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Explore the benefits of organic peat fertilizers in improving soil fertility for sustainable agriculture. Discover the potential of peat as a renewable resource and its diverse applications in organic farming, horticulture, and environmental technologies.
GROUP Useful organic fossil polyminerals
Situation with fertile lands in the world and food security • The growth of world population and, as a consequence, the need to ensure food security is one of the most pressing issues in many countries. • Low soil fertility due to the territorial position and the climatic conditions (Africa and Middle East countries). • Too active introduction of chemical fertilizers, which suppresses soil micro flora, making it, in a good case, inert substrate, and in the bad case- unfavorable for growing crops. • Over the past 20 years, Europe's land lost an average of 31% of its natural fertility for the reason of the loss of the organic part, salinization, acidification, etc. In the EU, in addition to a physical shortage of agricultural land, there is a very big pesticide herbicidal load - 300 kg per 1 hectare of land. • In the US, a problem for organic farming is the dominance of GMO crops that are planted over more than 60 million ha of land. • Growing every year the demand for organic and environmentally friendly products in many developed countries of the world, particularly in Europe and the USA.
Measures aimed at improving the soil • Changing the approach of the traditional agriculture for maintaining of biodiversity. • Creating and active development of international organizations and directions, the main purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of agriculture. • International Development of the Concept of "4 rules of" application of fertilizers ( «4R»), which promotes the development of rational decisions on the forms, dosages, timing and methods of fertilizer application to specific farming systems. • Development of the fundamental principles of plant nutrition and application of acquired knowledge in practice. • Activation of the application in agriculture of not only fertilizers, but also those which contain organic substances (organic fertilizers).
Republic of Belarus • Our country is a storehouse of various minerals: raw cement (chalk, marl, loam and loam soil), building and silicate sands, sand-gravel mixtures, peat, sapropel, tripoli, mineral water.
PEAT PEAT is a fossil fuel of vegetable origin. Formed as a result of natural dying off and partial collapse of the marsh plants. It lies at the Earth's surface or at a depth of a few tens of meters under the cover of mineral deposits. The content of organic compounds in peat - at least 50%. High moisture content (86-95%) and uniform plant remains of their decay products (humus) and mineral particles.
Types of peat by the botanical composition Botanical composition: wood residues, bark and roots of trees and shrubs, various parts of herbaceous plants, as well as hypnum and sphagnum moss. 3 types of peat: moss, transitional lowland. Moss peat - the content is not less than 95% of the residues of oligotrophic plants (not including humus). The degree of expansion - in the range from 5 to 70%. Transitional peat - content of 10 to 90% of the residues of oligotrophic plants, and the rest are remains of plants or mosses such as eutrophicmesotrophic group. Lowland peat - the content of at least 95% of the residues eutrophic plants (except humus). The degree of decomposition of the lowland peat is from 10 to 60%, ash content of 5-16% (sometimes up to 50%).
Peat characteristics Ash is the ratio of the mineral to dry, after combustion, expressed as a percentage by mass (it is represented by ash). There are high-ash (over 12%) and normal-ash (less than 12%), high-ash (rich in calcium salts, phosphorus, and iron elements). Acidity depends on the saturation of calcium. The less calcium, the higher acidity. The most valuable peat is with low acidity. Decomposition degree: Low (20%), medium (21 to 40%) and high (40%).
Composition of peat • Elemental composition (% on weight of organic) C (carbon), 48-65, O (oxygen), 25-45, H (hydrogen) 4,7-7, N (nitrogen) 0,6-3,8, S (serum)within 1,2, rarely within2,5. • Component composition of organic matter: water-soluble and hydrolyzable substances 10-60, bitumen (benzene) 1,2-17, Cellulose 2-10, humic acids 10-50, lignin 3-20. • Oxides (average%): Si and C - 5, Al and Fe 0,2-1,6, Mg 0,1-0,7, R 0,05-0,14; • Micronutrients (mg / kg): Zn 250, Cu 0,2-85, Co and Mo 0,1-10, Mn 2-1000.
Application • Production of organic fertilizers - 96%. • The fuel (milled peat, sod peat and fuel bricks). Peat bricks - the highest quality peat fuel, which is used in the power plant, boilers and population. Sod peat - quality household fuel, is not inferior to the caloric content of firewood, brown coal, shale, low-grade black coal, used in municipal boilers to supply heat villages, small towns, the military units of the population. • Agriculture: agriculture, horticulture, greenhouse horticulture, floriculture and plant growing. • Ecology and environmental technologies. On upland peat deposits can be grown peat and grass carpets for landscaping, green building and wind erosion control, secure.
