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Build a Chemistry Resource Collection in XML

Build a Chemistry Resource Collection in XML. Ye Li 21:239 XML+XSLT for Libraries July 28 th , 2009. What is the Project?. Build a collection of chemistry resources in XML with customized schema and keep adding to it. Audience of the XML collection – myself

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Build a Chemistry Resource Collection in XML

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  1. Build a Chemistry Resource Collection in XML Ye Li 21:239 XML+XSLT for Libraries July 28th, 2009

  2. What is the Project? • Build a collection of chemistry resources in XML with customized schema and keep adding to it. • Audience of the XML collection – myself • Audience of the transformed display from the XML collection – users in chemistry departments

  3. Advantage of XML for this Collection • Allow the flexibility to transform into customized HTML, XML with other schema, data set for other databases, or potentially a source for dynamic display of the collection. • Does not require any additional technical support to store and run besides text editor. • The schema is easy to tailor and open to extend for fulfilling changing needs.

  4. Collect information of chemistry resources Build XML schema Input metadata into XML Write XSLT to transform XML collection into HTML etc. Display of collection in various formats according to users’ needs Project Implementing Process

  5. Schema based on Dublin Core • The schema will mainly accommodate chemistry resources in websites and database format. • The schema should allow the flexibility with sorting and searching the resources by divisions (e.g. general, organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and biological chemistry), subject, type, updated time, and accessibility etc. • The schema should also accommodate links to the resource, brief introduction to the resource, icon of the resource, and comments to the resource.

  6. Aggregators of Chemistry Resources • http://www.chembiogrid.org • http://bubl.ac.uk • Unfortunately, no API services is located.

  7. XML Schema • http://dynamic.slis.uiowa.edu/yeli/projectpage/XML/ChemCollection.xsd • Add the root element “resources”. • Add elements “CollectionTitle”, “CollectionDesc” and “encoder” to briefly explain the collection. • Add the container element “resource”. • Change the type and occurring times for all the elements to appropriate values. • Change “date” element to “dates” and extend the “dates” element to “published date” and “accessed date”. • Add the “topic” element. • Add the “comments” element. • Add the “icon” element. • Specify the acceptable values for “type” element within “Website”, “Database”, “Forum”, “Blog”, “Tool” for current needs. • Specify the acceptable values for “subject” element as “General Chemistry”, “Organic Chemistry”, “Inorganic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry”, “Physical Chemistry”, “Biochemistry”, and “Biomedical Chemistry”. • Specify the “format” as accessing format with the acceptable values “webpage”, “client software”, and “prints” • Add the “tutorial” element with the attribute “tutorialSource” and give option for the attribute as “Vendor offered” or “Customized”. • Delete the “any” element, “element group” and “element container”.

  8. XML Collection • http://dynamic.slis.uiowa.edu/yeli/projectpage/XML/ChemResource.xml • With five resources input as examples.

  9. XSLT to Transform XML into HTML • http://dynamic.slis.uiowa.edu/yeli/projectpage/XML/ChemCollet_CSS.xsl • http://dynamic.slis.uiowa.edu/yeli/projectpage/XML/style.css • http://dynamic.slis.uiowa.edu/yeli/projectpage/XML/ChemcollectionYe.html

  10. A screen Shot of the HTML page

  11. Future Plan • Modify the schema • Aggregate the collection • Optimize the XSLT, maybe make the page dynamic. • Keep looking for API services • Or offer one???

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