • Is the Resource Condition Improving? • Is the Resource Condition Improving? ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization Activity Monitoring
RIPARIAN MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES Implement Action Width 10 20 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 Pools/Mile 96 56 47 26 23 18 14 12 9 Pool Frequency Width/Depth Ratio <10, mean wetted width/mean depth Monitor 640 F - Migration & Rearing 600 F - Spawning Water Temperature >80 pieces/mile; >24” dia.; >35’ len. - Coast >20 pieces/mile; >12” dia.; >35’ len. - Eastside Large Woody Debris Bank Stability > 80% Stable Desired Resource Conditions Lower bank Angle >75% of banks with <90% angle
Implement Action 0 RIPARIAN MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES Width 10 20 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 Pools/Mile 96 56 47 26 23 18 14 12 9 Pool Frequency Width/Depth Ratio <10, mean wetted width/mean depth 640 F - Migration & Rearing 600 F - Spawning Water Temperature >80 pieces/mile; >24” dia.; >35’ len. - Coast >20 pieces/mile; >12” dia.; >35’ len. - Eastside Large Woody Debris Monitor Time Bank Stability > 80% Stable Lower bank Angle >75% of banks with <90% angle Decades Desired Resource Conditions
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Assessment Prioritization • Is the Resource Condition Improving? Activity Monitoring • Is the activity ‘fixing” the “why”?
Implement Action 0 Monitor Revise 5 Revise Short Term Indicators Monitor 10 Mid Term Indicators Time Monitor Ultimate Objectives Decades
Determine potential and capability • Provide linkage between reach/watershed • processes and habitat/water quality conditions • Define issues that need to be addressed • Selecting appropriate management practices PFC Helps • Determine appropriate monitoring appropriate
Desired Future Conditions Current Conditions
PFC Desired Future Conditions Current Conditions
Supports Supports PFCdoes notequal • Desired Future Condition (DFC) PFCdoes notreplace • Legal Requirements, e.g., ESA, CWA