SAPROPEL • Sapropel - a centuries-old sediments of freshwater reservoirs, which are formed from dead aquatic vegetation, remains of living organisms, plankton and humus particles of soil containing a large amount of organic matter, humus. • Types of sapropel by the content of organic matter: - organic (ash not more than 30%); - organic-mineral (ash 30-50%); - mineral-organic (зольность 50-70%); - mineralized (ash 70-85%).
COMPOSITION OF SAPROPEL Composition of sapropel: - Organic - 40-79%;- Ash - 2-19%;- Sodium (N) - 0,6-3,4%;- Potassium (CaO) - 2,7-33,5%;- Phosphorus (P2O5) - 0,14-0,27 Mineral part of sapropels: - Trace elements: Co, Mn, Cu, B, Br, Mo, V, Cr, Be, Ni, Ag, Sn, Pb,As, Ba, Sr, Ti, - Vitamins B (B1, B12, B3, B6), E, C, D, P, - Carotenoids, - Enzymes (catalase, peroxidases, reductases, proteases).
APPLICATION • Application on all the vegetable crops and cereals, as well as on the fruit trees and shrubs. • Used both in pure form and in compost, by combining with various organic and mineral dressings. • As the fertilizer it is used in private farms and agricultural holdings in large fields. It is highly popular because it significantly stimulates the growth and fruiting of garden and vegetable crops. • Sapropel unique property is his its impact on the ground has a pronounced effect prolonged - up to 8-12 years. This makes its application really profitable, and this puts the fertilizer alone, since such exposure can not boast of no further mineral and organic fertilizing.
ADVANTAGES • It contains a more extensive list of organic substances than peat. • Exceptionally rich in nitrogen. No fossil or peat or shale or oil, has such a high nitrogen content as sapropel. • It contains less harmful plants not infected with pathogenic bacteria and flora,compared with animal composts. • It does not have an adverse toxic effect on humans and animals. • Improves the mechanical structure of the soil, as well as its desiccant and water holding capacity, for 2-3 year gives an increase in soil humus, activates soil processes. • It provides a balanced plant nutrition with all batteries, thanks to the slow solubility of active substances in it.
Tripoli Tripoli is a loose or weakly cemented, very light, finely opal sedimentary rock group of zeolites. Almost devoid of organic remains and it consists of globular cells with a diameter of 1-2 meters, composed of amorphous silica. In the United States, Japan, Germany, China and other countries there are major scientific research program properties of zeolites in the annex to their practical diversified use. The leader among the countries producing natural zeolites is China, which accounts for 65% of world production, or 2.2 million tons.
Properties of tripoli: • Resistance to high temperature, any aggressive environment, ion beams; high sorption performance and molecular structure. • It has siliceous composition and refers to half-rocks solids. The color is predominantly light gray and of yellow tones. It has fine-grained and cryptocrystalline structure. The texture may be uniform or layered fine pore in some cases. • It includes in its composition opal and quartz and clay impurities. • It features with soft texture, light weight, absorbs well moisture and acid. Does not have reaction for hydrochloric acid . This is its difference from chalk and limestone and marl - minerals close to him.
APPLICATION: • Agriculture (livestock, poultry farming, fish farming, crop production, land reclamation, production of organic-mineral fertilizers) • Petrochemicals (oil desalting and dehydration catalysts) • Water supply (drinking water treatment, purification of circulating water) • Chemical, natural gas industry (chemicals, filters, chromatography, gas dryers, prolonged action of chemicals) • Food industry (food additives, food cleaning fluids) • Pulp and paper industry • Consumer Goods (Footwear dryers, odor absorbers, detergent, means of combating domestic insects and rodents) • Building, construction materials (paints, varnishes, thermal and sound insulation, lightweight partitions, thermolit, strengtheners cement, refractory baffle component cementitiousmixtures to prevent caking materials) • Nuclear Industry and Energy • Ecology (trapping of gases, odor suppression, waste water treatment, purification of water basins, soil recovery and remediation)
Indicators and composition of tripoli deposits "Steel" (Mogilev region)