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Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

Explore the reasons behind student plagiarism, common citation styles, and strategies for writing a good summary without plagiarizing. Learn how to use correct citations and citation styles to summarize articles effectively. Develop key skills in note-taking, defining vocabulary, and structuring summaries. Enhance your understanding of research articles and academic writing.

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Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

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  1. SWBAT: Correctly summarize an article without plagiarizing

  2. Why do students plagiarize? • Ignorant of offense • Procrastination • Laziness • Think their teachers don’t read it anyway • Don’t know how to cite their sources correctly

  3. Using the Correct Citations Citation Styles • MLA – English and the humanities (art, music, theater, dance, film, philosophy, religion, world languages ) • APA – psychology, nursing, education, business • Chicago (CMS) – history, education, business • CSE – biology • ACS – chemistry • APS – journalism • ASA – sociology • AMS – mathematics • SAA – anthropology TIP: USE THE REFERENCES OF THE ARTICLES YOU ARE SUMMARIZING TO DETERMINE THE FORMAT/STYLE TO USE!

  4. Why do students plagiarize? • Ignorant of offense • Procrastination • Laziness • Think their teacher’s don’t read it anyway • Don’t know how to cite their sources correctly • Don’t understand the material they are reading

  5. How to Write a Good Summary R H S Q

  6. Step 1: Taking Notes • Write brief (not full sentences) blurbs or comments about the paragraphs or sentences in the article • Rephrase important concepts/sentences such as the question being addressed, hypothesis and general conclusions Reading/Taking Notes

  7. Step 1: Taking Notes • Avoid using entire sentences from the article • Look at the notes you took only- Do they cover all the parts of the article? Are your notes sufficient that you can understand the article by reading the notes alone? • If not, go back and re-read sections of the article until your notes are clear Reading/Taking Notes

  8. Step 2: Defining Vocabulary • Highlight vocabulary words you are unsure of • Look up the definitions of the words using an online dictionary or equivalent • Be sure you understand the definition, if not, use other resources to obtain an understanding of the word • Write the word and definition on a separate sheet of paper or notecards(USE YOUR OWN WORDS) • Highlighting/Vocabulary

  9. Step 3: Writing Your Summary • Transfer your notes into complete sentences and begin writing your summary/paper • Add in transition sentences if needed • Break up each section of the article by paragraphs (1 paragraph for the summary of introduction, 1 paragraph for summary of methodology, etc.) Summarize

  10. Step 4: List of Questions • Further understanding: What do you still not understand about the article? What did the authors do that confused you? What about the study surprised you? • Further studies: How can this study be used to address a specific problem? What can researchers do in a future study? What additional ideas did you develop from reading this article? How would you do this study different? Questions

  11. How to Write a Good Summary Read/Take Notes Highlight/Vocabulary Summarize Questions Don’t forget your citation!

  12. Example of a summary assignment of a Journal article (RHSQ): Citation: Olurinola, O., and Tayo, O. (2015) Colour in Learning: It’s Effect on the Retention Rate of Graduate Students. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(14), pp. 1-5 Vocabulary list: (dictionary.com) • Cognitive (cognition): the process of obtaining and filtering information • Impetus: the driving force, stimulus, momentum Summary of Introduction (paragraphs 1-2): Understanding and improving memory is still a significant and difficult area of research. Studies have shown that color plays an important part in memory. Colors are used in education, but it is important to use “appropriate” colors in order to drive and encourage learning. Questions: • Is the color of the text more important than the background color? Which one has more of an effect on memory? • Does an individual’s personal experience with color impact their memory? • How does the age of a student impact their experiences and memories with colors?

  13. Assignment: RHSQ One journal article (approx. 4 hours)Due Tuesday October 16th by 3pm • (Cannot be emailed, must be handed in with RHSQed article, including notecards, if applicable) • 10 points off for each day lateGraded using a rubric (see last slide) • See Rubric for grading guidelines

  14. Using the suggestions discussed, do the following activities: • Find and print a Journal article of your choice, preferably one related to your topic of interest. • Using the same format used in your article (varies by subject), write a correct citation to use in referencing your article. Type, Save & Print • Highlight any vocabulary words, look them up, and create a Word document of all the vocabulary words and definitions. There might be quite a few! Type, Save, & Print.

  15. Take notes in the margins (or on notecards) for the entire Journal article. • Using your notes, write a summary of the article, being sure to cover each section of the article: (approx. 1 page). Type, Save, & Print • Introduction and/or Review of Literature • Question & Hypothesis • Materials & Methods (Methodology) • Results & Data Analysis • Discussion & Conclusions • Write 3 questions you have about this article. Type, Save, & Print

  16. SWBAT: Correctly summarize an article without plagiarizing

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