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Doctrine and Covenants 42. Section 42 – “The Law ” The primary purpose of this revelation was to bring order to the Church . It begins with direction about how the missionaries were to go forth and what they were to teach.
Section 42 – “The Law” The primary purpose of this revelation was to bring order to the Church. It begins with direction about how the missionaries were to go forth and what they were to teach. It announces the manner in which the missionaries, and all Church officers, were to be called and set apart. It also restored those parts of the gospel that were incorporated in the law of Moses as the Ten Commandments and the principles that determine whether a particular transgression is to be disciplined by the Church or addressed by the civil courts.
Doctrine and Covenants 42 “The Law of the Lord” (D&C 51, 78, 83, 104) Kirtland is the only place in the world that we have recorded that the Father and the Son appeared 4 times! 1. School of the Prophets 2. John Johnson Farm 3. Isaac Morley Farm 4. Kirtland Temple
The Savior appeared in Kirtland at least 10 times that we know of! Steve Young story! (Steve’s t-shirt, May 31st, 1983 Sports Illustrated) “Law” The statutes, judgments, and principles of salvation revealed by the Lord to man.
Speaking of the importance of this revelation known as the “Law of the Lord.” President George Q. Cannon said: “Altogether this was a most important revelation. It threw a flood of light upon a great variety of subjects and settled many important questions. Faithful men and women were greatly delighted at being members of a Church which the Lord acknowledged as His own, and to which He communicated His word through his inspired Prophet as He did at this time” (Life of Joseph Smith, 109).
“The Law of Consecration” • The acceptance of the idea that the earth is really the Lord’s and that we are really its caretakers, or stewards. • The voluntary consecration of all that we have to the Lord in outward recognition of the fact that it is really His anyways (times, talents, and material wealth). • Assignments of stewardships (D&C 42:32) Everything does not belong to everybody after the stewardships have been assigned. If a person decides to withdraw from the society, he is free to retain his holdings.
The Law of Consecration and stewardship, as practiced by the Church form 1831 to 1833, required that the Saints convey all of their real and personal property to the Bishop. Each person was then given stewardship over whatever resources were needed for support of the individual’s family, according to needs and circumstances. Surplus profits were returned to the Bishop, which he distributed where they were needed. Later changes in the law permitted private ownership of property, with only the surplus deeded to the Bishop.
The United Order As a result, the “united order” was implemented to help the Saints live the Law of Consecration, and two storehouses were established, one in Independence and the other in Kirtland. In Kirtland the storehouse was known as Newel K. Whitney and Co. When the united order was disbanded, the building was given to John Johnson and became known as the Johnson Inn. The initial partners of the united order, or “United Firm,” were Joseph Smith, Newel K. Whitney, and Sidney Rigdon. Other partners were added later, but the membership never exceeded twelve. After the order dissolved on April 23, 1834, the assets were divided among the partners, as specified in section 104 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:10 “I speak – to – Church It has been a common practice in anti-Mormon literature to accuse the Church of “blood atonement,” meaning taking the life of apostates and transgressors. Addressing this accusation, Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote: “There simply is no such thing among us as a doctrine of blood atonement that grants a remission of sins or confers and other benefit upon a person because his own blood is shed for sins.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:6 Going 2 by 2! Doctrine and Covenants 42:14 Can you teach without the spirit? Yes and No!
Doctrine and Covenants 42:14 “No Spirit – No Teach” President Brigham Young said: “You have frequently heard me say that I would rather hear an Elder, either here or in the world, speak only five words accompanied by the power of God, and they would do more good than to hear long sermons without the Spirit. That is true, and we know it” (JD, 5:327). Further, he explained, “When a man rises up to speak in the name of the Lord, and is filled with the light, and the intelligence and power which cometh from God, his countenance alone will convey more, to those who are inspired by the same spirit, than can possibly be conveyed, by the words of any language now used by mankind” (JD, 10: 353).
When we speak about teaching by the Spirit it is not about a mystical process which removes responsibility from the…teacher for prayerful and pondering preparation. Teaching by the Spirit is not the lazy equivalent of going on “automatic pilot.” We still need a carefully worked out “flight plan.” Studying out something in one’s own mind is, in itself, an invitation to the Spirit in our preparations as well as in our presentations. We must not err, like Oliver Cowdery, by taking no thought except to ask God for His Spirit (D&C 9:7). The Lord is especially willing to take the lead of an already informed mind in which things have been “studied out.” Additionally, if we already care about those to be taught, the Lord can inspire us with any customized counsel or emphasis which may be needed (The Neal A. Maxwell Quote Book, 337-38).
