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2012 Skamania State of the county

2012 Skamania State of the county. Historical Background. Gifford Pinchot Harvest 1980 - 2002. DNR Trust Lands. Skamania has 43,000 Acres of Trust Land 4200 acres are “fully encumbered” and off limits to logging due to the Spotted Owl.

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2012 Skamania State of the county

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  1. 2012 Skamania State of the county

  2. HistoricalBackground

  3. Gifford Pinchot Harvest1980 - 2002

  4. DNR Trust Lands • Skamania has 43,000 Acres of Trust Land • 4200 acres are “fully encumbered” and off limits to logging due to the Spotted Owl. • 37,000 acres are “partially encumbered” and restricted in some ways due to the Spotted Owl

  5. DNR Trust Lands

  6. Timber & Replacement Revenues

  7. 2012 Budget

  8. 2011 VS 2012 Revenues

  9. 2011 VS 2012 Expensesreduced $15,524,046

  10. 2011 VS 2012 Current Expensereduced $3,919,557

  11. Current Expense

  12. Non Criminal Justice VS Criminal Justice

  13. Cuts for 2012 • Commissioners Cuts • Pool Closed–11 layoffs-County Cost 120,000 @ year • 7 Facilities/Recreation Layoffs & Staff Reductions • 5 Public Works/Road Layoffs & Staff Reductions • 4 Community Development Layoffs • 4 Seniors Layoffs & Drivers Reduced • One transit trip per day eliminated • 2 Community Health Layoffs • 1 Commissioner Office Layoff • Interpretive Center Director Mandatory Retirement

  14. Additional Cuts for 2012 • Sheriff • 4 Layoffs & Staff Reductions • Auditor • 1 Layoff • Assessor • 1 Layoff/Staff Reduction • Superior Court Clerk/Superior Court Juvenile • 1 Layoff • 31 layoffs and 5 position eliminations • 17 Seasonal Positions Eliminated • Cash out and Unemployment liability $350,000

  15. Additional Actions • Moved Solid Waste to a Full Enterprise Fund • Has been subsidized at 35% • Include a $5.00 fee per visit - $2.50 is just recycle

  16. Additional Actions cont… • Suspended Interfund Payments • Equipment Rental & Repair (Vehicles and Computers) • Set up mechanic shops as a department along the lines of a private shop. • Set up Central Services as a full service department instead of an enterprise fund

  17. Additional Actions cont… • By Agreement Extended all Employee Contracts for one year with no increases

  18. Authorized Sales Tax • Current • .5 County Sales Tax = Approx $250,000 • Added for 2012 • Add .5 County Sales Tax = Approx 180,000 • Second to the last county in the state to do so. • .1 Criminal Justice Sales Tax = Approx $35,000 • .1 Mental Health Sales Tax = Approx $35,000

  19. Balancing 2012 Budget • Balancing 2012 Budget with a 2 million dollar loan. • The Loan will be secured against the sale of surplus properties through ought the county. • The sales of these properties is a one time opportunity to allow the voters to choose whether or not to fund County levy requests. • It is necessary to avoid potentially damaging unnecessary disruption of essential services • Have identified 3.5 million in potential properties.

  20. Current Property Tax • Current Expense Levy Rate @ $1.40 per 1000 assessed valuation = $1,800,000 • Road Levy Rate @ $1.41 per 1000 assessed valuation = $1,400,000

  21. Future Actions • Will run Levy Lid Lift in 2012 effective 2013 for both Current Expense and Road levy as well as $0.50 Criminal Justice Levy • Current Expense Levy Lid = $1.80 • Road Levy Lid = $2.25

  22. Current Levy Rateson $175K Residence

  23. Actual Current County Levy • At $1.38 Current Expense • $241.50 on a 175K Home • $276.00 on a 200K home • $414.00 on a 300 K Home • At $1.43 Road Levy • $250.25 on a 175K Home • $286.00 on a 200K home • $429.00 on a 300K Home

  24. Increased Levy Rateson $175K Residence

  25. Difference in Levy Rateson $175K Residence

  26. Future Actions cont… • These levies together will raise approx $ 1,950,000 • Without these levies the 2013 current expense budget will be reduced from 10 Million to 8 Million • Road Budget will be reduced significantly

  27. Myth • Elected Officials have received raises

  28. Fact • In 2000 the previous Board of Commissioners passed a resolution which increased elected officials pay by 2.5% per year every year • Commissioners can not raise or lower their pay during their term. • In 2008 current Commissioners passed a resolution rescinding the 2.5% and setting salaries per the state salary commission. • No elected official raises in last 4 budgets.

  29. Elected Officials Salaries

  30. Myth 14 Million in County Reserves

  31. Fact - 2006 • 4.5 million in Salary and Wages Reserve • 3.1 million in Capital Reserve • 3.8 million in Road Reserve

  32. Fact • 4 million in Salary and Wages in 2006 • 2 million increase in 2007 due to concern of loss of Forest Funds • Forest Funds Reauthorized in 2007 for one year and again in 2008 for 4 years with declining payment. • Salary reserve used to maintain full employment through 2011 budget year

  33. Cumulative Reserves Salary and Wages

  34. Myth • County General Reserves used to upgrade facilities

  35. Fact • Capital Reserves are funds specifically designated to be used for facility upgrade, maintenance, purchase or other needs. • Increased to 4.5 million in 2007 • Hegewald Addition completed under budget @ 3.2 Million • Annex Remodel completed under budget @ $980,000 • Replaced three other facilities and gained 20 years of building life.

  36. Capital Reserve vs Capital Improvements

  37. Legislative Work • DNR Encumbered Lands Bill • In 2010 session we passed the Encumbered Lands Bill for Skamania, Wahkiakum and Pacific Counties which allows for ESA encumbered lands to be placed into habitat conservation with the timber value being paid to the counties and new productive lands being purchased

  38. Legislative Work Continued • DNR Encumbered Lands Bill Cont… • In 2011 sessions DNRreported back to the state senate that Skamania had 24+/- million in timber on the 4200 Acres of fully encumbered land • Successfully advocated for the first payment to be made through the Capital Budget. • Each County to receive 500K in 2012

  39. Legislative Work Continued • DNR Encumbered Lands Bill Cont… • In 2012 we successfully passed the Unitary Trust Bill which allows DNR to purchased shared lands for the three encumbered counties. • This means we can find managed forest lands that can continue production for all three counties on a percentage basis. • This is the first County unitary trust in the state

  40. Legislative Work Continued • Hastings/Bishop Bill • Creates a trust for each county & their schools in which there is national forest. • Based on $60% of average revenue during the 20 years 1980 – 1999 • Trust projects are proposed by the Forest Service • Have shortened environmental review (controversial) • Can not be adjudicated (controversial) • Has passed out of committee on the way to the floor • Senate says it is DOA.

  41. Legislative Work Continued • O&C Oregon Bill • Is a Title in the Hastings/Bishop bill • Creates a timber production trust for 16 counties on 1.2 million acres of BLM timber lands taking it out of federal ownership(GP is 1.2 million acres)(controversial) • Conserves 1.2 million additional acres. • Is sponsored by three Oregon Congressman for Oregon Counties only • Has not been introduced separately in committee or on the floor • Still has a chance of being in the Hastings/Bishop bill according to committee staff

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