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A Powerpoint file for student participants in the Focus Group session we are having on May 4th to help plan a new course I am teaching in 2012. I would welcome feedback!
Course Proposal:the Technological Singularity and The Future of Medicine Kim Solez, M.D. Author of The Singularity: From This Moment Everything Changes (With Nikki Olson) 00 00111010 0101001
Background: A decade long interest in artificial Intelligence (AI) and co-evolution of humans and machines. Illustrations: Bryan Christie Design
AI - Transcending Human Limits Via Technology Illustration: Bryan Christie Design
Friendly vs. unfriendly AI.AI, nanotechnology and Genomics all have existential risks.
Robots are just reaching the point of practical usefulness in home now.
Nanotechnology canpotentially cure or prevent most diseases PHOTO: Philippe Van Nedervelde/E-SPACES/CG4TV
have appeared in videos and TV shows discussing the AI Physician and Existential Risks
Major Developments in February 2011:Time Singularity Cover and Watson on Jeopardy!
A need to describe how these developments will affect Medicine.
In 2004 Nikki Olson and I started work on technology writing projects Writing partner Nikki Olson, 28 year old philosopher.
Video Blogging as extension of this work! “It’s All Luck” Video and text blogs on internetevolution.com. Educational videos for the Lifeboat Foundation website. .
Video Blogging is In! Video blogs on a wide variety of technology and medical subjects.
Video Blogging is In! Digital Doctors We Need to Study Human-Web 'Co-Evolution' Physician, Heal Thy AI How a Cell Phone 'Physician' Could Change Your Life Singularity: When Robots Have Empathy for Humans The Man-Machine Merger Will Require Creativity Yes, the Web Is Changing Your Brain Medicine & Web 2.0 Go Well Together Searching for Women Leaders in the Age of Singularity
Only Full Time University Faculty Member Who Took Singularity University Executive Course
Ray Kurzweil definition of technologic singularity The technological singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth. Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on. The machines enter into a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of A.I.s appearing faster and faster. From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted (hence the term "Singularity").
Bilateral relationship between singularity and medicine. focus on health to ensure reaching 2045. .
the future of health. medicine meets the matrix and neuromancer! .
Human beings have been cellphone and Internet ready for millennia. Being assisted by devices is nothing new for us humans. As soon as there was language and writing if cell phones and computers and the Internet had existed humans would have been ready for them. In his book Natural Born Cyborgs, Andy Clark argues that since the dawn of civilization we have always been cognitive hybrids, using external objects and devices in our thinking and everyday activity. So by his reckoning we have been "Internet-ready" for millennia. Suddenly it becomes possible to imagine a cave man -- a Neanderthal or even his predecessor Heidelberg Man with an iPhone!
External devices used by our ancestors 350,000 years ago. Pink stone axe from 350,000 year old Homo heidelbergensis burial site in Northern Spain.
Course Content 1) The technological Singularity. 2) Existential risks, AI, genomics, and nanotech. 3) Ways to optimize a positive outcome for humanity in the co-evolution of humans and machines. 4) The influence of these considerations on medicine of the future. The roles of nanotechnology, genomics, artificial intelligence, and new communication technology on future medical care, including the “doctor in your cell phone”.
A seminar course for both undergraduate and graduate students, taught with team teaching and “good cop – bad cop” approach, with experts guest lecturing. We welcome further suggestions as we plan this course to commence in September 2012.