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Unified Theory a short introduction to (metatheory). Csaba Varga Sociologist, H. Academic Reader , President of the Institute for Strategic Research (ISR), Hungary. Preconditions for creating Metatheory. A neutral viewpoint
Unified Theorya short introduction to (metatheory) Csaba Varga Sociologist, H. Academic Reader, President of the Institute for Strategic Research (ISR), Hungary
Preconditions for creating Metatheory • A neutral viewpoint • Momentary giving up of viewpoints (and every later) scientific concepts, and an openness to every new thoughts • Building on new paradigms and paradigm shifts • An ability to see the Whole (developing the ability to overview the whole) • Unifying reality concepts or reality constructs • It is less possible to create a Unified Theory as an personal endeavour than as a group work • From the new paradigms metatheories, from metatheories concepts and from the concepts new world strategies could occur • Developing the Knowledge and Knowledge centred society
The Hungarian model(Our approach at the Institute of Strategic Research) • At the and of the 90’s we initiated two intellectual programs: a) a new unified understanding of man; b) and the unity-society • Creating the new theory of knowledge and knowledge-society • Between 2004-2005 we initiated an international, transdisciplinary research program and published books • From 2006 we organised metatheory (Unified Theory) world conferences • From 2007-2008 we started a research project on new paradigms • During 2000 and 2010 we started to work on formulating the knowledge centred global-local society models and we initiated the first local experiments
Early Unified Theory initiatives • Platon: Idea concept, the cave example, etc. • Aristotel: Wisdom is that form of science, which thinks about the higher form of existences and about the divine • Saint Agustinus: Science deals with things happening in time, however wisdom turns its attention to the eternal. The two approach not necessarily exclude each other, since scince could also lead to wisdom. • J. G. Fichte: Collision of the Self and the non-Self, later showing the equality of the absolute I and the Divine I, a new theory of science • G.W.F. Hegel: formulating the substantial concept of the spirit (and age spirit), unity of God and the world, the need for ontotheology • Ramana Maharsi: New explanation of the Atman and Brahman concept • Ken Wilber: Integral approach, theory of the different levels and states of consciousnesses • …. We could go on to enumerate other examples. In short, the aim of Metaphilosophy to examine and unify the different wisdom traditions.
What is Unified Metatheory? • Metatheory is a unified theory of all sciences, religions and arts The constituting elements of Unified Theory are: • The unification of the theories of physics and metaphysics • A unified understanding of Matter and/or consciousness • Transnational and post-colonist theory • Traditionalism and post-traditionalism together • Unified philosophy (more than a theory) „Usefulness” of Unified Theory : • Metatheory offers a good chance to understand new knowledge, the new reality, the new states of consciousnesses
Metareality/metaconsciousness model (1) • This is a basic, comprehensive, complex, unifying diagram • Expressing the sphere model in two dimensions; the inner core (the depth) and the outer also infinite surface are connected, joins to each other • Starting from within every holon contains the next one • The inner structure of the circular sections and the levels of these sections are expressing Unity, the Whole • The objective and subjective realities are joined together: duality, non-dual and which is above • Wholeness is the expression of the Absolute, which is the totality of personal consciousness, the wholeness the animate and inanimate reality • Matter and consciousness, being and spirit, physics and metaphysics, life and transcendent „life” are expressed together and separate, above and under, inner and outer etc. • Circular sections: reality/consciousness sections; every sections are the unity of two sides (all are Möbius strips)
Metareality/metaconsciousness model (2) • Levels of the circular sections: reality/consciousness (see: inner reality, the outer reality of a person, physical reality, spiritual reality, transcendent reality and the reality of every consciousness levels • The sequence is not random: we can start only from ourselves (brain, mind, consciousness, personal, two Selves) • The consciousness created three dimensional realities are followed by new circular sections, the spiritual and the transcendent reality • These are also reality/consciousness steps • So every reality level is a circular section, two joined reality – and this Wholeness structure is the multilevel reality (expressed in three dimension) • If Being and consciousness, and the under and above are expressible and understandable as a complex structure then we have a chance for a complete worldphilosophy
Metareality/metaconsciousness model (3) • Every dimension/vector change is also a change of consciousness and vice versa • The change of levels of reality/consciousness(see the borders where the arrows facing each other) are necessarily secrets, unified metatheory aims to offer explanation to these shifts • So inner starting point is: the brain (its two hemispheres), the mind (two minds), consciousness (one consciousness), (the unified) unconscious,- the inner infinity • Every circular section level represents different time and space • The outer starting point is the ONE, where all duality disappears (non-dual) post reality, post consciousness from where we could go inward • The diagram looks quite complex, however it unifies at a glance the whole metareality/consciousness
