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Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 9

Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 9. Lecturer: Moni Naor. Recap of lecture 8. Tree signature scheme Proof of security of tree signature schemes Encryption. The Encryption problem:. Alice would want to send a message m  {0,1} n to Bob Set-up phase is secret

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Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 9

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  1. Foundations of CryptographyLecture 9 Lecturer:Moni Naor

  2. Recap of lecture 8 • Tree signature scheme • Proof of security of tree signature schemes • Encryption

  3. The Encryption problem: • Alice would want to send a message m {0,1}n to Bob • Set-up phase is secret • They want to prevent Eve from learning anything about the message m Alice Bob Eve

  4. The encryption problem • Relevant both in the shared key and in the secret key setting • Want to use many times • Also add authentication… • Other disruptions by Eve

  5. What does `learn’ mean? • If Eve has some knowledge of m should remain the same • Probability of guessing m • Min entropy of m • Probability of guess whether m is m0 or m1 • Probability of computing some function f of m • Ideally: the message sent is a independent of the message m • Implies all the above • Shannon: achievable only if the entropy of the shared secret is at least as large as the message m entropy • If no special knowledge about m • then |m| • Achievable: one-time pad. • Let rR{0,1}n • Think of r and m as elements in a group • To encrypt m send r+m • To decrypt z send m=z-r

  6. Pseudo-random generators • Would like to stretch a short secret (seed) into a long one • The resulting long string should be usable in any case where a long string is needed • In particular: as a one-time pad • Important notion: Indistinguishability Two probability distributions that cannot be distinguished • Statistical indistinguishability: distances between probability distributions • New notion: computational indistinguishability

  7. Pseudo-random generators Definition: a function g:{0,1}* → {0,1}* is said to be a (cryptographic) pseudo-random generator if • It is polynomial time computable • It stretches the input g(x)|>|x| • denote by ℓ(n) the length of the output on inputs of length n • If the input is random the output is indistinguishable from random For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input y of length ℓ(n) and tries to decide whether y= g(x) or is a random string from {0,1}ℓ(n)for any polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n |Prob[A=`rand’| y=g(x)] - Prob[A=`rand’| yR {0,1}ℓ(n)] | < 1/p(n) Important issues: • Why is the adversary bounded by polynomial time? • Why is the indistinguishability not perfect?

  8. Construction of pseudo-random generators • Idea given a one-way function there is a hard decision problem hidden there • If balanced enough: looks random • Such a problem is a hardcore predicate • Possibilities: • Last bit • First bit • Inner product

  9. Homework Assume one-way functions exist • Show that the last bit/first bit are not necessarily hardcore predicates • Generalization: show that for any fixed function h:{0,1}* → {0,1} there is a one-way function f:{0,1}* → {0,1}* such that h is not a hardcore predicate of f • Show a one-way function f such that given y=f(x) each input bit of x can be guessed with probability at least 3/4

  10. Hardcore Predicate Definition: let f:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a function. We say that h:{0,1}* → {0,1} is a hardcore predicate for f if • It is polynomial time computable • For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input y=f(x) and tries to compute h(x) for any polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n |Prob[A(y)=h(x)] -1/2| < 1/p(n) where the probability is over the choice y and the random coins of A • Sources of hardoreness: • not enough information about x • not of interest for generating pseudo-randomness • enough information about x but hard to compute it

  11. Single bit expansion • Let f:{0,1}n → {0,1}n be a one-way permutation • Let h:{0,1}n → {0,1} be a hardcore predicate for f • Consider g:{0,1}n → {0,1}n+1 where g(x)=(f(x), h(x)) Claim: g is a pseudo-random generator Proof: can use a distinguisher for g to guess h(x) f(x), h(x)) f(x), 1-h(x))

  12. Hardcore Predicate With Public Information Definition: let f:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a function. We say that h:{0,1}*x {0,1}* → {0,1} is a hardcore predicate for f if • h(x,r) is polynomial time computable • For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input y=f(x) and public randomness r and tries to compute h(x,r) for any polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n |Prob[A(y,r)=h(x,r)] -1/2| < 1/p(n) where the probability is over the choice y of r and the random coins of A Alternative view: can think of the public randomness as modifying the one-way function f: f’(x,r)=f(x),r.

  13. Example: weak hardcore predicate • Let h(x,i)= xi I.e. h selects the ith bit of x • For any one-way function f, no polynomial time algorithm A(y,i) can have probability of success better than 1-1/2n of computing h(x,i) • Homework: let c:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a good error correcting code • |c(x)| is O(|x|) • distance between any two codewords c(x) and c(x’) is a constant fraction of |c(x)| • It is possible to correct in polynomial time errors in a constant fraction of |c(x)| Show that for h(x,i)= c(x)i and any one-way function f, no polynomial time algorithm A(y,i) can have probability of success better than a constant of computing h(x,i)

  14. Inner Product Hardcore bit • The inner product bit: choose r R {0,1}n let h(x,r) = r ∙x = ∑ xi ri mod 2 Theorem [Goldreich-Levin]: for any one-way function the inner product is a hardcore predicate Proof structure: • There are many x’s for which A returns a correct answer on ½+ε of the r ’s • take an algorithm A that guesses h(x,r) correctly with probability ½+ε over the r‘s and output a list of candidates for x • No use of the y info • Choose from the list the/an x such that f(x)=y The main step!

