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15 Web Tools You Should Be Using in Your Grade 4-6 Classroom. Kim Peacock, B.Ed., M.Ed. University of Alberta. Iconography. Classroom project ideas Tool is conducive to classroom SmartBoard use. A Note About SmartBoards.
15 Web Tools You Should Be Using in Your Grade 4-6 Classroom Kim Peacock, B.Ed., M.Ed. University of Alberta
Iconography • Classroom project ideas • Tool is conducive to classroom SmartBoard use
A Note About SmartBoards • Smart Technologies Web Site: Online tutorials, live training, recorded sessions and more. There is training here for every learning preference. http://smarttech.com/trainingcenter/
My Personal Philosophy of PD… Vs. Inspiration Perspiration
Project Based Learning • Authentic learning experiences • Grounded in critical thinking • Well scaffolded • Student-centric but teacher-dependent • Firmly grounded in the curriculum • Cross-curricular • Example:http://www.ltspaces.com/geothentic/http://www.polarhusky.com
Web 2.0 Is Here… • You are probably already using Web 2.0 tools in your day-to-day online life: • Facebook • Blogs • Wikipedia • Flickr/Picassa/etc…
What Are Web Applications? • Allow you to perform tasks or create objects without software. • Often known as “Web 2.0” applications. • Often have an element of social interaction. • Accessible from anywhere. • Usually FREE!
The Web 2.0 Lexicon • RSS feeds • Tags • Folksonomy • Mash-Ups • Widgets • AJAX
Risks • Applications go up and down. • Applications get bought out. • Web applications sometimes allow students to interact with other people online. Most tools have privacy settings to keep minors safe. • Students’ privacy should be considered. Some tools can be completely private, but others not.
Risks • Applications may create thing that can’t leave the confines of the particular web site (e.g./ can’t be downloaded to a disc/dvd/etc…) • Students with computers at home may get to spend more time on projects than students without since it’s easily accessible.
Logistics • Consider room setup. • Consider privacy settings. • Consider parental permission. • Consider school/district technology policy. • Consider e-mail addresses and sign-up logistics.
A Note On Blocking • Some Web 2.0 sites may be blocked at your school… you can sometimes get around this. • Submit a request to your technology department. • Provide a pedagogical justification for the site to be unblocked at your school during a certain period of time. • Describe how you will keep students safe.
1. Research Helpers • Diigo: Highlight and annotateweb sites for your studentshttp://www.diigo.com/ • Trailfire: Create a paththrough the Internet and annotate web pages.http://trailfire.com/ • Snipd: Copy and archive web content.http://snipd.com
1. Research Helpers • Have students create a trail of good quality research resources. • Have students use diigo to comment on newsarticles. • Have students use snipdto research their nextresearch project.
2. Concept Mapping • Bubbl.us: Collaborative mind mappinghttp://bubbl.us/edit.php • Gliffy: Collaborative mind mappinghttp://www.gliffy.com • Mindmeister: Collaborative Mind Mappinghttp://www.mindmeister.com/ • Mindomo: Software interactive mind mappinghttp://mindomo.com/
3. Virtual Classroom • Ning: Create a closed social network for your class.http://www.ning.com
4. Productivity Suites • Google Docs: Write, share and edit documents online. (Video)http://docs.google.com/ • Zoho: An alternative to Google Docs. More features and more complex. http://www.zoho.com/
5. Blogs • Blog Tools • http://www.blogger.com/ • http://www.21classes.com/ • Class Blogs http://www.balla.ecsd.net/http://www.bobsprankle.com/blog/
5. Blogs • Create a blog from the point of of a historic figure. • Create a blog to track observations about a classroom pet. • Have students do scribe posts to summarize instructional content.http://edubuzz.org/blogs/s3scribeposts/ • http://816math.blogspot.com/2006/11/scribe-post-november-1-2006.html
6.Wikis • Wiki tools http://www.wikispaces.com http://www.pbwiki.com • Class Wikishttp://stratford78logos0607.pbwiki.com/http://terrythetennisball.wikispaces.com/ • School Wikihttp://meyokumin.wikispaces.com/
6.Wikis • Use a wiki to write a class“choose-your-own-adventure”. • Use a wiki to showcase student work to parents. • Use a wiki as a portfolio of student work. Allow parents to join your wiki so that they can comment and provide feedback to students.
7. Cartoons and Comic Books • Pikistrips: Create comic books using photoshttp://pikistrips.com/ • ToonDoo: Create online comic books from scratch.http://toondoo.com/Home.do • Pixton: Customizable comics (animation soon)http://pixton.com/ca/ • Toonlet: Create a character and write simple texthttp://toonlet.com
7. Cartoons and Comic Books • Reasons for Explorationhttp://www.toondoo.com/toondoo/ViewBook.toon?bookid=12301 • The Importance of Squantohttp://www.toondoo.com/toondoo/ViewBook.toon?bookid=11741 • Prince Henry’s Contributions http://www.toondoo.com/toondoo/ViewBook.toon?bookid=11706
8. Web Spaces • Google Sites: Simple studentweb siteshttp://sites.google.com/Sample: http://sites.google.com/a/googleclassrooms.org/mrs-richau/Home
9. Podcasts and Vidcasts • Pod-O-Matic: Find and create podcastshttp://www.podomatic.com/ • Student Podcast Samples: http://dreamextreme.us/podcast/ http://thedowns.edublogs.org/category/podcasting/ • Student Vidcast Samples:http://www.kid-cast.com/wordpress/?cat=12
9. Podcasts and Vidcasts • Make a podcast for http://www.kid-cast.com/ • Create an “Our City” Podcast forhttp://www.learninginhand.com/OurCity/ • Do a weekly class podcast as a review/newsletter. http://bobsprankle.com/podcasts/room208vidcast.mp4 • Create a “captain’s log” of a famous historic voyage. • Make a series of vidcaststo promote DPA (stretches, exercises, etc…)
9. Podcasts and Vidcasts • Create an old fashioned radio play. • Create a pod/vidcast debate online. • Have students create a podcast dictionary of vocabulary words. • Have students create a series of vidcasts solving different kids ofmath problems. • Have students summarizecurrent events once a week. • Create a series of podcast book reviews.
