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VOTE 15: BASIC EDUCATION. Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations 20 April 2011. Basic Education’s Goal & Vision. GOAL The over-arching goal of the Department is to improve the quality of learning and learner achievement. MINISTER’S VISION
VOTE 15: BASIC EDUCATION Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations 20 April 2011
Basic Education’s Goal & Vision GOAL The over-arching goal of the Department is to improve the quality of learning and learner achievement. MINISTER’S VISION That all learners in South African schools have access to quality teaching and learning 2
Presentation Outline PART A Detailed presentation on Strategic Objectives PART B 2011 MTEF Budget Review PART C Conditional Grants
Part A: Detailed presentation on Strategic Objectives
Five strategic goals The outputs and sub-outputs of the Delivery Agreement have been aligned to the budget programmes (including key departmental improvement strategies). The five strategic goals: • Improve the quality of teaching and learningCurriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • Undertake regular assessment to track progress • Improve early childhood development • Ensure a credible, outcomes-focused planning and accountability system • Improvements in the capacity of the Department of Basic Education
Programmes in the ENE • Administration • Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • Teachers, Education Human Resources Development and Institutional Development • Planning, Information and Assessment • Educational Enrichment Services
Programme 1: Administration To improve the capacity of the Department of Basic Education To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation agreements. Enter into cooperation agreements that are targeted to support education development in South Africa and share experience with other developing countries To improve inter-governmental coordination of policy and education delivery especially with provincial education departments
Programme 2: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • To incentivise teacher adoption of e-Education by means of a substantial increase in the availability of learning and teaching resources, including through the internet • To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum • To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects at the FET band in schools through national programmes such as Dinaledi and the Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Grant • To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks • To establish national norms for school libraries • To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level • To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners
Programme 3: Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development To ensure the new teacher development plan is translated into a wide range of teacher training materials, collaborative professional development activities within the schooling system and agreements with the relevant service providers To establish the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD) in order to promote best practices in classroom teaching and teacher development To establish an ongoing national campaign for choosing teaching as a career, based on research into who becomes a good teacher and focusing on giving the necessary information and bursaries to interested youths To bring about a set of planning, management and accountability tools at the school level that cater for South African needs and make quality education more realisable To develop training strategies and materials aimed at parents that can bring parents more integrally into the new accountability mechanisms being established for schools To establish better and evidence-based practices and procedures for the country’s 82 education district offices, including models for school interventions designed to tackle specific school shortcomings
Programme 4: Planning, Information and Assessment To establish a quality system of standardised and benchmarked learner assessments To ensure that all children complete a quality readiness programme in Grade R before they enter formal education in Grade 1 To put in place support systems for provinces and schools to improve the physical environs of the school and create enabling conditions for successful teaching and learning To ensure that districts can use quality information and data about the level and quality of learning in schools to plan and implement school-based improvement programmes
Programme 5: Educational Enrichment Services • To enhance the current basket of education support services to learners from poor communities • To ensure the involvement of stakeholders in exercising involvement in schools in a manner that adds value to the attainment of the core outcomes
Focus over the medium term for the Department and distribution of the budget • The integrated quality management system: • Contributes towards the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning, by assessing educators on an annual basis and identifying areas in need of development. • Appropriate allocation of educator posts to schools: • The educator post provisioning model, which is used to allocate a specific number of teachers to a school, has been revised and is currently being tested to assess its impact on the quality of teaching and learning in schools before implementation in 2013. • System for tracking patterns of learner enrolment, completion and dropping out: • The learner unit record information and tracking system will track changes in the patterns of enrolment, completion, retention and dropouts among learners, thus contributing to a credible outcomes focused planning and accountability system.
Focus over the medium term for the Department and distribution of the budget (cont.) • Infrastructure: • Despite substantial investments in school infrastructure over the years, there are still schools that are housed in unsafe and inappropriate structures and that do not have basic facilities like electricity, water and sanitation. The eradication of these structures and the provision of basic facilities to all schools is a priority over the medium term. • Annual national assessments: • Annual national assessments that focus on literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics in grades 3, 6 and 9 will be conducted each year from 2010, to provide regular, valid and credible data on levels and quality of measurable educational outcomes achieved nationally. • The national curriculum statement: • The national curriculum statement for grades R to 12 is integral to the achievement of the goals of the 2014 action plan in terms of improving the quality of teaching and thus learner performance.
