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A study on the OT temple sacrificial system and its relationship to Christ.
Why Study the Sacrifices? • If we profess that Christ fulfilled the sacrifices, we should know what they are. • Sacrifices are a form of worship that God ordained. • Understanding the sacrifices will also help us understand the book of Hebrews, which deals with sacrifices heavily. • To better understand our God, His Word, and the sacrifice of the Son.
Questions • Before we continue, are their any specific questions we would like to find the answer to in our studies? • We should write them down at this time and keep them in mind as we go.
Background The sacrifices are listed beginning in Leviticus 1. Before we dive into them, let’s talk about the context. • After the 10 Plagues, Israel leaves Egypt • Israel crosses the Red Sea on dry ground while the Egyptians are drowned. • Manna & Quail from Heaven • Moses goes up to Mt. Sinai and receives the Torah, including 10 Commandments
Background (cont.) • The golden calf incident, the broken tablets and the re-make • The building of the tabernacle, the Ark, and all the temple furnishings. • The cloud of the Lord covers the Tabernacle. (Exod. 40:34-38) • When the cloud covers the Tabernacle, no one can enter, not even Moses.
Background (cont.) • Dedication of the Tabernacle, Gifts from the leader of each tribe • The end of the book of Exodus leaves us wondering, how can Israel approach God? Not even Moses can go into the Tabernacle when the cloud of glory envelopes it.
God and man Despite our desire to communicate with and know God, our “humanness” also keeps us apart from Him.
God and man God Man Common Mortal (Gen. 6:3) Unclean Finite (Gen. 6:3) Dust (Gen. 2:7) • Holy (Lev. 11:45) • Eternal Life (Exod. 15:18) • Pure (Psalm 12:6) • Infinite • Consuming Fire (Deut. 4:24) Even if we wanted to, we cannot enter the Presence of God on our own.
korban The English words “sacrifice” and “offering” do not accurately express the concept for the korban. This is the Hebrew word translated as “sacrifice” in English. The word “sacrifice” implies that the person bringing it must deprive himself of something he cares about. The word “offering” implies a payment, fee, or tax.
korban The root of the word korbanis karav. Karavis translated as: “to approach, to come near” A korbanshould be understood as: “something brought near.”
korban The first few verses of Leviticus imply that man, himself, cannot come near God in His dwelling place, the Tabernacle. Thus, man brings a korban as a vehicle that allows man to draw near to God in the holy place.The person who brings a korban, does so in order to come near to God.To draw near to God is to have fellowship with the manifest presence of God on earth. Something brought near
korban Can also be translated as “a gift.” Wait a minute! Does God need gifts? Of course not! He doesn’t need our gifts, just like He doesn’t need our prayers or our songs of praise, but all 3 are things God has enabled us to offer to him so we can enjoy a relationship with Him.
korban vs. sacrifice We are usually taught that the Israelites brought sacrifices to the temple to pay the penalty for their sins. This type of reasoning turns the sacrifice into a scapegoat. When a person sinned and deserved death, he could make a sacrifice instead, killing a cow or sheep in his place.
korban vs. sacrifice This concept of scapegoat makes it seem like God was angry with the sinner and demanded punishment. Once the animal had died, God was appeased and no longer felt angry—at least something had died!Is this really who our God is? No!
Sacrifices & Paying for Sins Christians often think that in the OT, people brought sacrifices to pay for their sins.Most of the sacrifices had nothing to do with paying for sins as we will see in the text.
The 5 Types of Sacrifices Burnt Offering Grain Offering Peace Offering Sin Offering Guilt Offering
Burnt Offering Leviticus 1:1-17 & 6:8-13 “korbanolah”. Olahmeans “that which rises.” Can be a young bull, sheep, goat, turtledoves or pigeons
Burnt Offering Bull/Sheep/Goat: Young, male, unblemished Laying of hands on bull’s head Slaughter bull in front of the Tent Splash blood around all 4 sides of altar (by the priests) Skin the bull & cut into pieces Priesthood tends fire and wood on the altar Priests arranges head, fat, and pieces on the altar. Entrails and legs of animal to be washed. Priests cause everything to go up in smoke as a burnt offering.
Burnt Offering Turtledoves/Pigeons: Young Priest brings it to altar, snaps head, place head on altar Blood is drained on side of altar Food pouch and feathers from neck are discarded on ash pile east of altar Priest pulls wings open, without tearing it in half. Priest places bird on altar, cause it to go up in smoke.
