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WP6.4 - Status of energy deposition studies. . Where we were (last year in Frascati ) and where we are now F.Broggi (INFN) 3 nd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting Daresbury 11-15 November 2013. Outline. Progess since last year meeting HTS Material Library (MgB 2 , BSCCO, YBCO)
WP6.4 - Status of energy deposition studies. Where we were (last year in Frascati) and where we are now F.Broggi (INFN) 3nd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting Daresbury 11-15 November 2013
Outline Progess since last year meeting HTS Material Library (MgB2, BSCCO, YBCO) Nuclear reactions (n,N) (p,N), (g,N), (p±,N) Possible Irradiation test on a material sample. Effects of neutrons on MgB2.Is it worth considering the isotopic separation on B for MgB2 ? Debris from LHC and its effect on a possible layout of the SC Links Status of the implementation of the SC Links in the FLUKA geometry Conclusion and future perspectives Daresbury November 13th 2013
Today status Yesterday • Create the material library (MgB2, BSCCO, YBCCO etc) with the correct isotopic composition etc. etc…… STILL IN PROGRESS • Academic exercise of evaluating a n beam effect on MgB2 with 10B, 11B and natBDONE(results in the next slides the results correct to the primary and secondary neutrons fluences) • Create the FLUKA geometry for the SC links (Receivedinput from CERN : IN PROGRESS ) A tentative layout is necessary : IN PROGRESS Daresbury November 13th 2013
Today status • Create the material library (MgB2, BSCCO, YBCCO etc)with the correct isotopic composition etc. etc…… DONE • Simulation of irradiation tests on the materials • Evaluation of neutron effects on MgB2 with 10B, 11B and natB DONE(and confirmed : results in the next slides with correct neutron fluences of primary and secondary neutrons) • Create the FLUKA geometry for the SC links (Receivedinput from CERN : WELL IN PROGRESS ) • Particle Fluence in a possible location of the SC links(WELL IN PROGRESS/DONE) • Energy Deposition in a possible location of the SC links(IN PROGRESS) Daresbury November 13th 2013
Today status • Create the material library (MgB2, BSCCO, YBCCO etc)with the correct isotopic composition etc. etc…… DONE • Search of the isotopic composition of the elements for MgB2, BSCCO, YBCO • Search for the cross section values for the reactions (n,N) (p,N), (g,N), (p±,N) • Simulation of irradiation tests of (p,N) and(p±,N)(N = BSCCO, YBCO, MgB2) Daresbury November 13th 2013
IrradiationTest Simulations 60 MeV p on YBCO and BSCCObeamspot : 2 cm;Fluence2x109n/s x 1 d ; target (2x2x1 cm3) Energy Deposition YBCO BSCCO2223 MgB2 DPA Daresbury November 13th 2013
IrradiationTest Simulations 60 MeV p+ on YBCO and BSCCObeamspot : 2 cm;Fluence2x109n/s x 1 d ; target (2x2x1 cm3) Energy Deposition YBCO BSCCO2223 MgB2 DPA Daresbury November 13th 2013
IrradiationTest Simulations 60 MeV p- on YBCO and BSCCObeamspot : 2 cm;Fluence2x109n/s x 1 d ; target (2x2x1 cm3) Energy Deposition YBCO MgB2 BSCCO2223 DPA Daresbury November 13th 2013
IrradiationTest Simulations Many other data are available (Activation, activated elements, decay time etc.) Other cases have been studied. 142 MeV protons (Brookhaven energy) 1.5 GeVg(LHC peak energy photons on low-beta quad coils) GeVp± ( “ ) PhotonmPion and Neutronspectrain the coil of the insertion quadrupole for differentapertures (F.Cerutti) 1 MeV n ( “ ) Thermal (room temperature) n Daresbury November 13th 2013
Neutrons on MgB2 • MgB2 with naturalcomposition of B (80% 11B – 20% 10B) ThermalNeutrons(isotropic source) 1MeV Neutrons n Neutronbeam spot : 2 cmFluence2x109n/s x 1 d Target y TARGET (2x2x1 cm3) x z z n Target Daresbury November 13th 2013
Energy Deposition and DPA 1 MeV Thermal n Energy Deposition DPA Daresbury November 13th 2013
Activation 1 MeV Thermal n t=0 t=1 d Daresbury November 13th 2013
Residual Nuclei (at t=0 s) Thermal n 1 MeV t=0 26Mg(n,γ)27Mg sth=4.1E-2 b s1MeV=3.7E-4 b sth=5.8E-3 b s1MeV=1.5E-6 b 11B(n,γ)12B Bnat 10B(n,p)10Be sth=5.8E-4 b s1MeV=1.0E-3 b 10B(n,α)7Li sth=3.8E+3 b s1MeV=2.1E-1 b t=1 d Daresbury November 13th 2013
B consumptionAs from last year Onlyprimaryneutrons Dayconsumption Itis a sample of material, not the actualgeomery Dayconsumption Assuming 200 days/year x 10 years of operation x 10 (Luminosityincreasing) a 0.00072% consumption can be espected Daresbury November 13th 2013
MgB2 in LHC Conditions Treat the energy deposition in the LHC quadrupoles (1000 p-p interactions) MgB2 in natural composition MgB2 cylinder (r = 10 cm, l = 800 cm) Simulations of the energy deposition in the SC Links in two cases: - extremely conservative (rearr. particle distribution in x-y plane) - more realistic case Two positions (one in the Fe yoke, one outside the Fe) Daresbury November 13th 2013
