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Course Computer Communications Study Period 2

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in data communication and computer networks. Students will learn about network services, protocols, and layers, as well as configuration and routing issues. Assignments will focus on problem-solving, protocol implementation, and building small networks. Students are advised to attend classes, ask questions, study online, and practice exercises. More information can be found on the course homepage.

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Course Computer Communications Study Period 2

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  1. Course Computer CommunicationsStudy Period 2 EDA343, DIT 420

  2. Course Aims • Study topics: data communication and computer networks • After completion of this course, the student should be able to • distinguish network services, related protocols and layers • understand constraints in the existing solutions • build and configure a working network and have an understanding of computer configuration and routing issues in networks • Through course assignments students will be trained in • solving network-related problems/ implementing simple network protocols • building up a small network from scratch • Some advice: to be able to put things in perspective: • come to classes; try to ask questions; • study on-line (don't wait until last weeks); • do the labs in time (don't wait until last weeks); • Keep in mind: practice makes perfect: practice on exercises, questions, use the companion site of book meant for student-resources; experiment with protocols following the hints in the book.

  3. Course Homepage http://www.cse.chalmers.se/edu/course/EDA343 (wearefollowing the link for going through the course info together; pleaserevisit)

  4. TODOs, especially for Assignments • Register for the course: thiswillgiveyouaccess to pingpong as needed • GU students: by Thursday 1/11, please hand tous or email todkomdcs@gmail.comname, personal number, email • Log-in ping-pong at end of the week • Form teams of 2, register team/group in pingpong • Watch the instructionsofwhatto do for assignments and submission; in summary: • Choose 1 outof 2 options for Assignment 1: (youwill get an email afterregistering in a group in pingpong) • http implementation : programming at home, booktime, ask and show here, submitcode (timesavailable: cf webpage) • or wireshark: submitpreassignment, booktime , carryoutlab@Lindholmen, submitreport(timesavailable: cf webpage) • Get informed for Assignment2: settingup a network: booktime, submitpreassignment, carryoutlab@Lindholmen (timesavailable: cf webpage) • Assignment3: answerquestions, submitreport • Book labhourswhere relevant • Make sure thatyounotice all due dates for booking, delivering, etc • Labs not ready afterreportingof the results (Jan 11), willneedto be repeated in the future (study period 4 2012-2013 in Swedish, or nextacademicyear)

  5. Questions?

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