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HOLY ROSARY PARISH. THE DOMINICAN FRIARS. 3617 Milam St., Houston, Texas 77002-9535 Ph. 713-529-4854 Fax 713-522-3967 Emergency Line 832-405-5762 Catholic Daily Message 713-529-4449 www.holyrosaryparish.org. ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE
HOLY ROSARY PARISH THE DOMINICAN FRIARS 3617 Milam St., Houston, Texas 77002-9535 Ph. 713-529-4854 Fax 713-522-3967 Emergency Line 832-405-5762 Catholic Daily Message 713-529-4449 www.holyrosaryparish.org ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Latin 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Vietnamese 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Vietnamese WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 12:05 p.m. Monday – Saturday 5:15 p.m. Monday – Friday TIME OUT ROOM Available in the parish office building during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses ROSARY 4:50 p.m. Monday-Friday 4:35 p.m. Saturday and Sunday EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 12:45-5:00 p.m. Fridays with benediction at 5:05 p.m. BAPTISMS Please call parish office at ext. 101 for arrangements. RECONCILIATION 4:00–5:00 p.m. Saturdays Thirty minutes before each weekday Mass MARRIAGES Please call the wedding coordinator at ext. 110 at least eight months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office for the sick who are at home or in the hospital. PRIESTS ON STAFF Fr. Ian G. Bordenave, O.P. Ext. 107 Pastor Fr. Isidore V. Vicente, O.P. Ext. 104 Parochial Vicar Fr. Juan M. Torres, O.P. Ext. 103 Parochial Vicar Fr. Anthony Hung Tran, O.P. Chaplain to the Vietnamese Community IN RESIDENCE Fr. Arthur R. Kirwin, O.P., Prior Fr. Victor Brown, O.P., Pastor Emeritus Fr. William S. Daniels, O.P. Fr. Joseph D. Konkel, O.P., Pastor Emeritus Fr. Martin J. Iott, O.P. Fr. François Pouliot, O.P. Fr. Richard B. Williams, O.P. Priory Phone 713-526-6322 PARISH OFFICE 3617 Milam Street, Suite 100 Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Extensions: 101 Parish Secretary 105 Director of Music 108 Parish Bookkeeper 109 Special Projects Secretary E-mail: office@holyrosaryparish.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 3535 Louisiana Street 713-526-4389 Contact: Janet Hafernik, D.R.E. PARISH REGISTRATION Please contact the parish office if you wish to register, if your contact information has changed, or if you wish to remove your registration.
January 22, 2012 – THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A Message From the Pastor Dear Parishioners, Today marks the 39th Anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision Roe vs. Wade, which permitted legalized abortion in our country. Since then, over 54 million abortions have taken place in the U.S. We can wonder what we have to show after working so long to try to turn our nation around. Recall St. Paul’s words from Second Corinthians. He says, We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body (2 Cor 4:8-10). Social change takes time. So, we shouldn’t become discouraged. Here are some things we can do to help our cause: • Pray. The Rosary. The Stations of the Cross. Eucharistic Adoration. Offer your prayer for the unborn. • Do Penance. Give up a snack, an hour of television, or buying something for yourself. Offer it up for the unborn. • Reverence all human life, not just the unborn, but also the homeless, immigrants, prisoners, the handicapped, the sick, and the elderly. A rising tide lifts all boats. • Witness. To quote St. Peter, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence” (1 Pt 3:15b-16a). • Support pro-life organizations like Texas Right to Life, Foundation for Life, and Houston Coalition for Life, which are helping to change laws and save babies’ lives. If we take sensible measures such as these, we will be winning people’s hearts, saving babies’ lives, and bringing abortion to an end in our country. Fr. Ian TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION, JANUARY 22: THE CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA. Generous gifts made to today’s collection will fund evangelization and catechesis projects in the Church in Latin America. Recently in El Pozόn, Colombia, 770 children from St. Blaise Parish received First Holy Communion because of your generosity. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Keep faith with the Church in Latin America. HOLY ROSARY ONLINE GIVING is a convenient way to contribute to all of the parish’s regular and second collections on a regular or on a one-time basis. Go to the parish’s website at www.holyrosaryparish.org to sign up for an account. REQUIESCAT IN PACE: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Marie Gimenez, who recently died. She is the mother of Joseph Gimenez, who is a parishioner. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK:. Gloria Guerreo, Dominic Dybala, and Gloria Lindo. ALTAR FLOWERS: An anonymous donor has giventhe flowers near the main altar in loving memory of Dotty and Tom Daley. Please pray for them. REV. JOSEPH D. KONKEL, O.P., HAS ANNOUNCED HIS OFFICIAL RETIREMENT FROM HOLY ROSARY PARISH AS OF JANUARY 1, 2012: Many parishioners and friends of Holy Rosary Parish and Priory have heard that Fr. Konkel has been given permission by the Southern Dominican Provincial to retire from active ministry. Among possibilities for study, vacation, and rest, Fr. Konkel will be taking a ten week study sabbatical at a retreat center in Tucson, Arizona, from March 11 through May 18, 2012. Fr. Konkel will continue living in Holy Rosary Priory as a member of the Dominican Community. After he finishes his sabbatical and some vacation time this summer, further decisions will be made and announced. Fr. Konkel has been at Holy Rosary since August 1995. Fr. Konkel is grateful for the support of many wonderful parishioners and friends during that time. SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER: The Order will meet today, January 22, from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Religious Education Center. Are you feeling called to a deeper spirituality? Does the joy, humility, and simplicity of St. Francis appeal to you? Come and see after today’s 11 a.m. Mass how profession into a lay order can enrich your life. Call Lore Payne at 713-254-4405 for more information. Pax et bonum! WHAT’S COOKING, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25: Spaghetti and meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, dessert, coffee, and tea. Lunch is served after the 12:05 p.m. Mass in the parish hall. As a reminder, the lunches are $5, and there are no takeouts. Please do not submit bills larger than $10. Lunch goers have the option of paying for their lunches through Holy Rosary Parish’s Online Giving. Thank you! STAND AND PRAY: Next Thursday, January 26, is Holy Rosary’s day to sponsor a day of prayerful presence from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Planned Parenthood, 4600 Gulf Freeway. Please sign up to stand and pray that the innocent lives of the unborn may be saved and that those involved in Planned Parenthood may experience a conversion of heart. For those who cannot come to pray at Planned Parenthood but would like to participate, please commit to praying wherever you may be in unity with those at the facility. Sign-up sheets for both are available in the foyer this weekend, or contact Cindy Hotze at 713-665-0479 or cahotze@att.net. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS: • A Parent Meeting to Discuss First Penance and First Holy Communion will take placenext Sunday, January 29, at 9:45 a.m. in the parish hall. • Jeff Cavins’ Bible Study on The Book of Revelation starts today, January 22, at 9:00 a.m. in the REC. Open to everyone. Three other weekly offerings available. The course lasts eleven weeks and costs $30. Call Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389 to register. Last chance! • Confirmation Classes for adult Catholics who have not been confirmed will begin on Sunday, March 4. Call Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389 to learn more or to register.