Focus over the medium term for the Department and distribution of the budget (cont.) • Enrichment programmes: • A number of guidelines and programmes are in place to assist schools in addressing discrimination and promoting social cohesion, such as the integration and anti-discrimination strategy and the Bill of Responsibilities, which, though not a legal document, is taught to learners as part of the life skills curriculum. Expenditure increased from R4.8 billion in 2007/08 to R10.9 million in 2010/11 and is expected to continue growing over the medium term to reach R20.4 billion in 2013/14.
Additional allocations over the MTEF period • The budget provides additional allocations over the MTEF period of R6.3 billion in 2011/12, R8.5 billion in 2012/13 and R11.9 billion for the following priority areas: • Funza Lushaka teacher bursaries • National curriculum statement review including printing and distributing documents • Attaining full functionality in the newly established Department • Improving conditions of service • National curriculum statement examinations and assessment function • Curriculum and professional development unit • Expanded public works programme: social sector incentive grant: Kha Ri Gude • School infrastructure backlogs indirect grant • Education infrastructure conditional grant
Allocation per Programme for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 • Introduction of EPWP: Kha Ri Gude (R43.981 million), Curriculum Review project (R80 million), Dinaledi Schools Conditional Grant (R70 million) as well as increase for Workbooks project (R149.435 million) and Technical Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant (R120 million) • Allocation for School Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant (R700 million) and the allocation for the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant (R5 498.300 million) • Increase of the National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant mainly to implement feeding in Quintile 3 Secondary Schools (R915.224 million)
Allocation per Economic Classification for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 • Increase due to attaining full functionality in the newly established department • Efficiency savings over the MTEF • Introduction of the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant and increase in the National Schools Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant • Introduction of the School Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant of R700 million
Allocation Summary for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 • Decrease as a result of the shift of the Commonwealth of Learning transfer to the Department of Higher Education and Training • Introduction of the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant and increase in the National Schools Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant • Includes allocation of R700 million in respect of the schools infrastructure backlog indirect grant as well as R134.712 million for office accommodation including the monthly unitary fee payment
Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2011 MTEF
Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2011 MTEF
Part C Conditional Grants
Conditional Grants Existing grants National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) HIV and Aids Life Skills programme Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation New Grants Dinaledi Schools grant Education Infrastructure grant School Infrastructure Backlog grant
National School Nutrition Programme To enhance learning capacity and to improve access to education by providing nutritious meals to learners at quintiles 1 to 3 secondary and primary schools. For the current financial year feeding has been introduced to quintile 3 secondary schools. Food gardens maintained in most schools and they are used to teach school communities about food production and to supplement school meals Challenges Some schools not feeding according to the approved menu
HIV and Aids Life Skills Enhance awareness to prevent and mitigate the impact of HIV by providing a caring and enabling environment for educators and learners Increase knowledge and skills among educators and learners to take appropriate sexual and reproductive health decisions Master trainers trained on Sexual Reproductive /health (SRH) Educators trained to implement SRH Care and support programmes implemented for learners and educators School Management Teams trained to develop school implementation plans to keep learners in schooland ensuring access to SRH services
Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation To improve the conditions of 200 technical schools and modernise them to meet teaching requirements of learners in the technical fields Increase the number of suitably qualified and technically skilled graduates from these schools 32 workshops to be built 147 to be refurbished to comply with safety regulations and laws Equipment to be purchased and installed at 191 workshops 578 technical schools teachers trained