Metatheoretic examples: 1, 2, 3, • To understand metatheory let’s see some basic relationships: • A) The different alternatives to understand Metahuman (the multidimensional person) and the personal metaconsciousness • B) The different alternatives to understand Metasociety (the multidimensional society) and the collective metaconciousness • C) Building blocks of Metatheory (extending the theory of epistemology)
Two brains, two minds hypothesis • Two brains: the two hemispheres; one is for the present moment(the right side), the other for the past and future (the left side) • The left hemisphere represents the outer I, while the right side is the spiritual I, so the lift side connects us to the under, the right to the upper part • These are two personalities within us and are two different perceptions, two different self-consciousnesses, • The right side operates with pictures, the left with words • So one is the brain of wholeness the other is of the parts (all these differences disappear in higher states of consciousnesses • The right side connects us to the cosmic energies, this is Nirvana experience, the left to the organising intelligence
Two brains, two minds hypothesis • The left side represent rationality, while the right spirituality; the two hemispheres are experiencing and creating two different reality, • The right side is love, the left is anxiety • The left side’s mind expresses normal consciousness, the other (the right side’s mind) expresses higher states of consciousnesses • Metatheory connects and unifies these two realities and consciousnesses • The two brains: are Unified, so in Unity consciousness they are ONE, the two minds are also ONE • Perfection means: to be in both sides at once, to be in Unity
Two Selves (and hearts) and the Self(Ramana Maharsi and others) • The miracle in man that he has two I. For this is a good analogy that have two hearts as well, one is the physical, which carries the spiritual existence the other hearts on the right side, which is not material and physical • We can call it the seed of light, or white hole in quantum physics, or the virtual home of the Holy Spirit, which encompasses all of our atoms and subatomic structures • This second heart is the higher Self, which is transcendental. It is consciousness itself. The God within – as Ramana said • Saint John of the cross expressed this question as follows: „Why are you listening the thing, and why are you waiting, since you could immediately love God in your heart”
Two Selves (and hearts) and the Self (2) • Ramana Maharsi says: „This second heart is not equivalent with the physical one, it is the spiritual centre beside the physical heart.” • „Nobody denies that the physical is on the left side, but this heart is found on the right side o the body.” • Ramana Maharsi could experience this: • : „Therefore the heart is the centre of the body.” „In truth, the body and everything is contained in this centre.” • From this point of view the second heart is the higher Self, which is Atman and Brahman at the same time. The higher Self contains within itself all the higher states of consciousnesses.
Theories of higher states of consciousnesses • We differentiate normal consciousness levels (waking, dreaming, deep sleep) • We also differentiate higher states, as well – naming them differently – (pure consciousness, cosmic consciousness, God-, and Unity consciousness etc.) • The most important thing is the shift at the borders: to „shift” from the normal sate to the first higher state • The higher consciousness levels were kept secret by the mystical orders (Brahmanism, kabbala, Sufism etc.)
The cognitive development of a person • Jean Piaget’s cognitive development theory: the main development sequence, which could be divided into four subsections are the following: • (1) Sensomotoric: it is expressed by movements and situation solving; • (2) Before porcessing|This is viewpoint driven (intuitive) thinking and it is still characterised by egoism; • (3) Concrete processing|This sequence is: internalised, characterised by reversible thinking processes and movements; • (4) Formal processing|This sequence is characterised by combinatoric thinking, it is the formation of deduction and hypothesis.
The higher levels of consciousness of individuals • According to yoga: The mudha (torpid state of consciousness ), the ksipta (diffused attention or confusion), the viksipta (focused attention, or a silenced torpid state), therefore beside the normal concious states we have higher ones like: the ecagrata (one pointedness, or concentrated awareness), the nirrudha (stable concentrated attention) • According to A. Maslow: this is self-realisation, and transcendental (on the top of the necessity pyramid) • According to MaharishiMahesh Yogi: transcendental consciousness, cosmic-, God-, Unity and Brahman consciousness (?) • Ken Wilber viewpoint: occult (cosmic), subtle (divine), causal (above form), non-dual, (?) • Stanislav Grof speaks about holotropic, wholeness driven consciousnesses (Cosmic Consciousness, Absolute Consciousness) • Etc.
The posing of the collective consciousness The term ‘collective consciousness’ was first introduced by Emile Durkheim at the end of the 19th century „There is two type of consciousness are living in us: the states of the first of these is individual in each of us, and typical only for us, while the other’s states are common for the whole society For a long time he regarded that the collective consciousness is completely different, than the individual consciousnesses, though it is realized or manifested only in individuals. ‘Later on he got to the point, that he assumed the society as a psychical entity, and thought that the religion is nothing else than the thinking method of this collective entity. So here comes the recognition that the exterior (compared with individuals) social consciousness consist of not only those elements which are common in all members of the group.
