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The Olympics Jewish Communities Around The World. Spain at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London, United Kingdom. Olympic Games hosts 283 competitors in 23 sports Spain first participated in Olympic Games in 1900 Boycotted the 1936 Summer Olympic in Nazi Germany
Spain at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London, United Kingdom • Olympic Games hosts 283 competitors in 23 sports • Spain first participated in Olympic Games in 1900 • Boycotted the 1936 Summer Olympic in Nazi Germany • Spain hosted the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona • Spanish athletes have won a total of 115 medals • Sailing is Spain’s top medal producing sport.
About Spain and Spanish Jewry • The word “Spain” is from the Roman name “Hispania” • Spain is the second largest country in Europe located in an area called the Iberian Sea, next to France. • Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world • Some of the popular cities in Spain include Madrid, Barcelona and Seville • Most Jews living in Spain are Sephardic Jews from former Spanish colonies. • In recent years there has been an influx of Argentinean Jews, mainly Askenazim. • Madrid and Barcelona has the largest Jewish communities each with about 12,000 members.
Facts about Spanish Jewry • Jews of Spain preserve, but do not speak, Ladino, a language derived from Spanish and Hebrew. • Merronos were Jews who secretly practiced Judaism, even after it was forbidden. • During the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the synagogues were closed and post-war worship was kept in private homes. • The Alhambra Decree that had expelled the Jews in 1492, was formally rescinded on December 16, 1968. Sketch depicting torture methods used to interrogate Merranos into confessing that they were Jewish.
Famous Jews Who Lived in Spain • Abraham Ibn Ezra, a famed scientist, philosopher, astronomer and biblical commentator. • Bachya ibn Pakuda, the famed moralist who authored Duties of the Heart • Yehudah HaLevi, the famed author of The Kuzari, a philosophical novel based on the story of the king of Khazaria, a kingdom located between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. • Maimonides (Ramban) born Moshe ben Maimon, a famous Torah scholar, physician, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. • Nachmanides (Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman) known as the Ramban, a great Torah scholar and philosopher. The Ramban
A short history of the Jewish community in that country • Jewish life in Spain was not allowed for about 500 years • The rule of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1481 started the Spanish Inquisition in Spain • The Jewish people were burned at the stake and others had to leave the country • More than 235,000 Jewish people had to flee Spain over that time • Modern Jewish people returned to Spain during World War 2, from Morocco and South America. Expulsion and Resettlement of Jews between 1100-1600
Synagogues in Spain Today Transito Synagogue Toledo Sanat Maria Bianca Synagogue Toledo Cordoba Synagogue
How many Jews live in Spain? Approximately 48,000 Jews A picture of Barcelona. Barcelona has the largest community of Jews in Spain
Special Customs and Interesting Facts • Jewish day schools are in Barcelona, Madrid and Malaga. • Spain was once the most powerful empires in the world • The song Adom HaOlam was developed by Shlomo ben Gavirol who was born in Malaga, Spain in 1021. • The world famous artist Picasso is Spanish • Spanish football teams are FC Barcelona and Real Madrid Shlomo ben Gavirol FC Barcelona Badge Real Madrid Badge
Tunes or Jewish songs that originate from that community • The Baqashot are a collection of songs and prayers that have been sung by the Jewish community for hundreds of years. • Sephardic music was born in medieval Spain, with canciones being performed at the royal courts.