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AI Stocks

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate and most of these changes can be attributed to the rapid technological progress being made by humans. Progress in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has been crucial for making our lives more convenient and better.<br>Read more<br>https://bit.ly/3VmQ8kq

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AI Stocks

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  1. The world is changing at an unprecedented rate and most of these changes can be attributed to therapid technological progress being madeby humans. Progress in thefieldsof Artificial Intelligenceand MachineLearninghasbeen crucialfor makingourlivesmoreconvenientand better.Inorder tokeepupwiththis technological progress,theIndiangovernmenthas increaseditsinvestment in Digital India to boost Artificial Intelligence, big data, IoT, machine learning, robotics, and cyber security. Thishasmade it lucrative for investors and analysts tolooktowardthetopAI stocksinIndiaforinvestments. AISTOCKSININDIA

  2. What isArtificialIntelligence? Whatare its applications? Artificial Intelligence is a system that is capable of performing tasks much faster and with greater accuracy without human intervention. These AI systems are smarter than the average human and can take decisions on their behalf, eliminating human error and saving time andmoney. The useof these systems in businesses canincreasetheir efficiencyandleadtohigherprofitability. While AI might sound like a futuristic concept, we are already living in a world whereAIisbeingused widelyforvariousfunctions.SomeexamplesofAI applications in ourday-to-daylifeareSiri, GoogleAssistants,Alexa, conversationalbots,self-drivingcars,email spamfilters,Robo-advisors,OTT platform recommendations, drones, Metaverse equipment, etc. Furthermore, AI is also being used in healthcare systems, education, financial services, entertainment, etc. Currently, Japan is the biggest robot manufacturer in the world with a robot export ratio that rose to 78% in 2020, with the USA being the biggest importer. The US governmenthascommittednearly6BillionDollars toArtificialIntelligence research anddevelopment projectsin 2021.Europeancountriesareallsetto increasetheirspendingonartificialintelligenceby33%between2020and2023. The Indian Government aims to employ AI and robotics technology for biometric identification,trafficandcrowd management,criminalinvestigations,digital agriculture, strengthening defence, women’s safety, etc. The aim is tomake e- education,e-healthande-bankingmoreaccessibletoallcitizensofthecountry.

  3. List of 10Top AI StocksinIndia

  4. TataEIxsiLtd Tata Elxsi Ltd. is among the top AIcompanies in India since it has been working in this field for the last 25 years or so. It has created unique solutions and systems for numerous applications that range from video analytics to self- driving cars. Cognitive Video Services Framework is one of the biggest AI systems offered by Tata Elxsi. It helps in suggesting new revenue models, personalizing content for users, automating the content analysis, etc. Tata Elxsi also offerssolutionslikevideosummaries,sceneandactorrecognition,automaticsubtitlegeneration,filtering objectionable content, and content metrics for Ad Analytics for OTT platforms. It has also been working on IoT (InternetofThings)enabledproductsandservicesas wellasonMetaverse. BoschLtd. Bosch Ltd., 2017, started developing Artificial Intelligence solutions for its various products & services. Being a market leader in automotive and industrial technology, Bosch applies its AI solutions to manufacturing, supply chain management, engineering, and electric vehicles. Its AI strategies have been implemented in more than 185 projects across India, Israel, the US, China, and Germany. It conducts AI research on real-time data collected from various businessdepartments. Boschhasdeclaredthat allof itsproductswillbemanufacturedwithAIoruse AIbytheyear2025. Oracle FinancialServicesSoftware Ltd. Oracle Financial ServicesSoftware Ltd.has builtArtificial Intelligence and data-drivencloud applications.These are used forimproving customerexperience and saving time and money through accelerated processing. In the finance field, these AI applications can be used to optimize cash flows, automate payables and receivables, and manageprocurement andinventory. It also helps sales personnel to recognize opportunities with the highest probabilities. It enhances HR operations by assessing the quality of prospective candidates and improving employee engagement. Human error is minimized by usingAIacrossdifferent departmentsofthe business. PersistentSystemsLtd. Persistent Systems Ltd. was founded in Pune in 1993 and offers scalable and secure mobile networking capability to its clients. The company makes use of Artificial Intelligence to aid businessesin improving and scaling their operations, designing platform architecture and prioritizing cases. Modern Wave Relay MANET technology is used forthispurpose. The companyhas showngoodfinancialperformanceand isa lucrativeinvestmentinthe AI Industry.

