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Media Center Key: Doorway 48’’ Shelves Window 60’’ Shelves Computer Promethean Table & Chairs Plush Seats. Outdoor Classroom/ Courtyard. Library Computer Lab (30 Computers). Informal Reading Space. Instructional Area. Green Screen. TV Studio. Book Display.
Media Center Key: Doorway 48’’ Shelves Window 60’’ Shelves Computer Promethean Table & Chairs Plush Seats Outdoor Classroom/ Courtyard Library Computer Lab (30 Computers) Informal Reading Space Instructional Area Green Screen TV Studio Book Display Research books Video production Room Instructional Area OPAC Circulation Desk Library Storage Library Workroom Professional library Periodicals Display of Student Work Karen Yelito. ISTC 601.21 Capstone Project
What we need in our Media Center OPAC Tables Collection and stacks Reference Desk Circulation Desk TV Studio Video Editing/ Computer Stations AdministrativeArea Workroom Equipment Storage Storage Office Green Screen Large tables and Chairs Promethean Board Comfortable Seating Computer Lab
Instructional Spaces First the LMC should have three instructional areas, two classrooms, and one computer lab. Each instructional area will have a Promethean/Interactive White Board. Within the two classroom areas, there are large tables and chairs, with seating for at minimum 32 students. The third instructional area, the computer lab, will have 30 computers for students. There will be third promethean board in the library for instructional use. The computer stations should be at the standard desk height in order for all students to sit properly at the computers
Administrative Spaces • The circulation desk should allow the SLMS to view all areas of the library. The circulation desk should be spacious and allow for multiple patrons to visit the desk at the same time. It should also have a place to return books. • Next to the circulation desk should be the OPAC stations for students to search for materials in the Catalog. It would be beneficial for multiple users to use the OPACs at the same time. • Within the Administrative area, there should also be an office which is only accessible to Media Center staff. • keep a schedule book for the library • place to have a professional library. • This area should also include materials that are only accessible for staff, for example, video/DVDs on content that has been purchased in the library. • This area would also have a place for teachers to check-out AV equipment.
TV Production Area • The Television studio or TV Production area should contain many components. • secure storage of all materials. • contain up-to-date technology. • These materials would include at least two video cameras, a Green Screen, a sound board, and computers with video production/editing software. • This would also be a good place to store a mobile computer lab. The TV Studio should not have • In the Video Production room, there should be a large table and 4 computers to allow for students to edit video.
Informal Reading Area • There should be plush seating for students to perform leisure reading activities. • There should be shelving near the informal seating area to include fiction books within the collection. • There should also be a few tables for students to do collaborative work, like group research projects.
Research and Study Area • Within this area will be shelves containing print research materials. • This includes encyclopedias, content specific dictionary, and geographic resources. • The study and research area should be near the OPAC machines, and should include some computers for students to access outside the computer lab. • There should also be tables for students to complete projects
Activities The Media Center needs to allow for the following activities: OPAC/Card catalog Independent reading areas Reference stations Information desk Areas for students to collaborate Locate materials Areas for independent work Periodicals
Number of Users Since this is a middle school library with approximately 1200 students, there should be a capacity for 3-4 classes to utilize the library space at a time. (75-100 students) There should be 1-2 SLMS and 3-4 classroom teachers (depending on number of students) There should also be 1-2 clerical staff in the Media Center
Type of Users There will be many types of users. Students working with a classroom teacher Students completing independent research/study Students checking out and browsing materials Students working/reading in an informal setting
Furniture and Equipment Circulation Desk
Signage and Displays • Within the library there should be signage that allows for patrons to quickly and easily access materials. • include signs that designate areas (instructional classroom, computer lab etc) as well as signs that show the location of pieces within the collection (fiction, non-fiction, audio-books, reference books). • All signs should be visible from the circulation desk and front entry to the LMC and all hanging signs should be two-sided. • All signs should have clear fonts and be mounted permanently. • There will be a display for special books (i.e. Black Eyed Susan Books, African-American History Month etc). • . This display should be behind glass so others can not tamper with student products • At the entry and exit of the library, as well as many other areas, signs should be available in Braille in accordance with ADA regulations.
Students with Special Needs • All equipment that is fixed must have a minimum clear aisle width of 36 Inches. • include many assistive technology for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. These would include assistive listening devices for books on tape and videos. • include having Braille books available, and signs that are written in Braille. • If students require a service dog, then accommodations will be made to limit loud noises, since they will disturb the service dog. • resources for students who have learning differences • electronic dictionaries, access to computers for word processing, computers that allow for speech input and output, for example Kurzweil Software, audio books, and videos that can have closed captioning available.
Works Cited • ALA (American Library Association). (2010). Patronswho are deaf or hard of hearing: what you need to know library accessibility tip sheet 10 Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/ascla/asclaprotools/accessibilitytipsheets/tipsheets/10-Deaf.pdf • ALA (American Library Association). (2010) Learning differences: what you need to know. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/ascla/asclaprotools/accessibilitytipsheets/tipsheets/2-Learning_Differenc.pdf • BCPS Library Cohort Purpose (2011) Retrieved from http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/cohort/purpose.html • COMAR Online Services (2011) COMAR Retrieved from http://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/ • Edwards, B. (2009). Libraries and learning resource centers. Oxford, UK: Architectural Press. • Erikson, R. (2007). Designing a school library media center for the future. United States: American Library Association. • Highsmith. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.highsmith.com/ • Lamb A. (2010) Program administration: facilities management Retrieved from http://eduscapes.com/sms/administration/facilities.html • La Marca, S.. (2008). Reading Spaces. International Association of School Librarianship. Selected Papers from the ... Annual Conference,1-12. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 1561214071). • Mary M. Somerville, & Lydia Collins. (2008). Collaborative design: a learner-centered library planning approach. The Electronic Library,26(6), 803-820. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 1600814301). • Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) (1999) Facilities guidelines for library media programs Retrieved from http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/NR/rdonlyres/EC67FB12-FE6B-464A-A2AD-D0C6307773E3/10028/MSDEFacilitiesGuidelinesforLibraryMediaPrograms199.pdf • Maryland State Board of Education (1987) Standards for library media program in schools Retrieved from http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/NR/rdonlyres/EC67FB12-FE6B-464A-A2AD-D0C6307773E3/13092/SLMStandards.pdf • Oswald, J.. (2010, March). Change in the Library-for the Good. Library Media Connection,28(5), 28. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 1993226381). • Scherer, J. (1999). Light and libraries. Library Hi Tech. Volume 17: Number 4.