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This article explores various areas of research in psychology, including memory, cognition, social cognition, developmental psychology, neuroscience, emotion, and health psychology. It discusses topics such as working memory, long-term memory, attention, perception, social influence, emotion, and health.
Some Areas of Research in Memory Working Memory Structure & Organization of Long-Term Memory Schemas and Scripts Concept Formation Reconstructive Memory Types of Long-Term Memory Implicit Memory Procedural Memory
Some Areas of Research in Memory, con't. Interactions among Information in Long-Term Memory Imaginal Information (Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Olfactory) and Verbal Information Semantic and Episodic Information Possible Measures: Recall, Recognition, Accuracy, Errors, Time to Complete Task, Reaction Time
Some Areas of Research in Cognition Reasoning Problem Solving Language Production and Comprehension Decision-making Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Time to Complete Task, Reaction Time, Comprehension
Some Areas of Research in Animal Learning Working Memory Reference Memory (LTM) Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Discrimination Complex Behavior (Chaining) Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Time to Complete Task, Various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Attention Divided Selective Focused Distributed Spotlight Sustained Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Time to Complete Task, Reaction Time
Some Areas of Research in Perception Motion perception Shape, size, and color perception Auditory perception Tactile perception Movement and feedback mechanisms Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Time to Complete Task, Reaction Time
Some Areas of Research in Social Cognition Attributions (e.g., Fundamental Attribution Error) Attitudes and Attitude Change, Persuasion Impressions, Prejudice and Discrimination Possible Measures: Ratings, various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Social Influence Social Facilitation and Loafing Obedience Helping Conformity Possible Measures: Ratings, various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Developmental Psychology Language Development Social Development Emotional Regulation and Display Attachment Morality Cognitive Development Possible Measures: Ratings, Accuracy, Errors, various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Neuroscience: Relationships with Behavior Learning and Memory Movement & Spatial Learning—Caudate Nucleus Explicit memory—Hippocampus Emotion and Learning Fear Conditioning—Amygdala Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Recall, Recognition, Duration, various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Emotion Interpreting Emotions Facial Expressions Empathy Mood Possible Measures: Accuracy, Errors, Ratings, various behavioral responses
Some Areas of Research in Health Psychology Stress and Coping Body Self-Awareness and Shame Possible Measures: Ratings, diaries, various behavioral responses
Interactions Among Research Areas Emotion and Memory, Cognition, Social Development and Social, Cognition, Emotion, Memory, Language Neuroscience and Memory, Emotion, Social, Cognition, Language Stress and Learning, Memory, Cognition, Emotion Learning, Aggression, Social
Applied Areas of Research Coping and Chronic Mental or Physical Conditions Social Competence and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Persuasion and Environmental Awareness/Concern Eyewitness Testimony Effects of Watching TV on Aggressive Behavior Teaching Morality, Selflessness, Concern for Others Depression, Cognition, and Executive Function
Possible Methods Behavioral Tasks Computerized presentation of stimuli & recording of responses (MATLAB) Animal studies Radial arm maze Operant conditioning Classical conditioning Other apparatuses Interviews Diaries Virtual reality EEG, ERPs, GSR Standardized scales "Pencil & paper" tasks