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Fitness Walking – Steps in the Right Direction!

Walking: A Way to Health & Fitness! by Laura Hartung MA, RD Certified Personal Trainer www.laurahartungrd.com. Fitness Walking – Steps in the Right Direction!. If exercise were a pill – we’d all be taking it! Decrease your risk of a heart attack

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Fitness Walking – Steps in the Right Direction!

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  1. Walking: A Way to Health & Fitness!by Laura Hartung MA, RD Certified Personal Trainerwww.laurahartungrd.com

  2. Fitness Walking – Steps in the Right Direction! • If exercise were a pill – we’d all be taking it! • Decrease your risk of a heart attack • Decrease your chance of developing diabetes • Helps control your weight • Improve your muscle tone • Promote over all sense of wellness

  3. MOVE MORE!! • Walk 2000 steps MORE each day and never gain another pound! • Says Dr. James Hill of the Center for Human Nutrition at the university of Colorado Health Sciences Center. • To LOSE WEIGHT..add MORE!

  4. MOVE MORE! • Sedentary people in the USA only move 2000- 3000 steps a day. • Previous studies have shown that moving 6000 steps a day significantly reduces risk of death. • 8000-10,000 steps promotes weight loss. • How far is a 2000 steps? About a mile – but the benefits for weight management don’t depend on you walking a mile all at once, but simply adding on more during the day!

  5. Let’s Move!Getting Families More Active to Fight Childhood Obesity! • Girls 6 to 17 – At least 11,000 steps/day • Boys 6 to 17 - At least 13,000 steps/day • Adults 18 or older - At least 8,500 steps/day

  6. Getting Started! • 78% of U.S. population is considered sedentary • Contact your doctor if you haven’t been exercising regularly & are a male over 45 or a woman over 55 • Get in touch with your motivators • Set realistic & specific goals • Prepare for potential obstacles • Buy comfortable clothing & supportive

  7. Pedometers Count Steps • By wearing a pedometer all day, you are motivated to add in extra steps whenever you can. • There are many little trips that can add up to a mile or two a day! • Parking further from the door of your destination, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, pace around as you talk on the telephone, take a marching-in-place once an hour. • All in all, it is entertaining to ponder that such a seemingly insignificant gadget may be of practical importance in the war on obesity!” said Catrine Tudor-Locke, Ph.D., Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University in the conclusion of a report by the President’s Council Physical Fitness & Sports.

  8. Start Counting Your Steps! • Buy a step counting pedometer. • Set your pedometer. • Wear your pedometer throughout the day. • See how many steps you take on an average day, then add 2000 steps to set your daily walking goal. • Chart your steps each day. • Make a game or challenge of it with the free Webwalking USA Program.

  9. Choosing the right shoes! • Buy shoes at an athletic store. • Shop when your feet are the largest & wear the same socks you’ll wear walking. • Buy shoes to fit your larger foot & maintain a half-inch space between your longest toe & the end of the shoe. • Choose shoes that are right for your type of foot. • Walk in the shoes before buying them. • Replace shoes every 300-600 miles.

  10. OVERLOAD PRINCIPLETo make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. • FREQUENCY: How often you walk. For beginners, consider starting with 2-3 sessions per week. • INTENSITY: How hard you exercise. For example, the pace you walk or your heart rate count. Walking a mile in 15 - 20 minutes is considered moderate intensity. • TIME: How long you walk. Benefits begin with 10 min bouts of exercise. Think F.I.T.

  11. Everyday Fitness Ideas • Take several frequent 5-10 minute walks throughout the day. • Stand instead of sit; walk instead of stand • Take stairs • Park at a distance • Get what you want instead of asking someone to get it for you • Use a pedometer to measure daily steps

  12. Components of a walking program • Warm-up (5 minutes) • Stretches (5 minutes) • Walking (30 minutes) • Cool-down (5 minutes)

  13. Proper Walking Technique • Head up. Look forward. Keep chin parallel to the ground. • Swing arms in a natural motion. • Walk smoothly, rolling your foot from heel to toe. • Back is straight. Stomach muscles slightly contracted. • Do not use hand weights while walking

  14. Stretching • Stretch to warm up muscles • Stretch gently and slowly • Repeat each stretch 3 times • For cool-down: Walk slowly and then repeat stretches

