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CMS Magnet Programs

CMS Magnet Programs. Information for 2012-2013.

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CMS Magnet Programs

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  1. CMS Magnet Programs Information for 2012-2013

  2. CMS intends to provide all programs described in the 2012-2013 Guide to Magnet Programs.  Based on budget considerations, bell schedules and transportation service may be subject to change.  In this event, parents will be informed of the impending changes.For updated information or questions, visit the website at www.cms.k12.nc.us/magnetsor telephone 980-343-5030.

  3. Not so much what is taught, but how it is taught. A magnet program is designed to offer unique educational opportunities using a specific theme that focuses on special instructional approaches, strategies, or philosophies. Magnet schools implement the Common Core and NC Essential Standards (formerly known as the NC Standard Course of Study) using the magnet theme as a catalyst for instruction while promoting student achievement through emphasis on students’ abilities, interests, and talents. “What is a magnet school?”

  4. 9 thematic programs in 37 schools 17 full magnet schools 20 partial magnet schools (program within a school) 7 countywide magnets Status of CMSMagnet Programs for 2012 - 2013

  5. Center for Leadership and Global Studies International Baccalaureate Learning Immersion & Talent Development Montessori STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Traditional Visual and Performing Arts World Languages – Language Immersion Elementary Magnet Themes

  6. International Baccalaureate Military and Global Leadership Academy Montessori STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Visual and Performing Arts World Languages – Language Immersion Middle School Magnet Themes

  7. International Baccalaureate Military and Global Leadership Academy STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math at Phillip O. Berry Academy Visual and Performing Arts World Languages – Language Immersion High School Magnet Themes

  8. Describes the program and expectations for the school, the teacher, and the student and family. Includes specific criteria for each thematic program. Parents/guardians and students must agree to the Magnet Expectations Agreement: The online application process requires acceptance of the Expectation Agreement. Expectations Agreements are available online, at open houses, and at the schools. Magnet Expectations Agreement

  9. If secondary students fail to meet program expectations: once student is identified, parent is notified by school staff; academic assistance/ intervention occurs according to a multi-step process; a Personal Education Plan (PEP) may be implemented. If the student does not meet expectations: Student may complete the current school year in the school’s magnet program; Student will not be able to continue at the magnet school and will be reassigned to the home school for the next school year. Magnet Expectations Agreement (cont.)

  10. International Baccalaureate: promotion; level III or IV on Reading and Math EOG/EOCs. Military and Global Leadership:promotion; submit a statement of interest and participate in an interview at the school. Montessori: for upper grades, must have previously completed two years in a Montessori program, or successfully complete an interview process at the school. Northwest School of the Arts: successful placement audition or portfolio assessment. Magnet Entrance Requirements

  11. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math): rising 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th graders must score level III or IV on Math EOGs; rising 6th and 9th graders must score level III or IV on Math and Science EOGs; rising 10th graders must score level III or IV on Math (Algebra 1 or above) EOCs and have earned one Science credit in 9th grade. Talent Development:gifted student (TD) certification. World Languages: level III or IV on Reading EOG/EOC; students entering 8th grade at Oaklawn must have completed level 1 Spanish; 9thgrade must have completed level 1 of a world language or take level 1 and 2 in 9th grade; students entering 10th grade must have completed level 2 of a world language. Magnet Entrance Requirements (cont.)

  12. Students entering 11th and 12th grade interested in IB, STEM at Berry Academy of Technology, and World Languages themes apply through the Reassignment/Transfer request and undergo a transcript analysis. Please review the Magnet Program Entrance Requirements in the 2012-2013 Guide to Magnet Schools(pgs. 16-19) for complete details. Magnet Entrance Requirements (cont.)

  13. Provided within transportation zones as identified in the magnet guide book. Provided county-wide for the 7 county-wide magnets as defined in the magnet guide book. Shuttle bus transportation service for certain magnet schools began in 2010-11. Magnet student pick-up and drop-off locations and times at identified CMS sites will be designated by CMS Transportation for students attending 10 full magnet schools for 2012-13: Collinswood Language Academy; Harding University High (IB); Marie G. Davis Academy; Morehead STEM Academy; Northwest School of the Arts; Oaklawn Language Academy; Phillip O. Berry Academy; Piedmont Middle; Randolph Middle; and E.E. Waddell Language Academy Transportation

  14. Magnet Transportation Zones Map • Four Zones: • Violet • Grey • Green • Blue

  15. Newstudent: Student who is, or will be, new to CMS (not currently attending a CMS school). New students wanting to attend the regular program at their home school do not need to participate in the lottery application process. New students interested in magnet options do so by participating in the lottery and need to submit new student enrollment information by the deadline to be eligible (December 2nd for First Lottery, May 4th for Second Lottery). New Student Enrollment: Who Applies?

  16. Deadline was December 2, 2011, for participation in First Magnet Lottery; May 4, 2012, for participation in Second Magnet Lottery Submit information to any school or the Family Application Center You will need: Certified birth certificate Proof of Mecklenburg County Residency Immunization record Completed enrollment form New Student Enrollment

  17. Proof of Residency

  18. Two-step process: 1.) Submit enrollment information. 2.) You will receive your child’s PIN and lottery instructions to complete application the first week of January, if you met the December 2 enrollment deadline Mid-March, if you enroll after December 2 First Magnet Lottery: January 6 - February 13 at 10:00pm Second Magnet Lottery: March 14 - June 4 at 10:00pm New Student Enrollment (cont.)

  19. All current CMS students will automatically receive a PIN and magnet lottery instructions the first week of January. Submit online lottery application by February 13th at 10:00pm. Current CMS Student

  20. Magnet Programs Office Family Application Center 700 Marsh Road Charlotte, NC 28209 Phone: (980) 343-5030 Fax: (980) 343-5469 Email: magnets@cms.k12.nc.us Web: www.cms.k12.nc.us/magnets Contact Information

  21. Student Placement Department Family Application Center 700 Marsh Road Charlotte, NC 28209 Phone: (980) 343-5335 Fax: (980) 343-5661 Email: student.placement@cms.k12.nc.us Contact Information (cont.)

  22. Questions

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