Burnt Offering What can we learn from the burnt offering? Complete offering – nothing is left over to eat or take home or to give to priest. Represent the person who is completely surrendered to God. Like Romans 12:1 “offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God”
Burnt Offering & Laying of Hands When do we see the “laying of hands” in the Bible? Numbers 8:10 Israel laid hands on the Levites Numbers 27:18 Moses laid hands on Joshua 2 Kings 13:15-17 Elisha laid hands on the King Mark 10:13-16 Jesus laid hands on the kids Acts 6:5-6 New apostles chosen, ordained On what other occasions do we see the “laying of hands?” Healing for a sick person Ordaining ministers Transferring the Holy Spirit
Burnt Offering & Laying of Hands What is the purpose of the “laying of hands?” Transferring of identity Levites invested with the identity of Israel Joshua invested with identity of Moses as leader Animal (korban) invested with the identity of person bringing the korban.
Burnt Offering & Atonement Leviticus 1:4 says, “Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.” One might assume that the sacrifice was meant as an atonement for sin, but this is not accurate.
Burnt Offering & Atonement The term for atonement here is kaphar, and certainly can imply forgiveness of sin and removal of guilt, but the word means more than that. Kapharis used in Genesis when God instructs Noah to “cover” (kaphar) the ark inside and out with pitch. Kapharmay also be used in the form as a “ransom” for one’s life. Both definitions apply to the sacrificial system.
Burnt Offering & Atonement Everything in the tabernacle had to be covered (i.e. Ark was wood, covered with gold on the inside and the outside) in order to survive the Presence of God. Same is true of the worshipper who wanted to draw near to God’s Presence in His holy place. Fragile, mortal flesh cannot survive God’s Presence. Levitcal atonement should be understood as a covering, a protective shelter from the manifest Presence of God, who occupied the tabernacle/temple.
Sacrifices & Salvation In the sacrificial system, “atonement” does not mean “attain salvation.” Hebrews 10:4 makes it clear that sacrifices were not intended to remove sins. Hebrews 9:9-10 explains that the sacrifices could not cleanse the conscience because they were only intended to relate to matters of the flesh, not the spirit.
Sacrifices & Salvation Many Christians make the mistake of looking at the sacrificial system through the eyes of “Old vs. New Covenant”, “OT vs. NT”, “pre-Calvary vs. post-Calvary.” If animal sacrifices actually gave people forgiveness of sins and salvation, then Jesus did not need to die at all, and His death only makes it easier for the animals and more convenient for us.
Sacrifices & Salvation Temple sacrifices = cleansing of flesh Faith & Repentance = cleansing of the spirit Jesus tells us that we should do the spiritual cleansing prior to the flesh in Matt. 5:23-26. Rabbis agree with this, that without repentance, no sacrifice will bring atonement for sins.
Doesn’t God hate sacrifices? Isaiah 1:11-13 & Jeremiah 6:20 & Malachi 1:10 seem to support the idea that God hates sacrifices. This seems contradictory. Why would God say He hates sacrifices when He’s the one who commanded Israel to bring them? A more careful reading of the prophets shows them not speaking against the sacrificial system, but rather the worshippers. The prophets rebuked the worshippers for violating the commandments, while continuing to go through the motions of the sacrificial system. Their hearts were far from God, but they continued keeping the religious rituals anyway. This is a good lesson for us – we must be careful not to develop a sense of right-standing with God through ritual observances. Outward rituals should reflect our inner person. Repentance makes us right with God, not sacrifices.
Messiah and the korban Human sin and mortality separates us from God. Like Moses, we are unable to approach Holy God. In the Eternal Temple (heavenly), Christ is our korban, the unblemished, perfect, sinless one that brings us near and covers us in the Presence of God. No one comes to the Father, but through Christ. John 14:6 We are to identify with Christ to the extent, we consider ourselves to have died and risen with him. Gal. 2:20
Messiah and the korban Worshippers are able to physically draw near to God within the Temple through the sacrificial blood of animals, but this never brought him near to God in the eternal sense of life and death (salvation). Salvation: Only through the Heavenly Temple, only with the korban-Christ.
Messiah and the korban Hebrews 10:1-2 should be understood in this light-animal sacrifices do not save, only Christ saves. More than just taking our punishment for our sins, Christ draws us near to God through His resurrection. If Christ died, without resurrection, it would be like a korban slaughtered without going to the altar. Through His rising, Christ brings us to God. Christ is our “covering” as we draw near to God.