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AN EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW OF Direct Dark Matter Searches. Henrique Araújo Imperial College London IOP2010 – JOINT HEPP/APP GROUP MEETING 29-31 March 2010, University College London. What are we looking for?. Scalar (SI) and axial-vector (SD) c -N interactions (neutral current exchange):.
AN EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW OFDirect Dark Matter Searches Henrique Araújo Imperial College London IOP2010 – JOINT HEPP/APP GROUP MEETING 29-31 March 2010, University College London
What are we looking for? • Scalar (SI) and axial-vector (SD) c-N interactions • (neutral current exchange): WIMPs attract most experimental effort, but axion searches are a growth industry I assume here that the Lightest SUSY Particle is the neutralino, c, which is a great WIMP WIMPs should scatter off ordinary nuclei producing measurable nuclear recoils But, essentially, WIMP searches are not really (PP-)model dependent… H. Araújo
Low energy nuclear recoils • Elastic scatter off nucleus: • Decreasing, featureless spectrum of low-energy recoils (<~50 keV) • Rate depends on target mass & spin, WIMP mass & spin, DM halo, … • Neutrons are irreducible background • Inelastic scatter off nucleus: • Short-lived, low-lying excited states (easier signature?) • 129Xe(3/2+→1/2+) + g(40 keV), 73Ge(5/2+→9/2+) + g(13 keV) • Neutrons are irreducible background • Inelastic dark matter (iDM): • “particles will scatter at DAMA but not at CDMS” (Smith & Weiner 2001) • Recoil spectrum with threshold (mass splitting, d) • Neutrons are irreducible background H. Araújo
Elastic scattering rates Canonical model: not great, but we’re all in this together: • Isothermal sphere (no lumps), r∝ r−2 • Local density r0~0.3 GeV/c2/cm3 (~1/pint at 100 GeV) • Maxwellian (gaussian) velocity distribution • Characteristic velocity v0=220 km/s, • Local escape velocity vesc=600 km/s • Earth velocity vE=232 km/s H. Araújo
Elastic scattering rates • Coupling to protons and neutrons more useful than coupling to nucleus • To compare different target materials, indirect searches, LHC results • Spin-independent (scalar) interaction • note A2 in enhancement factor • cMSSM-favoured XS within reach of current detectors • Spin-dependent (axial-vector) interaction • note J (nuclear spin) instead of A2 enhancement • cMSSM-favoured XS out of reach for the time being… H. Araújo
SI scattering rates for 1 kg targets H. Araújo
The experimental challenge • Low-energy particle detection is easy ;) E.g. Microcalorimetry with Superconducting TES Detection of keV particles/photons with eV FWHM! • Rare event searches are also easy ;) E.g. Super-Kamiokande contains 50 kT water Cut to ~20 kT fiducial mass (self-shielding) • But doing both is hard! Small is better for collecting signal Large is better for background • Ah: and there is no trigger… H. Araújo
Consider 1 kg target Sensitive to Edep>1 keV Expected WIMP rates 0.1−0.000001 evt/day However… Cosmic rays, a, b, g-rays >1,000,000 evt/day Neutrons are THE background! Several evt/day m b g n a Building a WIMP detector WIMP 1 kg H. Araújo
Move underground Use radio-pure materials Shield external g-rays Shield external neutrons Actively veto neutrons Discriminate e-recoils (g, b) from n-recoils (WIMPs, n) Building a WIMP detector WIMP H. Araújo
