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Comprehensive guide on developing School Improvement Plans (SIP), including steps, priorities, data analysis, and goal setting. Useful for CSI and TSI schools for effective student learning outcomes.
Principal’s Meeting: SCEP PlanningPart II March 28, 2019
Understanding School ImprovementPlanning • All RCSD CSI and TSI schools must develop an annual School Comprehensive Education Plan(SCEP). Good Standing Schools will do a school improvement plan as well. • TSI schools will submit their plans to the district for approval • CSI schools will submit their plans to the district andthen to NYSED forapproval Current recipients of a 1003(g) School Improvement Grant (SIG) or a School Innovation Fund (SIF) grant or schools in Receivership will have the specific action plan or continuation plan they have developed to serve as theirSCEP
School Improvement PlanningProcess • The SCEPmust: • Be developed in collaboration withstakeholders • Be based on data from the school, including the results of the comprehensive needsassessment • Identify initiatives that will be implemented topositively affect studentlearning • Include at least one evidence-basedintervention
School Improvement PlanningProcess • The School Improvement Planning process involves multiple steps: • Step 1: Identifying the team and scheduling the process for developing theSCEP: SBPT • Step 2: Reviewing multiple sources of feedback to identify needs and consider rootcauses • Step 3: Determining priorities and goals based on needs identified
School Improvement PlanningProcess • The School Improvement Planning process involves multiple steps: • Step 4: Identifying an evidence-basedintervention • Step 5: Scheduling activities to occur during the year to reach these goals and priorities, and identifying benchmarks for the goalsidentified • Step 6: Identifying a plan to communicate the priorities with differentstakeholders
School Improvement PlanningProcess Step 2: Reviewing multiple sources of feedback to identify needs and considerroot causes
Understanding the Needs Facing theSchool To develop an improvement plan that addresses school-specific challenges, schools must first consider the needs facing theschool. Schools shall review multiple sources of information that fall into three categories: Data Practices Resources
Broader NeedsAssessment Identify Priorities forSCEP Review ofData Interim AssessmentData SurveyData AchievementData Attendance/BehaviorData Review ofPractices DTSDEReport Social-EmotionalInventory Family Engagement Inventory PDInventory Review ofResources PDInventory Feedback on Impact ofPD DTSDESelf-Reflection
IdentifyingNeeds Review ofData Interim AssessmentData SurveyData AchievementData Attendance/BehaviorData
IdentifyingNeeds Review ofPractices DTSDEReport Social-EmotionalInventory Family EngagementInventory PDInventory
IdentifyingNeeds Review ofResources PDInventory Feedback on Impact ofPD DTSDE Self-Reflection
Determining RootCauses As the SCEP Development Team is identifying its areas of need, the Team should be asking why those causes exist. Teams may find it helpful to distinguish between two types of root causes: human causes and organizationalcauses. Human Causes: Causes that can be attributed to individuals. For example, a possible cause for the poor implementation of the PD on higher-order questioning could be that principals did not conduct informal walkthroughsconsistently. Organizational Causes: Causes that can be attributed to systems that were faulty or did not work as designed. For example, a possible cause for the poor implementation of the PD on higher-order questioning could be that the informal walkthrough tool was too broad and considered too many things other than higher-orderquestioning. Distinguishing between Human root causes and Organizational root causes can assist the schoolin determining how to address these root causes movingforward. 15
School Improvement PlanningProcess Step 3: Determining priorities and goals based on needsidentified
Determining Priorities andGoals Once the school has identified its areas of need and considered the potential root causes(s) that may be responsible, the school should determine what it would like to prioritize in the upcomingyear. All SCEPs will have five goals that schools organize their work toward for the upcoming schoolyear. 17
Determining Priorities andGoals • For all schools, at least one of the goals must be related to the results from the most recent schoolsurvey. • For the remaining four goals, schools can decide to pursue one of two options: • ESSA IndicatorOption (RCSD) • Effective PracticesOption 18
Determining Priorities andGoals ESSA IndicatorOption: The school will work toward quantifiable goals connected to the ESSA indicators that the school received a score of “Level 1” for the “all students”subgroup. 19
ESSA IndicatorOption ESSA IndicatorOption Schools selecting this option will have five goals asfollows: Grades3-8 ELA goal (either Performance orGrowth) Math goal (either Performance orGrowth) Surveygoal English Language Proficiency (ELP) goal or school-selected quantifiablegoal* Chronic Absenteeism Goal or school-selected quantifiablegoal* Grades9-12 Graduation Rate (or Composite Performance Achievement if GR is>67%) Surveygoal College and Career Readiness or school-selected quantifiablegoal* ELP or school-selected quantifiablegoal* Chronic Absenteeism or school-selected quantifiablegoal* *The school-selected goals are only an option for schools that did not receive level 1 for the indicator identified. 20
ESSA IndicatorOption • ESSA Indicator Option • NYSED will provide to schools pursuing this option quantitative goals for the performance indicators for which the school received a level1. • The schools will write a plan designed achieving each of thesegoals. • The schools have the ability to identify actions best suited for their school to reach thesegoals. 21