It can either be read as a command or as a statement of fact, and either way the statement is true. If a person does not have the spirit, he should not teach and in the sense of true teaching, he cannot teach (J. Fielding Smith). And if you teach by the power of the Holy Ghost, you say the things that the Lord wants said, or you say the things the Lord would say if he himself were here. Doctrine and Covenants 42:22-25 Adultery! Forgiveness? Even after a second time?
Doctrine and Covenants 42:22 “And none else” President Spencer W. Kimball explained: “The words “none else” eliminates everyone and everything. The spouse then becomes pre-eminent in the life of the husband or wife and neither social life nor occupational life nor political life nor any other interest nor person nor thing shall ever take precedence over the companion spouse” (Miracle of Forgiveness, 250).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:23 “Shall Deny the faith” George A. Smith stated: “I believe, if you will take the whole circle of the history of apostates from this Church, that in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred you will find that the spirit of adultery or covetousness was the original cause. There was a man named John Smith who came into the Church who was somewhat prominent in the State of Indiana. He preached a little, and was considered quite zealous; but he had proved that the Book of Doctrine and Covenants was not true; ‘for it says,’ said he, ‘that if a man shall commit adultery, and not repent of it, he shall lose the Spirit of God, and shall deny the faith. He then said “now, I have done it, and have not denied the faith; and so I proved that the revelation in the D&C is not from God.’
The spirit of blindness had so taken possession of him that he could not see that when he was proclaiming that the revelations were not true, he was denying the faith. That spirit has such an effect over the human mind as totally to blind them in relation to their own acts and the spirit that governs them” (JD, 7:114).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:26 If he doeth it again, he shall not be forgiven, but shall be cast out. If a man commits adultery, he cannot receive the Celestial Kingdom of God. Even if he is saved in any kingdom, it cannot be the celestial kingdom. I did think that the many examples that have been made manifest, such as John C. Bennett and others, were sufficient to show the fallacy of such a course of conduct” (HC, 6:81).
Elder Bruce R. McConkie explained: “The Prophet Joseph Smith in these words is addressing himself to those, and those only, whose calling and election has been made sure. The words do not refer to any others, either in or out of the Church. Adulterers, as many scriptures attest and as the practice of the Church confirms, can repent and gain full salvation” (New Witness, 231).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:27 To bear false witness is to testify or pass along reports, insinuations, speculations, or rumors as if they were true, to the hurt of a fellow human-being. Doctrine and Covenants 42:30-31 When the principles of tithing and the fast are properly observed and the welfare plan gets fully developed and wholly into operation, we shall not be so very far from carrying out the great fundamentals of the United Order. The only limitation on you and me is within ourselves (Marion G. Romney).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:39-40 Am I increasing the cost of living by extravagance? Or am I teaching my family to make the garments they wear? Let us be more concerned about the adornment of our minds that are eternal, rather than adornment of our persons with things that are of no lasting benefit” (C.R., April, 1915, 97, Elder George Albert Smith). Doctrine and Covenants 42:43-44 We must do all we can then ask the Lord to do the rest and such as we cannot do. Proper rest, well balanced diet, exercise, etc.
The following account by Elder Russell M. Nelson, formerly a heart surgeon, helps us understand the proper balance of priesthood, faith, and medical help: “About three weeks after I had implanted a pacemaker in President Kimball, his personal physician telephoned me to say that it was working only intermittently. We tried everything we could to make adjustments without another operation but to no avail. So President Kimball was re-admitted to the hospital, and again I stood before him in my green operating clothes. After giving me his usual greeting of warmth and love, he asked me for a priesthood blessing.
After that priesthood blessing was pronounced under the promptings of the Spirit, he replied, ‘Now you may proceed to do the things that you must do in order to enable that blessing to be realized.’ “We operated, found the flaw in the insulation of the electrical wire, and repaired it… Faith, Priesthood power, and work necessary to comply with law were combined to bring the blessing the prophet needed at that critical hour” (“Twenty Questions” Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1985, 6).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:30 Consecrate – Properties The deed was a legally binding document, written and signed by both the member consecrating his property and by the bishop who received the property as the Lord’s authorized agent. Thus, the covenant was binding according to both the laws of God and the laws of the land.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:36 “My covenant people” Salvation is a community affair. We also become a part of a covenant community. Doctrine and Covenants 42:40 “Let garments be plain” Appropriate standard of modesty!