Dinaledi Schools To promote Mathematics and Physical Science teaching and learning and improve learner performance in these subjects Improve teacher content knowledge of Mathematics and Physical Science Provide textbooks for learners in grades 8 to 12 to address shortages Provide mobile laboratories and science kits to Dinaledi schools that do not have them Computers and ICT laboratories Training of teachers Develop capacity in Dinaledi schools achieving below 60% pass rate in NCS examinations
Education Infrastructure Grant To help accelerate construction, maintenance, upgrading and rehabilitation of new and existing infrastructure in education Enhance capacity to deliver infrastructure in education New schools and additional libraries and laboratories constructed Existing infrastructure upgraded and rehabilitated New and existing schools maintained
School Infrastructure Backlog grant Eradication of inappropriate school infrastructure Provision of water, sanitation and electricity to schools Eradication and replacement of 395 mud schools 1 307 schools provided with water 536 schools provided with sanitation 1 434 schools provided with electricity
FOCUS FOR ASIDI 2010-2014 Four Strand Strategy Provide basic services to bring schools to Basic Safety Functionality Replace all entire 395 mud schools in the Eastern Cape to Optimum Functionality Replace all entire inappropriate structures Upgrade schools to Optimum Functionality by providing core spaces (specialist rooms) e.g. libraries, laboratories and admin blocks
FUNDING Reprioritised provincial budgets to address specialist rooms (libraries and laboratories) and replacement of 74 entire inappropriate structures (metal, timber and prefabricated structures) Conditional grant to address all 395 entire mud schools as well as provide basic services
School Infrastructure Backlogs GrantGRANT CONDITIONS This is a specific purpose grant-in-kind (Schedule 7) administered by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) that may be transferred to a province. This programme shall be centrally managed from DBE. 60% (R420m in first year) allocated for mud schools in EC 40% (R280m in first year) allocated for basic services Business plans to be submitted to DBE for assessment and approval and monthly progress reports PED’s to budget for furniture and maintenance of facilities
School Infrastructure Backlogs GrantGRANT CONDITIONS PROGRESS The first batch of 50 mud schools have been identified and costed in the Eastern Cape . Basic services ASIDI projects for 2011/12. Preparations are in progress to implement the projects as follows: Water and sanitation: As part of a transversal contract with the Department of Human Settlements as part of the Rural Household Infrastructure Programme(RHIP). This programme will be run in conjunction with the Departments of Water Affairs(water) and Human Settlements(sanitation) Electricity: An MOA is in the process of being finalised with Eskom, which will be responsible for the electrification of schools. This programme will be managed with the Department of Energy. Planning for 2012/13 and 2013/14 to commence with the verification of the backlogs. A Terms of Reference for a service provider to do project preparation are being finalised. This will entail verification of backlogs, compilation of project business plans as well as preparation of a proposals and procurement plan for implementation.
EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT TO PROVINCES • With regard to projects to be executed from equitable share and education infrastructure grant for the 2011/12 financial year, in terms of the Draft Grant Framework for the Education Infrastructure Grant and the Division of Revenue Bill, the following process will unfold: • Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) must submit tabled User Asset Management Plans (U-AMPs), (formerly Infrastructure Plans) with prioritised project lists that are signed-off for the 2011 MTEF by 8 April 2011 to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the relevant Provincial Treasuries. This deliverable is required for the transfer of the first instalment of the grant. • These project lists will be gazetted and also published on the DBE website • Provinces will be required to provide written commitments that these projects will be implemented
EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT TO PROVINCESGRANT CONDITIONS • Transfer Schedule • 1st Instalment - 20 April 2011 • 2nd instalment – 31 May 2011 • 3rd Instalment – 30 September 2011 • 4the Instalment – 30 Nov 2011 • 5th Instalment – 31 Jan 2012 Allocation actually divided into 4 equal instalments. 1st instalment divided in half
Monitoring of school infrastructure projects • DBE currently uses the Infrastructure Reporting Model (IRM) to monitor progress on projects and expenditure on those projects. The following will be done to enhance monitoring and reporting: • Enhance the IRM and customise it to the sector to better report on schools infrastructure delivery • Gazetting of Table B5 of the provincial Budget Statements • Aligning Table B5 to IRM planning project list • A schedule of quarterly site visits to compare what is being reported on against actual delivery • Increase capacity in DBE to ensure that data reported by PEDs is thoroughly analysed and accurate reports of what is actually being delivered in provinces is produced.