ESSA IndicatorOption ESSA Indicator Option NYSED will offer two types of goals for schools pursuing this option: Level2 goal: The result that the school would have needed to have gotten to have been level2 Progress toward Level2 goal: The result that the school would need to achieve to be on pace to reach the Level 2 cutpoint when the next ESSA indicators arecalculated. 22
ESSA IndicatorOption Both options result in the school reaching the cutpoint when the next ESSA CSI list is calculated. Example: The stakeholders developing the SCEP can determine if the school should aim for the Level 2 goal or the Progress toward Level 2goal 23
ESSA IndicatorOption • School-IdentifiedGoals • Schools pursuing the ESSA Indicator Option can substitute school-identified goals for College and Career Readiness, ELP, and/or Chronic Absenteeism if the school received a Level 2 or higher for thatindicator. 24
ESSA IndicatorOption School-IdentifiedGoals School-Identified Goals must be quantitative goals for which the school has existingbaselinedata. Some examplesare: • Survey-relatedgoal(s) • Studentattendance • Out-of-School student suspensionrate • Teacherattendance • Science PerformanceGoal • Social Studies PerformanceGoal • Additional quantifiable goal approved byNYSED • Schools will identify the baseline data and identify the specific target for where the school would like to be at the end of nextyear. • 25
SurveyGoal • All schools will have at least one of their five goals devoted toward improving the result of question asked on its most recent parent, staff, or studentsurvey. • The school will review the results from staff, parent, and student surveys and identify question from any of the three surveys for which it would like to have better results nextyear. • The school will then identify its goal for the same question on next year’ssurvey. • The school would then develop a series of actions around reaching thatgoal.
TSISchools Similar to CSI schools, TSI schools may alsopursue either the ESSA Indicator Option or the Effective PracticesOption. If the school pursues the ESSA indicator option, the goals will be specific to the subgroup(s) identified, since the school has already met the criteria toavoid identification as a CSIschool.
TSISchools • TSI schools will have some additional flexibility to determine how they will meet the needs of the identifiedsubgroup(s). • The SCEP actions could primarily focus on the identifiedsubgroup. • The SCEP actions could also be general school improvement initiatives intended to improve educational outcomes for both the identified subgroup(s) and in any subgroup(s) not identified. This could make the most sense at schools where the identified subgroup is the vast majority of the student population or in schools that have multiple identifiedsubgroups. • The District, which will approve TSI SCEPs, will need to determine if the goals and strategies provide a strategic approach toward addressing the identifiedsubgroup(s).
School Improvement PlanningProcess Step 4: Identifyingan evidence-based intervention
School Improvement PlanningProcess Step 5: Scheduling activities to occur during the year to reach these goals and priorities, and identifying benchmarks for the goalsidentified
Planning Actions to Meet theGoals After determining the goals the school will focus its work toward, the school will then identify the progressive series of actions it will undertake to reach thosegoals. These actions will outline how the school will look to improve from where it is currently by identifying things it is not currently doing. The actions should build off each other so that the school continues to make progress toward its goal throughout theyear.
Planning Actions to Meet theGoals Schools should be consider other actions currently in development to make sure that the school is not pursuing too many initiatives. Schools should also consider what the multiple sources of information reviewed as part of the Needs Assessment process identified about what the school is able to accomplish as a next step.
Planning Actions to Meet theGoals The actions will be broken into twosections: August to January -- the steps the school will take in the first half of the school year to meet the identified goals. January to June -- the actions the school would take if it is on track with its plan and meets its mid-yearbenchmark.
Mid-YearBenchmark • After identifying the August to January actions, schools will identify a Mid-Year Benchmark for eachgoal. • The school will identify what it would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach itsgoal. • While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data whenapplicable.
School Improvement PlanningProcess • Step 6: Identifying aplan to communicate the priorities with different stakeholders
School Improvement PlanningProcess • Step 6: Identifying aplan to communicate the priorities with different stakeholders
SCEPCommunication • NYSED will ask schools to identify how they will communicate the SCEP goals to stakeholders at the beginning of the 2019-20 schoolyear. • The ESSA Indicator path option schools to focus toward the indicators that led to identification. • For example: “Our goal is to reduce the percent of students chronically absent from 21% to15%” • Once the 19-20 data is finalized, schools would be able to know if it made thatgoal. • The Effective Practices option allows schools to focus toward specificpractices. • For example: “Our priority this year is to increase studentdiscussion.”
SCEPCommunication Both the ESSA Indicator option and the Effective Practices option are intended to be things that can be communicated and emphasized to stakeholders throughout theyear. “As you know, one of our priorities this year is to reducethe number of students who are chronicallyabsent...” “As you know, one of our priorities this year is to increase studentdiscussion...”