Nuclear recoils - backgrounds • Nuclear recoils – same signature • Neutrons from (a,n) and SFissionfrom U/Th trace contamination • Laboratory walls, shields, vessels, components, target material • Neutrons from atmospheric muon spallation • Difficult to shield completely even underground • Recoils from alpha emitters (e.g. Rn-222 and progeny) • Contaminating active target bulk/surfaces, air, etc • Eventually, even coherent neutrino scattering • Electron recoils – discrimination power is limited • Gamma-ray background external to target • K-40, Cs-137, U/Th from walls, shields, vessels, components • Contamination of target bulk and surfaces • U/Th betas and gammas (Pb-214, Bi-214, Pb-210,…) • Cosmogenic (Ge-68, Ge-71,…), anthropogenic (Kr-85, Cs-137,…) H. Araújo
laboratory system incoming neutron En q nuclear recoil ER En ’ Nuclear recoils - signal acceptance Ge (CDMS-II) • 100 GeV WIMP on Xe (A=131): • 220 km/s WIMP → ER,max = 40 keV • 1 MeV neutron → ER,max = 30 keV • Neutron elastic scattering populates WIMP acceptance region • Calibration of detection efficiency with Am-Be (a,n), Cf-252 (SF), D-D, D-T • But there are complications: • Multi-element: in CaWO4 (CRESST), WIMPs couple mainly to heaviest material (W), but neutrons scatter mainly off lightest (O). Signal acceptance must be calibrated indirectly • Quenching factor: in noble liquids (ZEPLIN,XENON,WARP,ARDM,…) conversion from “electron-equivalent” to nuclear recoil energy is not straightforward (or favourable…) • Droplets: in C4F10 superheated droplets (SIMPLE,PICASSO) phase transition is independent of energy. Calibration of signal acceptance threshold only H. Araújo
ionisation Q L scintillation H phonons Discrimination: single channels Ionisation Detectors Targets: Ge, Si, CS2, CdTe CoGeNT, DRIFT, GENIUS, HDMS, IGEX, NEWAGE Scintillators Targets: NaI, Xe, Ar ANAIS, CLEAN, DAMA, DEAP, KIMS, LIBRA, NAIAD, XMASS, ZEPLIN-I Bolometers Targets: Ge, Si, Al2O3, TeO2 CRESST-I, CUORE, CUORICINO Bubbles & Droplets CF3Br, CF3I, C3F8, C4F10 COUPP, PICASSO, SIMPLE H. Araújo
ionisation Q L scintillation H phonons Discrimination: hybrid detectors Heat & Ionisation Bolometers Targets: Ge,Si CDMS, EDELWEISS cryogenic (<50 mK) Light & Ionisation Detectors Targets: Xe, Ar ArDM, LUX, WARP, XENON, ZEPLIN cold (LN2) Light & Heat Bolometers Targets: CaWO4, BGO, Al2O3 CRESST, ROSEBUD cryogenic (<50 mK) All 3 hybrid technologies > 99.9% discrimination @ >10 keV NR energy H. Araújo
Phonons (microcalorimetry) Cryogenic: T0~50 mK Thermal phonon signal is lost with increasing mass: must collect phonons before they thermalise in absorber • Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (as in CDMS) • Collect high-frequency (athermal) phonons from particle interaction • Into superconducting Al contacts (threshold 2DAl~ meV) • Quasiparticles from broken Cooper pairs diffuse into a W TES • SQUID readout offers extremely high sensitivity • Channel threshold: 1 keV for Ge & Si nuclear recoils J. Cooley, CDMS Collaboration H. Araújo
Scintillation (photomultipliers) DAMA/LIBRA Collaboration Room temperature, cold or cryogenic NaI, CsI, CaWO4, LXe, LAr: many materials scintillate… Photomultipliers: ancient vacuum tube technology, but no-one has come up with a better alternative yet (and we’re trying…) • Scintillation detectors (as in DAMA) • Best photomultipliers now approaching 50% quantum efficiency • Best NaI(Tl) crystals yield ~90 photons/keV for gamma rays • Typically require coincidence of two photomultipliers (2 phe) • Threshold: 0.3-3 keV for I nuclear recoils • (depending on “channelling” effect) H. Araújo