Unity consciousness --------------------------------- Absolute consciousness God consciousness Cosmic consciousness Pure consciousness --------------------------------- Semi-pure consciousness Alert consciousness (+ sleep, + deep sleep) Semi-alert consciousness Devoid of (alert) consciousness --------------------------------- Unconsciousness Personal and Collective Consciousness Structure Unity-consciousness ----------------------------------------- • Supra-God one-consciousness • Sacral humankind consciousness • Pantheistic consciousness • Enlightened community consciousness --------------------------------------- • Community consciousness and its levels • Social consciousness and its levels (global, national, local) • Manipulated massconsciousness • (half) losing social consciousness --------------------------------------- • Social unconsciousness
Elements of Metatheory (1)(new, united cognitive theory?) 1. Pre-scientific (everyday, direct personal and collective experience.), Observer exists inside Observed and vice versa 2. Scientific understanding (normal, post-normal science, and theology..) – the Observer looks at the Observed 3. Understanding beyond science (frontier-sciences, mystical knowledge's, etc.) – the Observed gives signs to the Observer partly unable to perception 4. Post-scientific understanding (new science) – Metareality/Metaconsciousness shows up simultaneously in the complex interaction
Elements of Metatheory (2) 5. Understanding via arts (all old and new art, post art) – this can be the manifestation of self consciousness, or the impersonal-personal metaconsciousness; 6. Artificial intelligence (sooner or later a self-creating metareality and metaconsciousness?) 7. God experience (prayer, meditation, inspiration, etc.) – perceiving self-consciousness, interiorizing the transcendental viewpoint 8. Understanding through religion – the metaconsciousness/MetaGod is perceived in metahuman-consciousness
The elements of Metatheory (3) 9. Understanding is limited or unfeasible – looking is superficial, or limited, even impossible. 10. The main characteristic of metatheory’s method is the usage and construction of a joint, complementary system of cognition methods, in which parts mutually control each other. (meta-supramethodology) So it is to say that the Metatheory applies all opportunities and means of cognition and combines all the results of the different cognitive ways, alternatives
Global Future Models • At present, three potential future world model programmes are identified for earthly civilisation and culture: 1. capitalism; 2. new capitalism; 3. post-capitalism (and what comes afterwards); • The capitalism that has formed over recent decades is a money market centred, manipulated capitalism, which the market (the invisible hand) has been unable to regulate or control • The programme of new capitalism is nothing else but corrected capitalism; correction is expected to be made by the visible hand (i.e. the state), though today’s (functional) capitalist state is also unable to regulate and control • Both capitalism and new capitalism are the world models of the near past and reject social, ecological, knowledge, moral, collective consciousness and sacral coordination • The survival of mankind is possible only through one of the post-capitalist models or model combination – a precondition being to raise the collective consciousness of mankind
Europe’s Main Future Scenarios (1)(three capitalist-neo-capitalist and four post-capitalist models)
Unity of Continents and Cultures • The era is over in which the power centres of the developed north export the future model to all continents • The ruling capitalist – new capitalist world model (global manipulated – market economy, unipolar or multipolar world order, liberal – party-based – quasi democracy, etc.) cannot be maintained for long • It is no longer tolerable that the world’s society has dramatically fallen into two: the rich (who possess the integrated goods) and the poor (who have hardly any of the integrated goods) (20-80 %) • Our planet’s new world order will offer each continent the choice of an individual future way, while all continents (and all states) are responsible for unity • Preconditions and guarantees of the „possible future” are the equality-based living together and unity of continents, cultures and religions
The aims of the World Conference • We are getting closer to the formulation of the elements and the wholeness of Unified Theory • It provides the possibility for the birth of the first book dealing with World Philosophy in four to five world languages at least in 600 to 800 pages • The other result of the Metatheory researches and dialogues will be that the global/national/local alternatives of the 21st century will be able to seen more clearly • There is a new universal age coming, a special new age, we are going to be the appreciative advocates and those who are able to inspire others • The World Conference has the potential to raise significantly the social and spiritual prestige of the Swedish organizers • We can serve the mental world peace, which can be only interpreted within a new context, without any limitation
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Varga, Csaba www.vargacsaba.hu www.metatheory.info www.strategiakutato.hu www.inco.hu www.arcafolyoirat.hu www.paradigmakutato.hu vargacsaba@vargacsaba.hu Institute for Strategic Research (ISR), Budapest, 2009