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • UndertheNewYorkStateESSAplan,therewillbesome newrequirementsforSCEPstakeholderinvolvement. • NYSEDwill returnCSIplans thatdo not demonstrate thatstakeholdershavemeaningfully participatedinthedevelopment ofthe plan. • Studentswill beinvolvedintheSecondarySchoolSCEPs In addition,TSISCEPs,whichareapprovedbythedistrict,will needtodemonstratethatstakeholdersconnectedtotheidentifiedsubgroup(s)havebeenconsulted.
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement Thedocument“SCEPRequirementsforMeaningfulStakeholderParticipation”outlinesNYSED’sdefinitionofMeaningfulParticipation. There are three components: Ensuring thattheparticipatingstakeholders are fullyrepresentativeof the school Ensuringthestakeholdersareinvolvedin meaningfuland significant work relatedtoimprovementplanning Ensuring thatthefinal plan accountsfortheperspectivesofthestakeholders involvedin theprocess
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement Step1:Identifyingtheteam AllSCEPsshouldbedevelopedby ateamrepresentingmultiple constituencieswithintheschool. LocalEducationAgencies(LEAs)shallusecurrentlocal agreementsconcerningshared-decisionmakingtodetermine participationoneach team.
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • Step1:Identifyingtheteam • Schools candeterminethesize oftheteam,includingthe minimumandmaximumnumbers,thatwilldeveloptheSCEP; however,certainconstituenciesshallbeinvolvedinthe developmentoftheSCEP: • Schoolleaders • Teachers • Parents/PersonsinParentalRelation • Students(insecondaryschools)
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • Team Meetings • Allteammeetingsshouldhaveamajorityofthemembersoftheteampresent forthatmeetingandatleastoneparent,student,andteacherrepresentative presentforeachmeeting. • Ininstancesin which thedistrict’s 100.11shared-decision making plan doesnot includerepresentationfromeachoftherequired stakeholders,thedistrict must involvethestakeholdersnotrepresentedbyincludingthemintheSCEP developmentmeetingsasnon-votingmembersandprovidingthem opportunitiestosharetheirperspectivesduring thesemeetings.
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • Team Meetings • Meetingsshouldbescheduledat timesandlocationsaccessiblefor teammembers. • Meetingsmayincorporatechildcareandtranslationserviceswhen applicable. TitleI1003BASICfundscanbeusedforthis purpose.
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement Step2:DevelopingthePlan AllSCEP DevelopmentTeamsmustmeettoengageinfivedifferentprocesses thatarepartofdeveloping anSCEP: Reviewingmultiplesourcesoffeedbacktoidentifyneedsandrootcauses Determiningpriorities and goals basedontheneedsidentified Identifyinganevidence-basedintervention Scheduling activitiestooccurduringtheyeartoreachthesegoalsand priorities, and identifying benchmarks for thegoals identified Identifyingaplantocommunicatethe prioritieswithdifferentstakeholders
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement Step2:DevelopingthePlan Thoughthereisnotaminimum numberofSCEP Development Meetingsthat teamsmustconduct,teamsshouldplantomeetseveraltimestocoverthe differentstepsinvolvedintheplanningprocess.
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • Step3:FinalizingthePlan • AspartoftheSCEP template,schoolswillincludethefollowinginformation: • The names and titles/rolesoftheindividualsserving aspartoftheSCEP DevelopmentTeam • The meeting dates when these individualsmettodeveloptheSCEP • The meeting dates when each of the followingfiveprocesseswere covered bytheteamdevelopingtheSCEP: Reviewingmultiplesourcesof feedbacktoidentifyneedsandconsiderrootcauses Determiningprioritiesandgoalsbasedonneedsidentified Identifyingan evidence-basedintervention Schedulingactivitiesto occurduringthe yeartoreachthesegoalsandpriorities,andidentifyingbenchmarksforthegoals identified Identifyinga plantocommunicatetheprioritieswithdifferentstakeholders
StakeholderEngagement StakeholderEngagement • Step3:FinalizingthePlan • As part of theSCEP template,schoolswillalsoincludethefollowinginformation: • Theideasthatwere discussedbutnotultimately pursuedforeachofthefive processesidentifiedabove. • The signaturesfromSCEP DevelopmentTeammembers,includingnon-voting constituentrepresentatives. • Any objectionsorconcernsfromSCEP Development Teammembers.
StakeholderEngagement TSI and Good Standing TSI-SpecificGuidance TSI schoolsareexpectedtofollow aprocess similarto CSI schoolsandensure thatstakeholdersmeaningfully participateinthedevelopmentoftheSCEP. In addition, TSIschoolsmusthaveameans ofincorporating theperspectives of theidentifiedsubgroup(s).