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Comprehensive Analysis of Farming Systems Approach (FSA) Methodology

The Farming System Analysis (FSA) involves understanding, analyzing, and developing integrated agricultural systems. It aims to enhance productivity, stability, equity, and sustainability while reducing risks and environmental damage. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, the FSA explores modifications, new market opportunities, and innovative solutions in farming systems.

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Comprehensive Analysis of Farming Systems Approach (FSA) Methodology

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  2. DEFINITION • Farming system is a complex inter-related matrix of soils, plants, animals, implements, labour and capital, inter-dependent farming enterprises. • The farm is viewed in a holistic manner (multi-disciplinary approach)

  3. CONCEPT Simmonds (1984) clarified the FSA as follows: • It is an academic activity comprising of theory, concepts, principles and approaches • It creates an opportunity for developing diversified models for different types and categories of farmers • New farming system models can be developed by means of on-farm research and extension

  4. Biggs (1985) explained the concept of FSA as follows: • FSA requires commonly homogenous type of farmers • It is an inter-disciplinary approach • It is a participatory and bottom-up planning • It is an approach to developing farm household systems • It is built on the principles of productivity, profitability, stability and sustainability • Complements component oriented approach to development

  5. Pengertian FSA • FSA adalah upaya untuk memahami struktur dan fungsi suatu sistem usaha tani terpadu, menganalisis constraints yang ada dan akhirnya merumuskan solusi untuk mengatasi constraints yang ada

  6. Tujuan FSA • Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas,stabilitas, equitabilitas dan sustainabilitas usaha tani pertanian • Untuk mengurangi resiko kegagalan • Untuk mengurangi resiko kerusakan lingkungan/sumberdaya pertanian

  7. Bidang yg ditangani dalam FSA • Sistem usahatani  sistem yang komplek • Banyak bidang yang terlibat (fisik,ekologi,biologi,sosek,bud dan politik) • Multidispliner • Bekerja bersama-sama dlm mengamati, menganalisis, dan merumuskan permasalahan dan pemecahannya berdasarkan sudut pandangan dari berbagai bidang

  8. Kelemahan FSA • Solusi yg ditawarkan hanya dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan secara sebagian-sebagian • Ada kemungkinan penyelesaian masalah yang satu dapat bertentangan dengan permasalahan lain

  9. Kriteria FSA • Produktifitas rasio input dan ouput • Stabilitas stabil & tahan thp gangguan yg timbul • Equitabilitas dampak/produksi/manfaat us.tani hrs dpt dinikmati sebag.besar masyarakat • Sustainabilitas Berkelanjutan, sepanjang masa berproduksi

  10. Tahapan FSA • Diagnosis thp kondisi fisik,biologi, sosek, constraints (Analisis SWOT) • Desain • Experiment • Diseminasi

  11. METHODOLOGY • Analysis of existing farming system • Identification of major socio-economic situations • Understanding dominant enterprises and most common farming systems • Analysis of economic viability of existing farming systems • Understanding relationship between different enterprises within the system • Analysis of linkages between different farming systems

  12. II. Understanding the modifications made in existing farming system by innovative farmers • Understanding the changing scenario in rural areas and its impact on existing farming system • Identification of new market opportunities and its impact and relevance to socio-economic situation • Suitable modification made by innovative farm families in existing farming system • Type of modification made ( diversification or intensification of the enterprises)

  13. New options recommended by the researchers • Identification of new suggested options by researchers around each dominant enterprise • Understanding the technological details about new options

  14. Economic analysis of recommended options : • Analysis of relative profitability of recommended options as compared to existing farming system • Understanding of implications of each options with regard to reallocation of resource

  15. Testing of recommended options • Selecting representative village / farm families • Training about technical skills • Testing the effectiveness of recommended options

  16. DISKUSI • Pilih satu sistem pertanian terpadu yang ada • Analisis sistem pertanian tsb (Analisis SWOT) • Buat Rancangan pemecahan masalah pada sistem pertanian yang Saudara pilih!

  17. Waktunya habis, tolong dikumpulkan

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