MgB2 in LHC Conditions (the two hypotheses) 20 cm z Particledebris 1 2 MgB2 x y x Real case Particledebris Conservative concentrated case Daresbury November 13th 2013
PrimaryFluencies(Q1 Collar-->Yoke) 83% of the particles are photons 15% areneutrons 29% of the kineticenergyis from photons 21% from neutrons 31% from pions 1.5% of the totalenergyis from photons 94% from neutrons Daresbury November 13th 2013
PrimaryFluencies(Q1 Yoke-->Air) 14% of the particles are photons 85% areneutrons 5% of the kineticenergyis from photons 67% from neutrons 15% from pions 99% of the totalenergyis from neutrons Daresbury November 13th 2013
PrimaryFluencies(Q2 Collar-->Yoke) 83% of the particles are photons 15% are neutrons 28% of the kineticenergyis from photons 21% from neutrons 32% from pions 94% of the totalenergyis from neutrons Daresbury November 13th 2013
PrimaryFluencies(Q2 Yoke-->Air) 28% of the particles are photons 71% areneutrons 8.7% of the kineticenergyis from photons 60% from neutrons 16% from pions 99% of the totalenergyis from neutrons Daresbury November 13th 2013
Energy Deposition & DpaQ1MgB2 inside the Fe Yoke "natural"debris Edep=2.4x10-4 GeV/pr About a factor8 concentrateddebrisEdep=1.9x10-3 GeV/pr Daresbury November 13th 2013
Energy Deposition & DpaQ1MgB2 outside the Fe Yoke "natural"debris Edep=1.3x10-4 GeV/pr About a factor 14~18 concentrateddebrisEdep=1.8x10-3 GeV/pr Daresbury November 13th 2013
Energy Deposition & DpaQ2MgB2 inside the Fe Yoke "natural"debrisEdep=5.3x10-4 GeV/pr About a factor 7~9 concentrateddebrisEdep=3.7x10-3 GeV/pr Daresbury November 13th 2013
Energy Deposition & DpaQ2MgB2 outside the Fe Yoke "natural"debrisEdep=2.5x10-4 GeV/pr About a factor 14-20 concentrateddebris Edep=3.4x10-3 GeV/pr Daresbury November 13th 2013
B consumption 10B consumption B consumption Assuming an integratedLuminosity of 3000 fb-1 the Boronconsumptionislessthan 1%, so:the effect of neutrons on 10B isnot a concern. Daresbury November 13th 2013
Today status • Create the material library (MgB2, BSCCO, YBCCO etc)with the correct isotopic composition etc. etc…… DONE • Simulation of irradiation tests on the materials • Evaluation of neutron effects on MgB2 with 10B, 11B and natB DONE(and confirmed : results in the next slides with correct neutron fluences of primary and secondary neutrons) • Create the FLUKA geometry for the SC links (Receivedinput from CERN : WELL IN PROGRESS ) • Particle Fluence in a possible location of the SC links(WELL IN PROGRESS/DONE) • Energy Deposition in a possible location of the SC links(IN PROGRESS) Daresbury November 13th 2013
PoweringScheme and Links Layout For thisconfiguration the link coming from the surfacewillarrive just after D1 (atabout 80 m from IP) and willrunaside the quads(check with the installationgroupifitiscorrect) Daresbury November 13th 2013
Layout in FLUKA GeometryA. Bignami (POLIMI), F. Cerutti, L. Esposito (CERN FLUKA group) • Implement the new octagonalshape of the beam screen • Set the beam pipe and all the related hardware dimensions to the new low-β aperture (150 mm). • New description of the Tungstenabsorbers (thicker under Q1). • Insert, with the Linebuilder code (FLUKA utility ), the previouslymodeledcomponents (triplets, correctors, ecc) Beam Screen Daresbury November 13th 2013
Simulation for Point 1 (ATLAS, verticalcrossing) Integrate (over z) Dose and Power(3000 fb-1) Dose and Powerin air Dose and Powerprofile Z gradient due to the effect of the beam screen (no BS after D1) Daresbury November 13th 2013
Beam Screen Effect Before D1 (yes beam screen) After D1 (no beam screen) In the actualgeometry, with the beam screen, no longitudinalgradientisespected, and the energydepositionwill be more uniform and homogeneous. So thereisnot a particularpoint (z) for the links; thiswill facilitate the integration. Daresbury November 13th 2013
OtherParticlesFluencies(after D1) Daresbury November 13th 2013
Conclusions and Perspectives • Implement the Links geometry in the LHC Layout in FLUKA (installation team interactions..) MgB2neutrondamageisnot a concernabout the performance of the SC Links. • Irradiationtests ??? • Code benchmarkingand correlations with DPA Daresbury November 13th 2013
Irradiation test and MaterialCharacterization Difficulties in handling the irradiatedsamples and safetyrules. The irradiation and followingmeasurements must be done al low temperature Suggestions ??…. HiRadMatinteractions?? • Thermal conductivitymeasurements of non irradiatedsamples (LASA) • Magnetizationmeasurements (CERN) • Other ??? Daresbury November 13th 2013
Acknowledgment ThankYou for Your attention • F.Cerutti , LS Esposito (CERN FLUKA Team) • A Bignami (POLIMI) Daresbury November 13th 2013