  15. Why list? • Cannot have a unique answer! • Suppose A has two candidates x and x’ • On query r it returns at `random’ either r ∙x or r ∙x’ Prob[A(y,r)= r ∙x ] =½ +½Prob[r∙x = r∙x’] = ¾

  16. Warm-up (1) If A returns a correct answer on 1-1/2n of the r ’s • Choose r1, r2, … rn R {0,1}n • Run A(y,r1), A(y,r2), … A(y,rn) • Denote the response z1, z2, … zn • If r1, r2, … rn are linearly independent then: there is a unique x satisfying ri∙x = zi for all 1 ≤i ≤n • Prob[zi = A(y,ri)= ri∙x]≥ 1-1/2n • Therefore probability that all the zi‘s are correct is at least ½ • Do we need complete independence of the ri ‘s? • `one-wise’ independence is sufficient Can choose rR {0,1}n and set ri∙ = r+ei ei =0i-110n-i All the ri `s are linearly independent Each one is uniform in {0,1}n

  17. Warm-up (2) If A returns a correct answer on 3/4+ε of the r ’s Can amplify the probability of success! Given any r {0,1}n Procedure A’(y,r): • Repeat for j=1, 2, … • Choose r’R {0,1}n • Run A(y,r+r’) and A(y,r’), denote the sum of responses by zj • Output the majority of the zj’s Analysis Pr[zj = r∙x]≥ Pr[A(y,r’)=r∙x ^ A(y,r+r’)=(r+r’)∙x]≥½+2ε • Does not work for ½+ε since success on r’and r+ r’is not independent • Each one of the events ‘zj = r∙x’ is independent of the others • Therefore by taking sufficiently many j’s can amplify to a value as close to 1 as we wish • Need roughly 1/ε2 examples Idea for improvement: fix a few of the r’

  18. The real thing • Choose r1, r2, … rk R {0,1}n • Guess for j=1, 2, … k the value zj =rj∙x • Go over all 2k possibilities • For all nonempty subsets S {1,…,k} • Let rS= ∑ j S rj • The implied guess for zS= ∑ j S zj • For each position xi • for each S {1,…,k} run A(y,ei-rS) • output the majority value of {zs +A(y,ei-rS) } Analysis: • Each one of the vectors ei-rS is uniformly distributed • A(y,ei-rS) is correct with probability at least ½+ε • Claim: For every pair of nonempty subset S ≠T {1,…,k}: • the two vectors rS and rT are pair-wise independent • Therefore variance is as in completely independent trials • I is the number of correctA(y,ei-rS), VAR(I) ≤ 2k(½+ε) • Use Chebyshev’s Inequality Pr[|I-E(I)|≥λ√VAR(I)]≤1/λ2 • Need 2k= n/ε2 to get the probability of error to 1/n • So process is good simultaneously for all positions xi,i{1,…,n} S T

  19. Analysis Number of invocations of A • 2k ∙ n ∙ (2k-1) = poly(n, 1/ε) ≈ n3/ε4 Size of resulting list of candidates for x for each guess of z1, z2, … zk unique x • 2k =poly(n, 1/ε) ) ≈ n/ε2 guesses positions subsets

  20. Reducing the size of the list of candidates Idea: bootstrap Given any r {0,1}n Procedure A’(y,r): • Choose r1, r2, … rk R {0,1}n • Guess for j=1, 2, … k the value zj =rj∙x • Go over all 2k possibilities • For all nonempty subsets S {1,…,k} • Let rS= ∑ j S rj • The implied guess for zS= ∑ j S zj • for each S {1,…,k} run A(y,r-rS) • output the majority value of {zs +A(y,r-rS) • For 2k= 1/ε2 the probability of error is, say, 1/8 Fix the samer1, r2, … rk for subsequent executions They are good for 7/8 of the r’s Run warm-up (2) Size of resulting list of candidates for x is ≈ 1/ε2

  21. Application: Diffie-Hellman The Diffie-Hellman assumption Let Gbe a group andgan element inG. Given g,a=gx and b=gy it is hard to find c=gxy for random x and y is probability of poly-time machine outputting gxy is negligible To be accurate: a sequence of groups • Don’t know how to verify given c’ whether it is equal to gxy • Homework: show that under the DH Assumption Given a=gx , b=gy and r {0,1}n no polynomial time machine can guess r∙gxy with advantage 1/poly • for random x,y and r

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