HOLY ROSARY PARISH A CATHOLIC WOMEN’S DAY OF REFLECTION at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center, 430 Bunker Hill Road, Houston 77024, January 26, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Theme: “Quench Your Thirst: Praying with the Woman at the Well.” Cost is $35 per person, which includes coffee, breakfast pastries, and lunch. Register online at www.passionist.org/holyname/events or by calling 713-464-0211. SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2012. The Knights will be selling tamales from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parish courtyard for your super bowl party. CONSIDER BECOMING A KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS. All Catholic men age 18 and older are eligible to join. The Knights dedicate themselves to serving our Lord, our Church, and our country. Inquirers should contact Neil Miggins at 713-560-9776, Don Payne at 713-254-4396, or Gary Loth at 713-449-7399. Please keep our clergy in your prayers. 2012 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES: Any parishioner who requested to receive 2012 contribution envelopes but has not received them should contact Carole Kelley, at 713-529-4854, ext. 109, or at ckelley@holyrosaryparish.org. Thank you. WANTED: SPONSOR COUPLES who can help prepare engaged couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Must be married in the Catholic Church for at least five years and able to attend day-long training sessions at St. Dominic Center at 2403 Holcombe Blvd in Houston 77021 on February 18, March 10, and March 24. A great service and witness to the Church. Please contact the parish office at 713-529-4854, ext. 101, or at office@holyrosaryparish.org if you feel you can help. THE 23RD SOUTHERN DOMINICAN GALA will take place on Sunday, April 29, 2012, at the Houstonian. The gala committee invites everyone to participate in the gala by becoming an underwriter, a table sponsor, and/or auction donor and/or by purchasing gala tickets. The evening will include dinner, dancing, and a silent auction. This year, the gala will present the St. Martin de Porres Award to Rabbi Roy A. Walter. For more information about the gala, please contact Carole Kelley at 713-529-4854, ext. 109, or at ckelley@holyrosaryparish.org. The gala proceeds will go to support the Southern Dominican Province, including the Dominican Friars of Holy Rosary Priory. Gifts are tax deductible. SOUTHERN DOMINICAN GALA’S WINE AUCTION: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P., is requesting monetary donations towards this year’s Southern Dominican Gala Wine Auction. Please make checks payable to “Southern Dominican Gala” (in the memo area, please write “wine”), and mail them to the parish office, Attention: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P. All contributions are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Please save the date for the next Southern Dominican Gala on Sunday, April 29, 2012, at the Houstonian. The gala will offer wonderful auction items and fine wines! 2011 DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND (DSF): Thanks to everyone who contributed to the 2011 DSF! The parish surpassed its goal of $119,000 by $9,316.64. Half of the $9,316.64 ($4,658.32) will return to Holy Rosary Parish and the other half will go to aid the poor parishes of the archdiocese. Thank you for helping us reach our goal and for ministering to so many others. May God bless you! Sancte Thomæ de Aquino, ora pro nobis.
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 22, 2012 Four men woke up one morning as fishermen and went to bed that very night as disciples of an itinerant preacher from Nazareth. That morning the father of two of them, Zebedee was his name, was two men short in his enterprise as a fisherman in the Sea of Galilee. And at least one wife, kept wondering whether her husband, Simon Bar Jonah, was coming home again. Even the name of this last man would be changed to Peter. What happened? Mark gives us in the reading of this Sunday a very succinct account of the call that Jesus makes for collaborators in the new venture of the Kingdom of God. "Come after me and I will make you fishers of men" ( Mark 1,17). And, amazingly, they do. I think all of us are taken by the suddenness of it all and the manner in which everything unfolds. But one can feel in such scene a sense of urgency. There is no time to waste. The itinerant Rabbi, who already is preaching about the Kingdom of God and inviting everyone to repentance, has called them. They are busy mending fishing nets by the sea shore to get ready for next outing at sea, which was their livelihood. But something elusive and mysterious, indeed, has happened. We read in today's Gospel about Peter and Andrew that "They abandoned their nets and followed him" (Mark 1, 18) and a few lines further about James and John: "They left their father Zebedee in the boat and followed him" ( v. 20). One feels that humanly speaking they should have asked some questions from this stranger. Like: Where are we going...What are we going to do...What do you mean about being "fishers of men"...How am I sure of what you are telling me...What is the plan of action that you have...Why have you called me and not somebody else...What is that we hear about the kingdom of God...What kind of reforms are you talking about when you say "reform your lives"...What is my role in this new enterprise...What do you mean when you say THE GOOD NEWS...Is there any compensation for my family that I left behind... Questions...Questions... There must have been something that Jesus said to them. Or there must have been something in the eyes of Jesus as he looked into their eyes and their hearts. Something altogether special, life-giving and mysterious. May be a glimpse of God's tenderness and love. The result: The four men answer the call of Jesus in a manner that I could categorize as Prompt, Radical, Total, Generous. And here is where we come in ourselves: As the four Apostles and then the rest were called, SO ALSO ARE WE CALLED. By Baptism, officially, and many times in our lives, we have heard the Call of God to be part of his redemptive work in the world. Even if we had questions, those questions are irrelevant next to the immense privilege of embracing the Son of God in our lives and being sent to be witnesses and preachers of his Kingdom of justice, peace and love. Preachers of the Gospel of Life to a world that at times chooses death and sin over life and grace. We thank God for calling us. May our answer always be prompt, radical, total and generous. May God's peace be with you. Fr. Vicente