S2 (electroluminescence) Ionisation(Electroluminescence, TES, HEMT, JFET) Cold: T0~200 K Difficult to measure one electron, but not so hard to measure electroluminescence photons from one electron • Two-phase xenon detectors (as in ZEPLIN) • Strong electric field across liquid-gas xenon target • Collect ionisation from particle track in liquid Xe • Drift up to surface, then emit into vapour phase • Electroluminescence photons detected with photomultipliers • Threshold: 0.2 keV for Xe nuclear recoils 1e Edwards et al., Astroparticle Phys. 30 (2008) 54 H. Araújo
A few examples(not comprehensive and somewhat UK-centric) H. Araújo
CRESST: Scintillation & Phonons Target: 0.6 kg CaWO4 3 events observed in 10-40 keVnr acceptance region 48 kg·days exposure (2007) Angloher et al, Astropart. Phys. 31 (2009) 270 H. Araújo
ZEPLIN-III: Scintillation & Ionisation Target: 12 kg LXe 7 events observed in 10-30 keVnr acceptance region 850 kg·days raw exposure (2008) (likely e-recoil background) Lebedenko et al, PRD 80 (2009) 052010 H. Araújo
CDMS-II: Ionisation & Phonons Target: 4.4 kg Ge, 1.1 kg Si 2 events observed in 10-100 keVnr acceptance region 612 kg·days exposure (2007-08) Background estimate 0.8±0.2! Ahmed et al, arXiv:0912.3592 H. Araújo J. Cooley, CDMS Collaboration
DAMA/LIBRA: Scintillation Target: 250 kg NaI(Tl) 8.9s CL modulation over 13 annual cycles Barnabei et al, arXiv:1002.1028 (But what is modulated? and is it getting smaller?) H. Araújo
DRIFT – NI Gas TPC Target: 167 g/m3 CS2 (now CS2+CF4) Unlikely that backgrounds mimic signal which appears as forward/backward asymmetry in galactic coordinates H. Araújo
PICASSO: Superheated C4F10 Target: 65+69 g C4F10 H. Araújo
CoGeNT - Ionisationp-type point contact (PPC) HPGe Target: 330 g Ge Excess at low energies – a glimmer? Aalseth et al, arXiv:1002:4703v2) No discrimination, too close to threshold… H. Araújo
World status & prospects (SI) H. Araújo
World status & prospects (SD) H. Araújo
World status & prospects (iDM) Schmidt-Hoberg & Winkler, JCAP09(2009)010 Akimov et al., arXiv:1003.5626 (ZEPLIN-III) H. Araújo
Next generation: a view TWO-PHASE ARGON • A=40, <ER>= 13 keV @50 GeV/c2, 35 keV @500 GeV/c2 • very scalable (cheap, large LAr systems demonstrated) • poor energy threshold, low atomic weight, Ar-39 background • WARP, ArDM, (DEAP/CLEAN) working on 0.1—1 tonne targets • 5-tonne system within 5 years is (optimistically) possible CRYOGENIC GERMANIUM • A=73, <ER>= 13 keV @50 GeV/c2, 57 keV @500 GeV/c2 • excellent energy resolution, excellent discrimination • difficult to scale (small detector modules, <50 mK cryostats) • CDMS, EDELWEISS, (CRESST) working on 10—20 kg targets • EURECA and SuperCDMS propose ~100 kg target in 5 years TWO-PHASE XENON • A=131, <ER>= 11 keV @50 GeV/c2, 85 keV @500 GeV/c2 • scalable, low threshold • control of xenon purity to <ppb is demanding • ZEPLIN-III, XENON100, LUX350, (XMASS), working on 10-100 kg • XENON1T and LUX-ZEPLIN propose 1 tonne two-phase xenon targets Proposals (>1 tonne) CDEX, CLEAN, COUPP+, DAMA+, DARKSIDE, DARWIN, DEAP3600, DRIFT, EURECA, GEODM, KIMS+, LUX-ZEPLIN, MAX, SuperCDMS, XMASS, … H. Araújo
Next generation: a view Araujo, Strigari & Trotta Araujo, Strigari & Trotta H. Araújo
Ready to scale up! Pack ? UK pioneered several search technologies NaIAD, ZEPLIN-I, DRIFT-I, CRESST-I, ZEPLIN-II, DRIFT-II, CRESST-II, ZEPLIN-III, ArDM, EDELWEISS, (EURECA, LZ) And pushed forward “underground science” Dating back to Holborn Station Laboratory… Creating the Boulby Underground Laboratory (see Sean Paling’s talk tomorrow) But we’re running out of road… H. Araújo
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