  5. AffleIndiaLtd. Affle India Ltd. was founded in 2006 and is a global technology company that focuses on providing end-to-end solutions throughAIforApp Marketing. They help with consumeracquisition,engagement,andtransactions throughrelevant mobile advertisements. Marketing attribution, transactional data, and behavioural signals collected through userdata are analysed by the AI to predict users’ interests. This helps them to direct ads to the relevant target audience and to elevate ad content and userexperience.Affleholdspatentsrelatedtovoice-basedintelligence,digitaladvertising,andfrauddetection. HappiestMinds TechnologiesLtd. Happiest Minds Technologies Ltd. provides data mining, predictive analysis, deep learning, and statistical modelling solutions. It is the top ai stocks in India that made large investments in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. It is the market leader in video analytics and processing with expertise in image tagging, person tracking, face detection, andobjectidentification. Ituses ArtificialIntelligence forvideo analytics,image analytics,language processing, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). Besides Artificial Intelligence, it also offers services related to IoT (Internet of Things), cloud,blockchainrobotics/drones,etc.Itwaslisted onthe stockexchange inSeptember2020. CyientLtd. CyientLtd. is outsourcing, manufacturing, engineering,data analytics,and technology solutions company founded in 1991. They provide Artificial Intelligence Tools to their clients and assist them in achieving their goals. It was previously known as Infotech Enterprises. Its revenues come from critical sectors including defence, aerospace, utilities, andcommunications. It does collaborative work with digital map developers to tackle real-world problems in the automotive sector and to make self-driven vehicles smarter and safer.AI-based navigation helpers developed by Cyient aid autonomous vehicles toavoidcollisionsbydetectingchangesinthe environmentandupdatingmapsin real-time. Zensar Technologies Ltd. ZensarTechnologies Ltd. first ventured into the Artificial Intelligence space inAugust 2019. It launched platforms for value creation for customers in seven core areas: marketing, sales, IT, human resources, talent supply chain, programs, projects,and collaboration. It has developed deep learning-based solutions forthe manufacturing, retail, and BFSI sectors. Its AI carries out better demand forecasting for products by using real-world data and historical sales data. The company is investing in natural language processing, IoT (Internet of Things), new and exponential technology (NeXT), and blockchain. Zensar AIRLabs, the company’s R&D division, has filed for a hundred patents in the last twoyears.

  6. SaksoftLtd. Saksoft Ltd., an information technology company founded in 1999, provides digital transformation solutions in the Asia Pacific, USA, and Europe. The company offers services in software product engineering, quality assessment, testing, support,advisoryandconsulting,training,andextendedsoftwaredeliveryfacility. ItservesFinTech,telecommunication,public,retail, healthcare,e-commerce, andlogisticsand transportation sectors. Itprovidesintelligentautomationsolutions,includingdataanalytics, robotics processautomation,machine learning/artificial intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), and test automation; modernization solutions, such as cloud enablement,architecturedesign,and applicationintegration;and managedanalyticssolutionscomprisingdata science andreporting/scriptingsolutions. Furthermore, the company offers managed infrastructure solutions, such as cloud support services, IT infrastructure operations,IT infrastructure monitoringoperations,applicationandDBoperations,andconsultingand implementations. KelltonTechSolutions Ltd. Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd. is a small cap artificial intelligencecompany. It focuses on digital commerce and marketing, digital transformation, technology consulting and testing, software development, platform and product development,ERP,etc.Itoperatesin India,Asia Pacific, theUS,and Europe.Thecompany has developed platforms to help clients with their digital transformation. Kellton Tech serves clients ranging fromstartups to Fortune 500 companies acrossvarioussectors. The key startups it has beenassociated with include Snapdeal, Flipkart,Yebhi,Jabong,Paytm,PolicyBazaar,andMakeMyTrip. Above we have listed the topAI companies to investin. These are lucrative forinvestorsthat wishto make investments in the technology of the future. The AI and robotics sector in India is expected to skyrocket to USD 957 Billion by the year 2035. This would be equivalent to nearly 15% of India’s GDP in 2035. Investing in the top AI stocks inIndia isthelogicalstepforanyone lookingtogrowtheirwealth. Readmoreaboutanyinformationtovisitwww.kundkundtc.com

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