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Assessing Students

Assessing Students. with Special Needs. Outline . Fundamentals Assessing Young Children Informal Classroom Assessment Formal Assessment. Resources. johnvenn.com – Dedicated to assisting teachers with student assessment. Download This Presentation

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Assessing Students

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  1. Assessing Students with Special Needs

  2. Outline • Fundamentals • Assessing Young Children • Informal Classroom Assessment • Formal Assessment

  3. Resources • johnvenn.com– Dedicated to assisting teachers with student assessment. • Download • This Presentation • Classroom Assessment Resource Guide for Teachers

  4. Compare and Contrast Informal Assessment Formal Assessment Structured Static Standardized Episodic Product-Based Knowledge Testing Flexible Dynamic Individualized Continuous Process-Based Progress Measuring

  5. Assessing Young Children • Developmental Assessment • Definition • Characteristics

  6. Assessing Young Children • Questions Teachers Ask • What is normal development? • Is the child following the normal pattern? • If not, why not? • What do we do about it?

  7. Assessing Young Children Principles of Developmental Assessment • Lower skills precede higher skills • Maturation • Teachable moments • Skipping developmental stages • Play is a child’s work

  8. Assessing Young Children • Using Developmental Scales (Checklists of Skills) • Learning Accomplishment Profile (LAP)

  9. Fine Motor Writing Skills

  10. “One test of the correctness of an educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” Maria Montessori (Italian Physician and Educator. 1870-1952)

  11. Informal Classroom Assessment • Checklists and Charts • Curriculum-Based Measurement • Portfolio Assessment

  12. Informal Classroom Assessment Definition A variety of flexible, non-standardized procedures for measuring student performance, achievement and progress.

  13. Informal Assessment Procedures As teachers we use informal assessment every day in our classrooms when we • Observe student behavior • Find an error pattern in a student paper • Interview a student • Grade student homework • Give a teacher-made test • Use checklists to measure progress

  14. Informal Assessment Has many different names Teacher-made testing Classroom-based assessment Curriculum-based assessment Curriculum-based measurement Authentic assessment

  15. Informal Assessment Provides a direct link between assessment and teaching.

  16. Informal Assessment Efficient (fast and easy) Effective (precise)

  17. Informal Assessment

  18. Informal Assessment

  19. My Favorite Informal Assessments In my teaching I use many different kinds of checklists as informal measures of student behavior, achievement, performance, progress, and growth.

  20. Checklists of Reading Skills

  21. Diagnostic Checklist of Oral Reading Student _________________ Teacher ______________ Grade Level of Passage _____ Date ______________

  22. Diagnostic Checklist of Silent Reading Student ___________________ Teacher ______________ Grade Level of Passage _______ Date ______________

  23. Diagnostic Checklist of Reading Comprehension Student ___________________ Teacher _____________ Grade Level of Passage _______ Date ________________

  24. How to Make a Checklist • Checklist of ADHD Behaviors • Checklist of Autism Spectrum Disorders

  25. ADHD Symptoms Symptoms of Inattention Symptoms of Hyperactivity Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat   Leaves seat in classroom in which remaining seated is expected   Runs about or climbs too much in inappropriate situations   Has difficulty playing quietly   Is 'on the go' or acts as if 'driven by a motor'   Talks too much   Symptoms of Impulsivity Blurts out answers before questions have been completed   Has difficulty waiting his or her turn   Interrupts or intrudes on others (such as butting into conversations)  

  26. Autism Spectrum Disorders Impaired ability to make friends with peers Impaired ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others Absence or impairment of imaginative and social play Stereotyped, repetitive, or unusual use of language Restricted patterns of interest (abnormal in intensity or focus) Preoccupation with certain objects or subjects Inflexible adherence to specific routines or rituals

  27. Checklists for Students with Severe Disabilities Using Task Analysis

  28. Use checklists (rubrics) to make grading complicated assignments easy.

  29. Informal Assessment Curriculum-Based Measurement

  30. What is CBM A method we use as teachers to find out how well our students are progressing in basic academic areas such as math, reading, writing, and spelling.

  31. How does CBM work? When CBM is used, each child is tested briefly each week or so. The “tests” generally last from 1 to 5 minutes. The teacher counts the number of correct and incorrect responses made in the time allotted to find the child’s score.

  32. First Grade Word-Identification Fluency two for come because last from ... Teacher: Read these words. Time: 1 minute.

  33. Informal Assessment New informal assessment strategy Especially helpful in identify students with special needs Ideal for measuring progress or lack of progress with struggling students

  34. Sarah’s Progress on Words Read Correctly Sarah Smith Reading Fluency Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  35. Jessica’s Progress on Words Read Correctly Jessica Jones Reading Fluency Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  36. Sarah is responding well to the reading instruction. • Jessica is not responding well.

  37. Jessica’s Progress with Tutoring Jessica Jones Reading Fluency Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  38. Johnathon’s Progress on Words Read Correctly Jessica Jones Reading Fluency Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  39. “Identification models that include RTI will lead to better achievement and behavior outcomes for students with LD and those at risk for LD.” Lynne and Doug Fuchs, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

  40. Informal Assessment Assessing Young Children Checklists – My favorite Curriculum-Based Measurement – identify students with learning disabilities by measuring response to instruction

  41. Assessing Students with Special Needs

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