Doctrine & Covenants 42:42 “He that is idle” The welfare program is based on the dignity of working for what is received. The aim of the Church is to help the people to help themselves. Work is to be re-enthroned as the ruling principle of the lives of our Church membership (C.R., October 1936, 3).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:46-48 A Time to die? President Kimball is confident that there is a time to die. The Lord has planned our destiny. We can shorten our lives by carelessness and abuse but we cannot lengthen it very much (Tragedy or Destiny, 9-11, President Spencer W. Kimball).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:46 “Death, sweet unto them” Spencer W. Kimball added: “I think that means they are not going into the other world feeling resentment and reticence. After they get past a certain point they go with happiness, peace and contentment” (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 38). For example, referring to his brother Alvin, the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote, “He was one of the soberest of men, and when he died the angel of the Lord visited him in his last moments” (HC, 5: 127).
With reference to the death of Heber C. Kimball, George Q. Cannon described how death is pleasant: “It was sweet with him. There was nothing repulsive, nothing dreadful or terrible in it, but on the contrary it was calm, peaceful and sweet. There were heavenly influences there, as though angels were there, and no doubt they were, prepared to escort him hence to the society of those whom he loved and who loved him dearly. I thought of the joy there would be in the spirit land, when Joseph, and Hyrum, and David, and Willard, and Jedediah, and Parly would welcome him to their midst, and the thousands of others who have gone before, and like them have been faithful. What a welcome to their midst will brother Heber receive! To labor and toil with them in the spirit world in the great work in which we are engaged” (JD,12:184).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:48 “Not appointed unto death” There is a time appointed for every man, according as his works shall be” (D&C 121:25). President Wilford Woodruff elaborated on the means by which the righteous might be appointed unto death: “The Prophet Joseph Smith held the keys of this dispensation on this side of the veil, and he will hold them throughout the countless ages of eternity. He went into the spirit world to unlock the prison doors and to preach the Gospel to the millions of spirits who are in darkness, and every Apostle, every Seventy, every Elder, etc., who has died in the faith as soon as he passes to the other side of the veil, enters into the work of the ministry, and there is a thousand times more to preach there than there is here.
I have felt as late as if our brethren on the other side of the veil had held a council, and that they had said to this one, and that one, ‘cease thy work on earth, come hence, we need help,’ and they have called this man and that man. It has appeared so to me in seeing the many men who have been called from our midst lately. Perhaps I may be permitted to relate a circumstance with which I am acquainted in relation to Bishop Roskelley, of Smithfield, Cache Valley. On one occasion he was suddenly taken very sick – near to death’s door. While he lay in this condition, President Peter Maughan, who was dead, came to him and said: ‘Brother Roskelley, we held a council on the other side of the veil. I have had a great deal to do, and I have the privilege of coming here to appoint one man to come and help. I have had three names given to me in council, and you are one of them. I want to inquire into your circumstances.’
The bishop told him what he had to do, and they conversed together as one man would converse with another. President Maughan then said to him: ‘I think I will not call you. I think you are wanted here more than perhaps one of the others.’ Bishop Roskelley got well from that hour. Very soon after, the second man was taken sick, but not being able to exercise sufficient faith, Brother Roskelley did not go to him. By and by this man recovered, and on meeting Brother Roskelley he said: ‘Brother Maugham came to me the other night and told me he was sent to call one man from the ward,’ and he named two men as had been done to Brother Roskelley. A few days afterwards the third man was taken sick and died. Now, I name this to show a principle. They have work on the other side of the veil; and they want men, and they call them. And that was my view in regard to Brother George A. Smith.
When he was almost at death’s door, Brother Cannon administered to him, and in thirty minutes he was up and ate breakfast with his family. We labored with him in this way, but ultimately, as you know, he died. But it taught me a lesson. I felt that man was wanted behind the veil. We labored also with Brother Pratt; he, too, was wanted behind the veil” (JD, 22:333-34).
Doctrine and Covenants 42:54 “Stewardship” Each individual received a deed to his own personal property and did not have claim on another’s property for his personal use.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:76 “Be watchful” The general law of the Church is that any couple, whose union was initiated by an adulterous relationship, is not to be sealed in the house of the Lord for time and eternity. Any exceptions to this law need to be addressed directly by the First Presidency of the Church. Example: In the course of time it was learned that John C. Bennett had left a wife and three children in the East and was a man of gross sexual immorality. Following the revelation of this true character, John C. Bennett was excommunicated from the Church.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:87 “Delivered up unto the Law” Church discipline is not limited to sexual sins but includes other acts such as murder, abortions, burglary, theft, fraud, and other dishonesty, deliberate disobedience to the rules and regulations of the Church, advocating or practicing polygamy, apostasy, or any other unchristian like conduct, including defiance or ridicule of the Lord’s anointed, contrary to the law of the Lord and the order of the Church” (Keeping Covenants, 37).