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Why DECA?. Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club. DECA?. What do Courtney Cox and Jay Leno have in common? Where can you find more than $250,000 in scholarships? Who provides great opportunities for travel and rewards for your academic success and workplace skills? The answer is ….

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  1. Why DECA? Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club

  2. DECA? • What do Courtney Cox and Jay Leno have in common? • Where can you find more than $250,000 in scholarships? • Who provides great opportunities for travel and rewards for your academic success and workplace skills? • The answer is …. DECA: an Association of Marketing and Entrepreneurship Students

  3. Recognition • DECA's multitude of competitive events at the local, state/provincial and international level give everybody the chance to excel and come away with medals, trophies or scholarships. Whether your preference is writing or speaking, working in groups or individually, concentrating on a business plan or community service, there is a chance to express yourself in a DECA competition that suits your style.

  4. Networking • Through DECA you can build relationships with people who may play important roles in your future. • Leaders from the business community participate with DECA as guest speakers, judges, advisory board members and sponsors for events.

  5. Resume Building By joining DECA you will develop: • Business & Leadership Skills • Participate in Community Service & Fundraising for National Organizations • Develop Research and other Business Skills through Competition

  6. Work Experience • Whether in or out of the classroom, DECA's co–curricular program helps you experience real–world business situations. • DECA provides online business simulations as well as role–play experiences that mirror workplace scenarios. • Plus Through DECA activities such as School Store or competition, students develop real skills that can lead to jobs or internships

  7. Civic Pride • DECA members learn what it takes to make a difference to society. • Whether it is a small project such as a DECA–sponsored community food drive or a national cause, such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association, • DECA members reap the personal rewards of knowing they have had a positive impact on their community and the world.

  8. Fun & Friendship DECA balances career–building with times to relax and bond with other DECA members. Team–building games, dances and other social events are rewards for all of the effort that you put into securing a bright future through DECA.

  9. Scholarships • DECA awards more than $200,000 in scholarships each year. The more you participate in DECA activities and competitive events, the greater your chance for one of DECA's many scholarships.

  10. To learn more… Visit the DECA site www.deca.org Contact your club Advisor Mrs. Ritchey

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