  15. How much – how often? • Health benefits of exercise begin at 30 min, 4 days/week • To improve physical fitness, you may want to raise the bar • You should be able to hold a conversation when walking. • Use Rating of Perceived Exertion: 1 (very weak) to 10 (extremely difficult). 3-4 for health, 7-8 for fitness

  16. Calf Stretch

  17. Hamstring Stretch

  18. Quad Stretch

  19. Lower Back Stretch

  20. Safety Precautions • Carry ID and cell phone • Use proper footwear • Don’t wear headphones • Walk against the traffic • Wear reflective material when dark • Choose safe walking course and level paths

  21. Injuries • Rest the injured muscle. Do a different type of exercise that doesn’t aggravate the injury. • Apply ice for first 48 hours if there is swelling. Alternate cold and heat after 48 hours. Take OTC pain medication for a few days. • Wrap the injury with a stretchy bandage.

  22. Sarcopenia: SAR-co-PEEN-yuh • The loss of muscle tissue as we age. • Unfortunately, it hasn’t reached the public’s radar screen the way osteoporosis has. • People know they need to keep their bones strong but feel they don’t have to worry about sarcopenia. • 45% of U.S. adults 65 and other suffer from some age related muscle wasting. And it’s not just a matter of losing the strength they had in their 20’s.

  23. Why do we lose muscle mass? • Slowdown in muscle metabolism as we age • Too little muscle stimulating physical activity • Genetic differences • Gender differences • Hormonal deficiencies • Change in diet • Loss of nerve cells

  24. We don’t just lose strength • Decreased metabolism • Muscle marbling • Weaker bones • Poorer balance

  25. Reasons to lift weights! • Decreases risk of developing diabetes • Improves ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL) • Relieves arthritis • Keeps mitochondria (power house of the cell) younger! • More muscle more metabolic active tissue; meaning you burn more calories at rest! • Great for the skin • both cardio & weight training • gives a radiance & glow no make-up can match • helps build collagen

  26. Sample Beginner Program • 2-3 nonconsecutive days per week • 1 set to start with; 2 sets after first month • 30-60 second rest periods between sets • 10-12 repetitions; increase weight when 12 reps are comfortable • Select exercises that utilize large muscle groups • Change routine every 6-12 weeks!

  27. Top Five Reasons to Exercise • You’ll lower your risk for the nations top three killers: heart disease, cancer and stroke. • You’ll smile more! • You’ll get sick less often! • You’ll be mentally sharp! • You’ll live longer!

  28. My Dad! Ed Hartung – still going strong @ 80!

  29. Little Susie..still spry @ 73!

  30. WINTER OBSTACLES • Internal: • Less motivated • Less energy • Seasonal Affective Disorder • External: cold, darkness, road conditions • Blah, blah, blah!


  32. Don’t think “all or nothing!”

  33. Self Assessment: What do you want from of an exercise program? • Weight loss? • Mental clarity? • Mood booster? • Stress reduction? • Time alone? • Improved quality of life?

  34. Exercise??? I’m too busy to exercise!

  35. With ALL these great reasons to exercise, why aren’t you?

  36. Schedule your workouts, make exercise non-negotiable! Find a fitness partner or entertain yourself. Dress the part! Start an exercise log, set goals & evaluate your progress. Stop beating yourself up! Re-evaluate your goals! Get Going! Continually plan! Staying Motivated!

  37. Exercise Compliance: Staying Motivated If you always do what you always did than you’ll always get what you always got!

  38. Useful Resources • www.Walking.about.com • FITNESS 9 TO 5 - Chronicle Books, 2006 • American College of Sports Medicine’s Resources for the Personal Trainer 2005 • Strong Women Stay Young by Miriam Nelson, PhD, 2000 • Tufts University Health and Nutrition Newsletter Newsletter February • President’s Council on Physical Fitness (PCPFS) @ www.fitness.gov • The National Institute of Aging @ www.niapublications.org • The Perricone Weight Loss Diet – Dr Nicolas Perricone - 2005 • Body For Life – Bill Phillips • www.presidentchallenge.org • Ten Minute Tone-Ups for Dummies

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