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Global inflation

Global inflation. Hans Timmer GDLN June 4, 2008. Inflation in high-income countries percentage change, 5-yr moving average, GDP weighted. Source: World Bank. Inflation in developing countries percentage change, 5-yr moving average, median. Source: World Bank.

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Global inflation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global inflation Hans Timmer GDLN June 4, 2008

  2. Inflation in high-income countriespercentage change, 5-yr moving average, GDP weighted Source: World Bank

  3. Inflation in developing countriespercentage change, 5-yr moving average, median Source: World Bank

  4. Percentage of developing countries with double-digit inflationpercentage in all developing countries Source: World Bank

  5. Inflation in developing countriespercentage change, 5-yr moving average, median LMIC median inflation LMIC real GDP growth (right) Source: World Bank

  6. Inflation in developing countriespercentage change, 5-yr moving average, median LMIC median inflation LMIC real GDP growth (right) Source: World Bank

  7. Inflation in Asian developing countriespercentage change, 5-yr moving average, median Source: World Bank

  8. Percentage of Asian developing countries with double-digit inflationpercentage in all Asian developing countries Source: World Bank

  9. Real GDP growth, 1980 to 2010percentage change Developing countries High-income countries Source: World Bank

  10. Global IP and metals pricespercentage change, year over year Global IP Metal Price (right) Source: World Bank

  11. Global IP and GDPannual global growth in deviation of period average (%) Global IP Global GDP (right) Source: World Bank

  12. Metals and oil use Percent of global GDP Metals Source: World bank

  13. Metals and oil use Percent of global GDP Metals (left) Oil (right) Source: World bank

  14. Commodity price inflation and domestic inflationPercentage change, median of all developing countries Commodity price inflation (left axis) Source: World Bank

  15. Commodity price inflation and domestic inflationPercentage change, median of all developing countries Commodity price inflation (left axis) Domestic inflation (GDP deflator, right axis) Source: World Bank

  16. World crude oil price U.S.$ per barrel Jun 05- Jan. 07

  17. World Oil Production Growth million barrels per day

  18. Internationally traded food prices Indices, 2000=100 Nominal US dollars Real, i.e. relative to developing countries’ CPI Source: World Bank

  19. Prices of imported and domestic foodpercentage change in local currencies since January 2006 Regional price of imported food Domestic food price Source: World Bank

  20. Grain Prices index 2005=100

  21. East Asia grain demand (w/China) rolling 5 yr growth rate Feed Total consumption

  22. India grain & feed demand rolling 5 yr growth rate Feed Total consumption

  23. Rising inflation CPI, Median developing countries, percent change year-over-year Source: World Bank, GEM database

  24. Global inflation Hans Timmer GDLN June 4, 2008

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