1. National Environmental UpdateJohn Hayden, NSSGA PMD ANNUAL MEETING
September 12, 2006
Denver, Colorado
2. Issues Update Proposed PM2.5 and PMCoarse NAAQS
Ambient Crystalline Silica
3. Proposed PM Standards CURRENT PM 2.5
Annual: 15 ug/m3
24-hour: 65 ug/m3
Annual: 15 ug/m3
24-hour: 35 ug/m3
No PMc standard
Annual: None
24-hour: 70 ug/m3
7. PMc Options (70ug/m3 v 150 ug/m3) 150 PMc with a viable exclusion. A crustal exclusion is more likely to pass judicial muster than a source-specific exclusion as proposed.
150 PMc without an exclusion, especially if EPA commits to continue exploring an exclusion.
150 PM10, with exclusion or commitment to continue exploring it.
If EPA were to revert to the proposal, we would support the exclusion but not the standard.
8. Ambient Crystalline Silica NSSGA emission factor development program
Proactive in anticipation of EPA action on silica?
MSHA/OSHA/NIOSH changing standards
California’s new ambient silica standard
Directed at aggregate mining CARB standard of 3 ug/m3 as PM4CARB standard of 3 ug/m3 as PM4
11. Ambient Silica Test Results NSSGA upwind/downwind results: 3-5 ug/m3 silica as PM10
California ambient REL silica standard: 3 ug/m3 as PM4
Initial test results: compliance with REL
Silica running about 7% (1.5 ug/m3) of total PM 4
Additional tests in 2006: Sacramento/San Diego As opposed to the Las Vegas motto: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…what happens in CA affects us all – eventually.As opposed to the Las Vegas motto: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…what happens in CA affects us all – eventually.
12. Wetlands Issues Rapanos and Healdsburg Court decisions
How far is the jurisdictional reach of the Corps of Engineers now?