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1. Ab (abs) ~> away, from. Abduct: ab (away) duct (lead) Absent: ab (away) esse (to be) Abdicate: ab (away) dic (speak, say) ate (make, do). 2. Amphi ~> both. Amphibian: amphi (both) bio (life) ian (related to) Amphitheater: amphi (both) theatron (watch). 3. Apo ~> away, from, off.
1. Ab (abs) ~> away, from • Abduct: ab (away) duct (lead) • Absent: ab (away) esse (to be) • Abdicate: ab (away) dic (speak, say) ate (make, do) Lesson 2
2. Amphi ~> both • Amphibian: amphi (both) bio (life) ian (related to) • Amphitheater: amphi (both) theatron (watch) Lesson 2
3. Apo ~> away, from, off • Apology: apo (away) log (word) y (result of) • Apostle: apo (away) stellein (send) • Apostrophe: apo (away) strephein (turn) Lesson 2
4. Bi ~> two • Bicycle: bi (two) cycl (wheel) • Biennial: bi (two) enn (year) ial (related to) • Binomial: bi (two) nom (part, name) ial (related to) Lesson 2
5. Con (co, col, com, cor) ~> together, with, same • Collateral: col (together) later (side) al (related to) • Compose: com (together) pos (place, put) • Congenital: con (with) gen (birth) al (related to) • Corroborate: cor (with) robor (strong) ate (make, do) Lesson 2
6. Demi ~ half • Demigod: demi (half) god (god) • Demitasse: demi (half) tast (basin) Lesson 2
7. Dys ~> bad, poorly • Dysfunction: dys (bad) fungi (perform) ion (act of) • Dystrophy: dys (poorly) troph (growth) y (result of) • Dyslexia: dys (poor) lexis (speech) ia (condition) Lesson 2
8. Ex (ec, ef) ~> out • Exit: ex (out) it (travel) • Eccentric: ec (out) centr (center) ic (having characteristics of) • Effuse: ef (out) fus (pour) Lesson 2
9. Eu ~> good • Eulogy: eu (good) log (word) y (result of) • Euphemism: eu (good) phem (name) ism (belief) • Eugenics: eu (good) gen (birth) ics (science of) Lesson 2
10. Fore ~> before, first • Forefather: fore (before) fader (father) • Forecast: fore (before) cast (cause) • Forefinger: fore (first) finger (finger) Lesson 2
11. Hyper ~> above, beyond, over • Hyperactive: hyper (above) act (do) ive (that which) • Hyperbole: hyper (above) ballein (throw) • Hypercritical: hyper (above) crit (judge) al (related to) Lesson 2
12. Hypo ~> under • Hypothermia: hypo (under) therm (heat) ia (condition) • Hypocenter: hypo (under) centr (center) • Hypodermic: hypo (under) derm (skin) ic (related to) Lesson 2
13. Mega (megal) ~> large, great • Megaphone: mega (large) phon (sound) • Megalith: mega (large) lith (stone, rock) • Megalomania: megal (great) mainia (obsession) Lesson 2
14. Mono ~> one, single • Monarchy: mono (single) arch (rule, government) y (result of) • Monocle: mono (single) ocul (eye) • Monogamy: mono (single) gam (marriage, spouse) y (result of) Lesson 2
15. Neo ~> new • Neonatal: neo (new) nat (birth) al (related to) • Neolithic: neo (new) lith (stone, rock) ic (related to) • Neophyte: neo (new) phyt (plant) – a beginner Lesson 2
16. Non~> not • Nonconformist: non (not) con (with) form (shape) ist (one who) • Nonflammable: non (not) flam (fire) able (able) • Nonverbal: non (not) verb (word) al (related to) Lesson 2
17. Pen~> almost • Peninsula: pen (almost) insula (island) • Penultimate: pen (almost) ultim (high) ate (make, do) • Penumbra: pen (almost) umbra (shade)- a partial shadow; similar to an eclipse Lesson 2
18. Prim (prin) ~> first • Primary: prim (first) ary (related to) • Primogeniture: prim (first) gen (born) ure (state of) • Prince: prin (first) cept (take) Lesson 2
19. Poly ~> many • Polytheism: poly (many) theo (god) ism (belief) • Polygamy: poly (many) gam (marriage, spouse) y (result) • Polygon: poly (many) gon (side, angle) Lesson 2
20. Preter ~> above, beyond, past • Preterhuman: preter (beyond) humain (human) • Preternatural: preter (beyond) natura (nature) • Pretermit: preter (beyond) mit (send)- to disregard intentionally or omit; to ignore Lesson 2
21. Quasi ~> having likeness, resembling • Quasistellar: quasi (like) stell (star) ar (related to) • Quasi-judicial: quasi (resembling) jud (evaluate) ial (related to) • Quasisuccessful: quasi (like) suc (under) cess (go) ful (full of) Lesson 2
22. Re ~> back, again • Recognize: re (again) cogn (know) ize (make) • Regress: re (back) gress (go) • Revert: re (back) vert (turn) Lesson 2
23. Semi ~> half • Semiannual: semi (half) ann (year) al (related to) • Semicircle: semi (half) circl (circle) • Semifinal: semi (half) fin (end) al (related to) Lesson 2
24. Super ~> above, beyond, over • Superscribe: super (above) scrib (write) • Superb: super (above) • Supervise: super (over) vis (see) Lesson 2
25. Un ~> not • Unarm: un (not) arm (weapon) • Unconscious: un (not) con (with) sci (know) ious (full of) • Unequal: un (not) equ (equal) Lesson 2