10. Screencasting • Screencast-O-Matic: Capture and post what’s on your computer screen.http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ • Examples: • Assessment / Peer Feedbackhttp://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/ciQZXIgH • Instructional Contenthttp://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/ciQlh3Ap
10. Screencasting • Capture and post Smart Board notes online quickly. • Create an archive of extra credit work that can be used year after year. • Use Screencast-o-Matic to orally assess student work • Create videos for parents so that they can help their child with homework. • Help assess student difficulties in areas like problem solving (have students talk through their work).
11. Mapping Applications • Google Maps: Create unlimited maps with annotated locations.http://maps.google.ca • Example: http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=111008165444273296600.000465931a4b0b9fad889&t=h&z=2 • Community Walk: Kid friendly maps.http://www.communitywalk.com • Example: http://www.communitywalk.com/calgary/alberta/my_first_neighborhood/map/140666
11. Map Applications • Have students create a mapped journal of an historic trip. • Have students create a virtual field trip based on a class field trip. • Have students create a map of a science process (e.g./ where garbage goes or the path of a can as it goes to be recycled). • Have students complete a reflective health project, mapping places of importance in their life.
12. Posters and Visual Representations • Glogster: Create multimedia postershttp://www.glogster.com • Example: http://metro09.glogster.com/What-I-Like-About-Myself/?w1 • BigHugeLabs: Make posters and other multimedia content with photos.http://bighugelabs.com
13. Video Annotation • Bubble Ply: Add bubbles and captions to videohttp://www.bubbleply.com/ • Examples: • http://www.bubbleply.com/player.aspx?pid=b1bf700f-6f47-4364-9dd7-e413706860b9 • http://www.bubbleply.com/player.aspx?pid=EE1549C5-E35B-4F64-AA80-D4C1A220102F • Note that TeacherTube is a good alternative if YouTube is blocked.
13. Video Annotation • Use video annotation to havestudents analyze speeches. • Use video annotation to havestudents express an opinion ona video or news clip. • Use video annotation for formative feedback for student work (e.g./ video recordings of PE). • Use video annotation to create an instructional video (with written in steps).
14. VoiceThread • VoiceThread: Not really like anything else…http://voicethread.com/ • Almost like a wiki/blog with audio… it allows users to annotate and expand images with voice recordings. • http://voicethread.com/share/407691/ • http://voicethread.com/share/4973/
14. VoiceThread • Create an oral history archive such as:http://www.ourvoices.ca/ • If all of your students have internet access, do a daily homework question on Voicethread. • Have students create a talking storybook. • Look through the many examples of teacher projects already on Voicethread!http://voicethread.com/#q.b409
15. Interactive Timelines • xTimeline: Historic interactive timelines.http://www.xtimeline.com/index.aspx?t=5&l=en-US • Dipity: Interactive timelines with additional multimedia.http://www.dipity.com/
15. Interactive Timelines • Have students create a timeline of a scientific process (e.g./ the lifecycle of an animal). • Have students create a year plan for the goals they would like to achieve in your course. • Have students add to existing public timelines on xTimeline.
Some Things to Mull Over… • The Machine is Us/ing Ushttp://www.youtube.com/v/NLlGopyXT_g • A Vision of Students Todayhttp://www.youtube.com/v/dGCJ46vyR9o • What If…http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-2855786550703993653&hl=en-CA
Staying Up-to-Date - SmartBoards • Teaching With SmartBoard Teacher Tube Videoshttp://www.teachertube.com/viewProfile.php?user=dsladkeyhttp://www.teachertube.com/viewProfile.php?user=TeqSmarthttp://www.teachertube.com/viewProfile.php?user=smartvideoshttp://www.teachertube.com/viewProfile.php?user=dan+everest
Staying Up-to-Date - SmartBoards • Teaching with SmartBoard YouTube Videoshttp://www.youtube.com/user/teachertrainerhttp://www.youtube.com/user/SMARTClassroomsTwo series of videos highlighting teachers’ experiences using SmartBoards. Both series include excellent videos on classes that have won SmartBoard best practice competitions.
Staying Up-To-Date - Pedagogy • Marc Prenskyhttp://www.marcprensky.com/writing/ • Education World: Technology http://www.educationworld.com/#Technology • Apple Learning Interchange http://ali.apple.com/ • Classroom 2.0 (Ning Community)http://www.classroom20.com/
Staying Up-To-Date - Tools • Webware Tools http://news.cnet.com/webware/ • Tech Crunchhttp://www.techcrunch.com
Staying Up-To-Date - PD • North Central Regional Education Lab http://www.ncrel.org/tech/tpd/index.html • ISTEhttp://www.iste.org/ • Edutopia Videoshttp://www.edutopia.org/video • Teacher Tubehttp://www.teachertube.com/
Staying Up-To-Date – Doing It Right • High Tech High: http://www.hightechhigh.org/http://www.youtube.com/user/hthvideo • New Tech High:http://www.newtechhigh.orghttp://www.newtechfoundation.org/ • Smart Classroom Awards:http://www.youtube.com/user/SMARTClassrooms
Thank You! • kim.peacock@ualberta.ca • http://www.protopage.com/web2point0forteachers/